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New Mission Revealed : Bogs Sour Bubble BX1

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
awww shit, this has got me aching for my plant lol.... methinks im going to have to ask that person very nicely to try again for a third time to send to me and replenish my clone again its been a year since i juned the lat one so i think its been long enough hehe........this time it will be nurtured by virgins in surgical masks, in a pressurised airlock sterile enviroment until 2 doxen saftey copies have been made lol... Provided all is well the person in question and it even still exists... still got a few BX3 pips tho...


Active member
i say keep the males, never know what my happen... esp with bog. there is jusst no solid source for SB beans currently.... and the demand is def there.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Hey there Steel.... My clone is making a comeback.... the very nice chap said yes and i had caught him just when he was going to cut some anyway so imagine its rooting now lol...
Have you got any onfo about that BOG sacramento business mate??


Couple a pics from tha Sour harvest . Very nice , tasty Bubba smoke ....



A little bit o' color with a cold dump , bout 60 days

Edit : Harry , neep no other info on tha Sac club

Enjoy Steele
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The Vermonster

Active member
Steel...nice pics bro....i have a question for ya or anyone else that knows....... I just was gifted 14 sb f2 beans.......13 popped and were sowed today.........What is the average yield per plant using a 2 gall pot filled w/ coco and using AN nutes......how long does this strain usually take to flower??/ I'm excited becuse i heard this strain is the super dank and i was lucky to get some............just dont want to mess it up asw i promised to give clones back to the origial owner of the beans....i thought it was a gr8 deal after reading how potent this stufff is......also what is sour bubble? Where did the genetics come from....only BOG??? Ty for any info posted related to my ???....thanks..


Verm , hella speculation on it's origins of tha cross . Do a search as all tha info is there .
If I may ask what generation of your Sb was incrossed ? With this BX1 gen. Yields are low if flowering bigger plants , I would recommend sog , at least with seed grown out from us . SB is a fast flowerer , finishing in 55-60 days . It is potent , tasty herb , no doubt .

Here's a couple shots of some DMT that went 85 days . We left this nug on , while tha rest of tha plants' seed matured . Tha curled leaves look like they were inoculated with trichs !

Enjoy ,

The Vermonster

Active member
Im pretty sure it was the bx1 but not positive.......like i said i was gifted these and was told they are bog's sour bubble f2's......they all came through the coco and i helped the seed off of the tops so hopefully they all are nice and green when i mist them later.....im excited to grow something that is a fast flowerer as i have been growing Rez's gear(which i like) for a while and takes a good 75-85 days to flower......im ready to work w/ a quicky especially if it'll knock me on my arse......that blockhead looks like a sweet ass strain as well..........hmmmmmm sog.....definately a good idea.......any ideas on an inexpensive sog setup?? I only have 5 grows under my belt so i'm learning something new everyday from threads like these :rasta:
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Farmer John

Still alive.
SB isnt much of a yielder, used to have most of BOG's things in the past, SB being the only one I really miss, it was special. Think I did some of the very first testgrows of that stuff, think I have a pic or two.

Farmer John

Still alive.

That last pic is of the seedplant, the best one we found back then..leaves were size of a lp. Lost most of my pics years back and when OG went down.
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Active member
Steel did you give any clubs in sac your sourbubble or your pk cross ? Because I only found your blue sonja at CWC recently.


OK folks , fer any BAY area peeps , we had a meeting with tha Purchasing Manager down at HarborSide in Oakland . We dropped off our Catalog for viewing and some limited stock of Blue Sonja BX2 & Sour Bubble BX1 1IX . We will be adding several other selections of ours in tha near future , as well as several other folks we're workin' with .

Verm , nice start .

Raygun , look slike some Sour Bub to me ...Nice job

Kinger , CWC was given a very limited stock of all our offerings . Though CWC has "nice" folks workin' there , we have determined that they're knowledge of herb is un-credible . When an employee is telling customers that they've never heard of "Shit" , and don't even recognize tha name Shanti or where SSH came from , I have a Big problem with it . Don't get me wrong , nice folks , they just don't get down like we do .

Mystical , Hit up HarborSide . We dropped 30 packs of each of our selections thus far .

Plantman , nice location . Yeep , tha Sour Bubble is nice no doubt . Killer fer nigh night.

hey steel.. I think my reading comprehension is slow this morning...

I read the thread and love the idea of bringing back the SB .. I've made a huge mistake by not saving any of the genetics I bought from bog o way back..

anyway.. I read about harborside.. is there anywhere on the net.. or have you decided if your gonna throw some packs up on seedbay?

I guess if not.. do you have any info on where we could find bogs gear in cali?
if you want to pm go ahead..but if its free info might as well give it up for everyone..if your not making the beans now.

man these picks bring me back... I wish I could find the old bogglegum too.. I don't know why but for some reason I loved those huge bubble gummy buds :D

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