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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
are you serious man? the neighbors tree fell on your shit and disrupted the power?
that sucks man
how are you able to post? i know your phone prob but do you have back up power for that
/i have a bunch of old usb rechargeable power sources
did you talk to the neighbor yet? how about the city

dont worry man, im here for you tell me what shows you want to watch and i will tell you what happened
hang in there brother
Thanks man.this place is fucked.im too embarrassed to show a pic cause are yards are jungles but yeah this sucks.almost completely blocks our main way of getting in or out too.got some guys working on it now.knocked on the neighbors twice.no answer.they are wierd too.hardly ever see them.luckily if our insurance should cover most of it if they wanna get fuckey.


Well-known member
Well luckily I got my electric back on but still no internet.man this is good at least my food won't go bad and my mom can do her kidney dialysis.still sucks


In my empire of dirt
at least you got your power back
hope your mom is doing ok, but thats something she goes to a place for?


Well-known member
at least you got your power back
hope your mom is doing ok, but thats something she goes to a place for?
There's a manual way to do it without a machine but I don't know if she knows how to use it.she could go to a clinic in an emergency but she's too stubborn to go.she would rather miss a treatment

Still got this big fucking tree in my yard.fence was already falling apart but now it's more fucked.gonna just tear it down I think.my mom doesn't even know the property line I don't think.fucked alround.woke me up when it fell.least no one got hurt.could of killed someone

Not gonna have wifi until MONDAY! Fuking sucks
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
The carnival was awesome! Me and Mom went on the "thunder bolt"/Himalaya thing that goes around and around. We went on the Ferris wheel too. We had sausage onions and peppers, cherry dipped ice cream cone, chicken fingers, soda, fried dough. It wàs a good time


In my empire of dirt
The carnival was awesome! Me and Mom went on the "thunder bolt"/Himalaya thing that goes around and around. We went on the Ferris wheel too. We had sausage onions and peppers, cherry dipped ice cream cone, chicken fingers, soda, fried dough. It wàs a good time View attachment 19014227
i said hawk was the king postingwith his camel toe iced cream earlier, but this takes the fair f'n fried cake!
f'n doobah with suhhhgahrr all ovah his face
f.n.hell yeah man!
now i dont know about riding this thunderbolt think that goes round and round, but i will ride the ferris wheel is someone will hold my hand
and you knwo im all for the food
is that @Bababooey in the background?


Well-known member
drinking a Peroni and eating a Big Mac, that's pretty much a perfect day right there.
I was only in there for the beer. Big Mac is not on my list of things to eat. There was so much good food in Rome it would have been a sin to taint it with McD's.
Hows the shoulder nowadays?
My shoulder has held up pretty well. A little stiff at times, but it works OK.
i dont know what those words mean but wouldent azzuro mean blue?
/azure=blue in spanish?
how was it, i would think italians would drink lighter beers
I went to the Google machine on that one, @pop_rocks , and it told me "blue ribbon". My Spanish speaking brain told me azul (accent on the u) is blue. Peroni is a good lager that goes very well with pizza. Today is pizza without Peroni day. Kona beer will have to do.

Good thing no one was hurt by the tree, @shithawk420 , Was it a storm or did it just decide to fall down?

@D. B. Doober , you gotz some walking to do after that carnie food. I can smell the grease in the air. LOL Fun times.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Most of the gummies i take are 10mg/piece, i thought u took 40mg at once and was thinking ur going to be asleep real soon, DB. But those are 5mg pieces so 20mg is manageable, that with a few hits of kief got u feeling good. So u didnt get sleepy at all? That's the thing that prevents me from getting too high, i just go right to nap time, kind of ruins the day for me honestly.

I so rarely have the hiccups that it's almost fun for me to get them, as they dont last long. But i could definitely see it could be tortuous if they dont go away or if theyre aggravating an injury.

LC pizza is like most fast food, good when it's fairly fresh, not great when u have to reheat.

Sucks about the neighbor's tree, but at least power was restored fairly quickly. But the internet is going to be down for longer than that? Maybe some of their wires got damaged. Are you on cable (coax) or phone lines (DSL)?
I kinda want to see ur yard, Hawk, it cant be that bad. I sometimes let my yard grow out too, it's actually healthier for the grass to be longer than short.

Those little traveling circuses are alright, i see them in the burbs every now and again. They got like junior versions of real amusement park rides and all the fair food which is mostly junk but tastes good. There's actually a show on food network thats about carnival foods, it's always some over the top creations like a funnel cake hot dog wrapped in bacon covered in cheeze whiz or some crap like that. Still it's nice to indulge once in a while, but like Buzz said you gotta burn off the calories later.
Dont take this the wrong way, DB, but u dont look like a guy who walks 6 miles a day. Your lightest was 245lbs recently? I guess that's a lot better than before, when u were on the one psych med that blew you up over 350? It's alright tho u just look like a typical american. At least ur moving ur body around on a regular basis, you'd be really bad off if u were overweight and never got off the couch.

Haha i forgot about the local eats, Buzz, yeah i bet u still dream about some of the food u had there. I guess friday pizza days u are trying to recreate as best u can some of the pizzas u had.
It's been a while since i had a peroni but those european lagers were always good, more flavor and alcohol than a typical american lager.


In my empire of dirt
that beer dosent look half bad and at 5.1% it seems easy drinking
i know all about kona beers and they are popular here in san diego
i like the one called big wave i think but they are all pretty good, but maybe light on the abv
it pairs well with pizza i bet
so what is tonight creation? all this morning on my hike im telling myself im going to get a breakfast sandwich from one of those fast food joints
you know, the ones with egg and sausage on a biscuit! it gave me that push
but when i got home i took a hot shower and just ate yellow watermelon my moms friend game me
@D. B. Doober
if you like fairs, you gotta stop by for the san diego county fair doobah!
click on the food link to see whats new!
i dont really go anymore but its always fun to hear what the new fair foods are this year
its always something over the top like deep fried hamburgers (they were kind of gross) or fried candy bars
you kind of see the pattern here, but it can be a fun day out
hope you are hanging in there buddy and im sure hey are going to get a crew out to fix your lines soon
so whats the deal on the fence? and tree removal
i think that should be on your enighbor
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Well-known member
It was windy as hell and it's an old tree.my mom said she knew it was gonna happen.as far as I know the neighbors haven't even came over to talk or nothing.they are in their 60s I think and a bit reclusive.even if I did sue them I'm not sure they would even pay so I might be shit out of luck.really pissed off.gotta get an ultrasound but after that I'll take pics but don't give me too much shit.i got no money for a mower.suppossed to have someone coming over today


Well-known member
Now my mom is saying because she didn't tell the neighbors about the tree they aren't liable? That can't be right. Fuck that.my mom would rather just spend money we don't have to have this tree removed then even talk to the neighbors and confront them.god fucking damnit.now I gotta get some booze and figure this out.im not gonna out right threaten them yet.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Kona beers, eh? So it's a hawaiian brewery? Looks like they offer the same type of beers that most craft brewers make, various types of lagers and ales and ipa's and wheat beers, etc. They should make a pineapple ale or something fun like that.

It's probably for the best u missed the fast food breakfast and just had fruit instead. I love a good greasy breakfast sandwich but stuff can sit like a rock in my gut afterwards.

It's been ages since i went to a fair like that but theyre always fun. What made the deep fried burger gross? Did they pack it full of veggies that got all wilted from the heat?
I think it wouldnt be too much trouble to make deep fried candy bars or oreos at home, maybe just use a nice tempura type batter, can even make it a little salty to counteract the sweetness of the candy. I should probably try it myself one day, diabetes be damned.
U ever have a chocolate covered oreo? I like oreos in general but covering it in chocolate levels it up.

I think Hawk just found a whole summer's worth of wood for grilling, if he can chop that tree up. Waste not want not.
Pops makes a good point, if this tree was weak from age or disease they should have done something about it before it fell onto ur property. But if theyre old pensioners like Hawk said then maybe there's not much he can do. They should at least bring you some home cooked meals or something, some pies or whatever.


Well-known member
Well I talked to one of the neighbors.he acted like he didn't even know.maybe he's a little slow but he said he'd take care of it so hopefully he will get started tommorow.internet is back on so that's good.got my ultrasound done.still waiting for results but she said my liver don't look too bad but could be better.pretty much what I figured


In my empire of dirt
i dont know doob, you think im qualified?
/i like how they have grad school listed as one of the education options
but its crossed my mind, did you know in california fast food workers make $20 min wage! plus you know its free shit for all my friends
Well I talked to one of the neighbors.he acted like he didn't even know.maybe he's a little slow but he said he'd take care of it so hopefully he will get started tommorow.internet is back on so that's good.got my ultrasound done.still waiting for results but she said my liver don't look too bad but could be better.pretty much what I figured
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i think i get it now hawk, that wooden fence is the property line most likely and the tree is on their side of the line
/for some reason i thought you lived in a corn field or something like that
they are responsible for the damage, and not as bad as it sounded at first
its good you talked to them and it sounds like they might make good and i would give them a chance
that is a good looking dog man!

yeah kona is a hawaiian beer and they have a pretty good selection of flavors
its just nothing is really that bold, its all easier drinking type beers
i like them and if you ever see a variety pack pick on up, esp in the summer
im just craving a breakfast sandwich for some reason
right now i think i saw 2x$6 at carls, not bad and i could have the other one for like lunch or dinner
my moms friend went overseas so she cleaned out her fridge so i got dibs on some good stuff!
/want some sushi seaweed wrappers?
most of it was pretty asin so i let my mom take care of that but i like fruit, she also gave me a bunch of bagels, but i dont really eat bagels; if nothing else i can just huck em at the tourists next time im cruising the beach
they dipped the burger in some kind of batter before frying and i just thought it was kind of gross
luckily i was there with a few people and what we would do is take turns buying things and then cut them up so everyone could have a bite
im glad it was only a couple bites because i would not have eaten a whole one
it was more like a sweet funnel cake batter they used, just not my thing
yeah ive had chocolate covered oreos before and im sure they will have the deep fried ones at the fair again this year
one of the new things i saw was a fried green tomato sandwich
i mentioned it to the ex and she thought it sounded ok
/she might be going because she is part of this dance thing that is going to be performing at the fair
the aussie fries are always good too


Well-known member
i like the one called big wave i think but they are all pretty good, but maybe light on the abv
it pairs well with pizza i bet
so what is tonight creation?
Yesterday's pizza (today's lunch ;D) was pepperoni and vidalia onion. I did not caramelize the onions; they are already sweet and it is their season to be lauded.
I'll take pics but don't give me too much shit.i got no money for a mower.
Anybody gives you shit about that sucks, @shithawk420 . You have nothing to be ashamed. Just for your sake and to protect your interests, get in touch with your insurance company if you have homeowner's insurance.
i dont know doob, you think im qualified?
/i like how they have grad school listed as one of the education options
You can add your Life University PhD, Dr. Pops. I see it can be listed under OTHER. You are definitely other. Can I have fries with that?
yeah kona is a hawaiian beer and they have a pretty good selection of flavors
its just nothing is really that bold, its all easier drinking type beers
Tell @Bababooey the best part. It is currently selling for $11.98 per 12 at the Sam Walton Boutique Store. Kona was introduced to the beer cooler several months ago at that low price. Yay Beer! Then one day Kona 12 packs were marked just over $20. They stayed in the cooler at that price. It was not long before the price changed back to $11.98. BLOWS AGAINST THE EMPIRE! I won.

My Let's Go to the Fair Story:
Ft. Myers, FL and MamaD loves fairs, but Buzz is not so enamored. Buzz is a decent human husband so he indulges his life partner with a trip to the fairgrounds. The air is full of the smell of hot grease, fried dough, and sweaty humans. We rode the rides and filled our faces with fair food stuffs. Our time to depart arrived and we headed for the exit gate. We had to walk past the loud mouthed clown in the dunking booth to escape. MamaD was a large sized woman at this point in our marriage and I gallantly moved between her and the sight line of the Evil Clown to protect her from an insult. As we walked past he yelled, "HEY!!! Forehead!" at me. LOL!! I'm not sure why.

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