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New Caledonia


Well-known member
New Caledonia, Flowering Day 42

I´m happy, she is a real beauty, speed of bud development increased a lot since a few days :)

What really confuses me is the combination of burnt leave tips and nutrient deficiency, hard to read.

Let her get hungry to much in the beginning, now i started to feed more and more, room for improvement next time.

Height: 98 cm with training.
Pot: 8 Liters (Light Mix)
Light Schedule: 11.25 / 12.75

Feeding schedule (tap water EC 0.2)
Rot = Hakaphos Rot (8-12-24), MKP = Monokaliumphosphate (PK)

Flowering Day 22: EC 0.4 Calmag (0.2 + 0.2)
Flowering Day 23: EC 0.7 (0.2 H2O + 0.5 Rot), 1 Liter
Flowering Day 26: EC 0.8 (0.2 H2O + 0.6 MKP), 0.5 L + some Epsom Salt
Flowering Day 29: EC 0.8 (0.2 H2O + 0.3 Rot + 0.3 MKP), 550 ml
Flowering Day 32: EC 0.5 (0.2 + 0.3 Rot), 0.5 L
Flowering Day 36: EC 1.0 (0.2 + 0.2 CalMag + 0.6 Rot)
Flowering Day 39: EC 0.6 (0.3 + 0.3 Rot), 0,5 L
Flowering Day 42: EC 0.9 (0.3 + 0.6 Rot), 0.5 L



Active member

Por fin e sacado algo de ganas...
Realmente me están gustando mas de la cuenta, sus trasplantes se realizaron entre el día 29 de julio y el 10 agosto, este es el primer año que no retiro el plástico invernadero, tan solo levante su lateral derecho, pero esto no fue suficiente, comenzaron a mostrar una carencia de cal/mag muy acusada por la alta ahogadora e insoportable temperatura que llego de golpe, sumando el plástico invernadero realmente insoportable, la poca ventilación y la plaga de mosca blanca que a día de hoy no e podido eliminar después de fumigar 3 veces.....

Todo esto creo estragos en Nº1 nº3 y nº5.

Lo primero fue aminoácidos día 4 agosto, sobre el día 12 agosto cal/mag, y el día 14 agosto levante la parte frontal de el plástico invernadero, sin duda el calor era el problema principal, a mas calor mas demanda de cal/mag reduciéndose esta una vez mejor ventilado

Nº1 la que mas acusaba cal/mag, secando sus hojas de manera acelerada aun que sus ramas se mantenían verdes lo cual me hizo pensar que la mosca blanca no era tan debilitante para ella, a diferencia de Nº3 y nº5 las cuales si tenían tallos pálidos y tornando a amarillo blanco.

Nº3 le a costado aun que esta ultima semana esta sacando un mejor color sin duda. la mas afectada por mosca.

Nº5 fue pasada el día 12 de agosto a el invernadero mas grande y ventilado, en una semana estaba mostrando ganas de crecer y buenas ramas secundarias.

Nº2 de manera intermitente a mostrado resistencia a la enorme plaga de mosca blanca, en unas ocasiones lucia mas radiante en otras menos , ligera demanda de cal/mag.

Nª4 de igual forma que nº2, aun que acusada en las zonas mas pegadas a el tallo y a unos 10cm de alto desde su tallo central, en un principio mas afectada en general, ligera demanda de cal/mag.

Nº6 se mantuvo mas sana, aun que en esta etapa se nota algo mas la plaga de mosca blanca en ella, se puede decir que el 90% de las moscas están en ella pero apenas le provoca daños, esta ultima semana esta creciendo como una Ballena, mas apreciable en directo, y a día 17 de septiembre ni rastro de flores, aun que va avisando que en una semana comenzara, voy a subir las fotos que tengo de ellas no esperéis gran calidad de fotos pero si unas cuantas por que son 4 días distintos de cada una .......ya comentare sobre ellas...


Active member
I finally got some desire...

I really like them more than necessary, their transplants were carried out between July 29 and August 10, this is the first year that I did not remove the greenhouse plastic, I only raised its right side, but this was not enough, they began to show a very pronounced lack of lime/mag due to the high suffocating and unbearable temperature that arrived suddenly, adding the truly unbearable greenhouse plastic, the poor ventilation and the whitefly infestation that to this day I have not been able to eliminate after fumigating 3 times.....

All this created havoc in No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5.

The first thing was amino acids on August 4, on August 12 cal/mag, and on August 14 I raised the front part of the greenhouse plastic, without a doubt the heat was the main problem, the more heat the more demand for lime/mag was reduced. it is once better ventilated

No. 1 was the one that showed the most lime/mag, drying its leaves rapidly even though its branches remained green, which made me think that the whitefly was not so debilitating for it, unlike No. 3 and No. 5 which did have pale stems. and turning yellow white.

No. 3 has cost him even though this last week he is getting a better color without a doubt. the most affected by flies.

Nº5 was transferred on August 12 to the largest and most ventilated greenhouse, in a week it was showing desire to grow and good secondary branches.

No. 2 has intermittently shown resistance to the enormous whitefly infestation, on other occasions it looked more radiant, on other occasions less, slight demand for lime/mag.

No. 4 in the same way as No. 2, although pronounced in the areas closest to the stem and about 10cm high from its central stem, initially more affected in general, slight demand for lime/mag.

No. 6 remained healthier, although at this stage the whitefly infestation is more noticeable in it, it can be said that 90% of the flies are in it but it barely causes damage, this last week it is growing like a Whale , more noticeable live, and on September 17 there is no sign of flowers, although it is warning that it will begin in a week, I am going to upload the photos I have of them. Don't expect great quality photos but do expect a few because it is 4 days different from each one......I will comment on them...

No. 1 on August 4 and a general one on August 7

Nº1 dia 4 de agosto y una general del dia 7 de agosto.

nc1 4 agosto (1).jpg nc1 4 agosto (3).jpg nc1 4 agosto (4).jpg nc1 4 agosto (5).jpg nc1 4 agosto (6).jpg


2 (2).jpg 2 (3).jpg 2 (6).jpg 2 (7).jpg


Active member
Nº3 August 14

No hay fotos de el dia 4 pasamos a dia 14 agusto
Ella fue la que parecía mostrar alguna flor macho, por el momento flores hembra pero esta bajo inspección, algo mas débil, pero sigue aqui.

There are no photos from day 4 we move on to day 14 August
She was the one that seemed to show some male flowers, at the moment female flowers but it is under inspection, somewhat weaker, but still here.

1 (4).jpg 1 (6).jpg 1 (8).jpg

Nº3 August 29

2 (1).jpg 2 (2).jpg 2 (3).jpg 2 (4).jpg 2 (5).jpg 2 (6).jpg 2 (7).jpg

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