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New Caledonia


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nc4 26 7  (1).jpg nc4 26 7  (2).jpg nc4 26 7  (3).jpg nc4 26 7  (4).jpg nc4 26 7  (5).jpg nc4 26 7  (6).jpg nc4 26 7  (7).jpg


Active member

nc5 26 7  (1).jpg nc5 26 7  (3).jpg nc5 26 7  (5).jpg nc5 26 7  (6).jpg nc5 26 7  (7).jpg nc5 26 7  (8).jpg nc5 26 7  (9).jpg

Despues de el fish mix mostraban garras abajo, el calor estaba sofocando sus raíces, sus hojas tambien se mostraban hacia arriba, en el trasplante observo raíces sanas en abundancia pero no colonizando el sustrato dejando la zona cental sin raizes y alguno de sus laterales, sin gran maza en el fondo... sin duda el calor agobiante, con temperaturas mas suaves o con maceta mas grande esto podría cambiar ya que en sus primeros trasplantes su raíz era mayor, no obstante su raíz es sana.

After the fish mix they showed claws down, the heat was suffocating their roots, their leaves also showed up, in the transplant I observed healthy roots in abundance, but not colonizing the substrate, leaving the central zone without roots and some of its sides, without a large club at the bottom... without a doubt the oppressive heat, with milder temperatures or with a larger pot, this could change since in its first transplants its root was larger, however its root is healthy.
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Well-known member

View attachment 18870861 View attachment 18870862 View attachment 18870863 View attachment 18870864 View attachment 18870865 View attachment 18870866 View attachment 18870867

Despues de el fish mix mostraban garras abajo, el calor estaba sofocando sus raíces, sus hojas tambien se mostraban hacia arriba en el trasplante observo raíces sanas en abundancia pero no colonizando el sustrato dejando la zona cental sin raizes y alguno de sus laterales, sin gran maza en el fondo... sin duda el calor agobiante, con temperaturas mas suaves o con maceta mas grande esto podría cambiar ya que en sus primeros trasplantes su raíz era mayor, no obstante su raíz es sana.

After the fish mix, they showed claws down, the heat was suffocating their roots, their leaves also showed up in the transplant. I observed healthy roots in abundance but not colonizing the substrate, leaving the central area without roots and some of its sides, without much mace in the background... without a doubt the oppressive heat, with milder temperatures or with a larger pot this could change since in its first transplants its root was larger, however its root is healthy

Great review Libre and very beautiful plants. My favorite would definitely be No5. Leaning tower of Ganja 😁


Active member

nc6 26 7  (1).jpg nc6 26 7  (2).jpg nc6 26 7  (3).jpg nc6 26 7  (4).jpg nc6 26 7  (5).jpg nc6 26 7  (6).jpg nc6 26 7  (7).jpg

Me esta gustando, me cuesta descifrar pero poco a poco, si es cierto que algo tailandes veo en ellas, mas ahora que en sus inicios por su estructura alocada en algunas, Nº2 me perecía la hoja de NL salvo por su estructura columnar me recordaba mucho a ella, pensaba en que quizás seria la tailandesa de ese supuesto 10% tailandes en NL hehehe ....

Por otra parte me recuerdan algunas sativas nepalis, sin duda tienen su encanto, en dos de ellas ahora solo en una se aprecia la nuez moscada dulce y en ocasiones constante, Nº5 me recuerda a híbridos con sativas y híbridos pakistaníes o afganas por hay va la cosa...

Curiosamente al igual que en CBD 1 veo cierto parecido con las Sour, en este caso algunas muy diesel, quizás de hay su parte mexicana, me cuesta descifrar pero poco a poco.

I'm liking it, it's hard for me to decipher but little by little, if it's true that I see something Thai in them, more now than in its beginnings due to its crazy structure in some, Nº2 resembled the NL sheet except for its columnar structure it reminded me a lot to her, I thought that perhaps she would be the Thai of that supposed 10% Thai in NL hehehe ....

On the other hand, they remind me of some Nepalese sativas, without a doubt they have their charm, in two of them now only one can appreciate the sweet and sometimes constant nutmeg, Nº5 reminds me of hybrids with sativas and Pakistani or Afghan hybrids because of there is the stuff...

Curiously, as in CBD 1, I see a certain similarity with the Sour, in this case some very diesel, perhaps there is a Mexican part, it is difficult for me to decipher but little by little.

Espero terminar mañana.............

I hope to finish tomorrow............

nc6 26 7 doblado (1).jpg nc6 26 7 doblado (3).jpg nc6 26 7 doblado (4).jpg
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Well-known member
I forgot to post some pics of these ladies. They were a handful to grow and I didn’t do the best job. These were grown in 5 litres of coco/perlite 60/40.
First one has a general fruitiness to it with a bit of a minty background. Taste incredible in my vaporizer.


Second one is pretty fruity as well with a distinct orange peel scent coming through.


Both have a very powerful effect. I’m not great as describing these kind of things but it’s great for social occasions . I find they make me find things funny I probably wouldn’t otherwise and just generally puts me in a good mood. Wonderful stuff.


ACE Seeds Breeder
@libre you never cease to amaze me with all the organoleptic details you are able to find in your cannabis plants, you are on another, higher level my friend ;)

Although i was very impressed with the vibes of the plants and stem rubs when we first started working with New Caledonia, the stem rubs were not representative of the amazing tropical fruity scents yet to come from the flowers of the strain while ripening.

I also had trouble trying to discern the origins of this sativa genetics. The structure during growth, happy effects and the fruity terps remind me some fruity mexicans, but at flowering stage they stretch like mad, like tropical sativas do (if they have enough space for the roots). The psychoactivity is closer to a bright, uplifting, non anxious-non paranoid, potent, prime quality Thai. I could be wrong, but that's my best way to desribe the qualities of this line in terms most sativa lovers would understand. Nonetheless, this genetics feels new and fresh compared with mainstream sativa lines in the market. It has that tropical island holiday vibe that i love so much :)

Have you considered to prune them to enhance lateral branching ? Or do you prefer to finish them in their natural shape ?

Glad to know you are going to transplant them to bigger pots with a soil in correct ph for upcoming flowering :yes: they will reward you for sure hehehee and correct, i don't think they will need ec higher than 1.2 for flowering stage.


ACE Seeds Breeder
I forgot to post some pics of these ladies. They were a handful to grow and I didn’t do the best job. These were grown in 5 litres of coco/perlite 60/40.
First one has a general fruitiness to it with a bit of a minty background. Taste incredible in my vaporizer.

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Second one is pretty fruity as well with a distinct orange peel scent coming through.
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Both have a very powerful effect. I’m not great as describing these kind of things but it’s great for social occasions . I find they make me find things funny I probably wouldn’t otherwise and just generally puts me in a good mood. Wonderful stuff.

You said you didn't make the best job with them @Mountainkush but your New Caledonian flowers look spectacular and you have shared probably the best finished pics we have seen of the sativa version of this strain up to date :D

And you really got the vibe of the strain, that vibe that enhances everything: social meetings, work, mood, sex, warm positive thinking, energy, music, sounds and visuals of a beautiful landscape, ... everything except relaxing and sleep, although is not so rigid for relaxing like some sativas do of cold, very caffeinic effects and not so warm thinking flow.

She is perfect for summer holidays ;) Enjoy!

PD: Honestly, i didn't find much growers interested in this new strain since it was released, and it hurts because i really believe is the best sativa landrace/heriloom we have released in years, especially for terps and effects which are the most important traits at the end. Sometimes i doubt, if people cannot appreciate the qualities of this sativa, why ACE should work on new landrace sativa preservations and releases ? But experiences and feedback like yours and others makes me think in a more positive way. Thank so you so much! 🥰


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thank you for joining us @early_bird :) Did already show its gender ? If it's a female looks so far tamed and well behaved. Are you growing and flowering indoors ? Are the other strains in the grow much more compact at this point ?


Well-known member
Dubi this sounds so awesome, i really like to grow different phenos of it and explore this strain in it´s full beauty :huggg:
It may needs some time to get popular, over the years ACE got so much interesting sativas in the catalogue a lot of them drawing my attention for years now, when i start growing again my attention was also at other strains first, before i even regnorize this one here in the thread.

Size, i just have a "beyond the brain" to compare which is more compact and the NC clearly grows faster at this stage, it´s still in veg, so can´t say anything about gender yet. In case of a male a second one is just coming behind with 12 days delay :)

I veg currently under 6500 K LED Lights, everything is super compact there.
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Well-known member
You said you didn't make the best job with them @Mountainkush but your New Caledonian flowers look spectacular and you have shared probably the best finished pics we have seen of the sativa version of this strain up to date :D

And you really got the vibe of the strain, that vibe that enhances everything: social meetings, work, mood, sex, warm positive thinking, energy, music, sounds and visuals of a beautiful landscape, ... everything except relaxing and sleep, although is not so rigid for relaxing like some sativas do of cold, very caffeinic effects and not so warm thinking flow.

She is perfect for summer holidays ;) Enjoy!

PD: Honestly, i didn't find much growers interested in this new strain since it was released, and it hurts because i really believe is the best sativa landrace/heriloom we have released in years, especially for terps and effects which are the most important traits at the end. Sometimes i doubt, if people cannot appreciate the qualities of this sativa, why ACE should work on new landrace sativa preservations and releases ? But experiences and feedback like yours and others makes me think in a more positive way. Thank so you so much! 🥰
That’s a pretty scary thing to say Dubi. Please don’t stop making things like this available.
I know myself I’m limited to a small indoor tent to flower stuff like this so some things.

I’ve got seeds from ace that won’t be grown for years. It’s really hard to decide what gets started next.
I’ve got lots of new seeds to start but my next run will be some of my wife’s favourites.
She wants new jars of:
Purple zamal x Panama
Congo#3 x bangi haze
And I miss them as well.
After that my plan is either Honduras or Thai.
Unless you come out with something else that takes my attention.
Anyway, just wanted you to know I appreciate so much what you guys do.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Your wife has good taste for sativas @Mountainkush ;) Mine is completely sober, so i save all the highs for me hehehehe ying/yang. It's very important to keep wife happy first in order to have smooth daily family time.
Thanks for the encouragement, much appreciated. This year and next one there won't be new landrace releases, i keep hearing loud outside voices telling me is not financially interesting, and the work on developing new super sativa strains by joining ACE and Nevil genetics has taken lots of our resources in the last 4-5 years.

To have the chance to work with Nevil Haze elite clones is a dream come true for me and i cannot thank @Yo Sammy enough for that. Eventually, i'm quite pleased with all the new super sativa strains developed including Nevil's genetics, especially with the 2 new ones from this year (Panama A5 Haze and Super Panama Haze), so i think we can take a break in this working field and go back to work with new landraces soon :)

To work on new landraces not explored yet is what brings more joy to me when breeding and working with cannabis plant. And to make arrive new, unique landrace genetics not found anywhere and feel the excitement of the growers for the first time is the best feeling, has no replacement. You don't know how good i felt after experiencing New Caledonia for the first time, and thinking to spread this new sativa genetics to the masses.

Sorry for the rambling, i should go the psychologist cabinet to share all this :ROFLMAO:

You are right @early_bird it takes a few years to growers to realize the potential of a new landrace, and to be honest, without all of you sharing your experiences about them in this forum it would be much more difficult to make it happen. 🥰
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Ras Kali Rasta

Well-known member
Your wife has good taste for sativas @Mountainkush ;) Mine is completely sober, so i save all the highs for me hehehehe ying/yang. It's very important to keep wife happy first in order to have smooth daily family time.
Thanks for the encouragement, much appreciated. This year and next one there won't be new landrace releases, i keep hearing loud outside voices telling me is not financially interesting, and the work on developing new super sativa strains by joining ACE and Nevil genetics has taken lots of our resources in the last 4-5 years.

To have the chance to work with Nevil Haze elite clones is a dream come true for me and i cannot thank @Yo Sammy enough for that. Eventually, i'm quite pleased with all the new super sativa strains developed including Nevil's genetics, especially with the 2 new ones from this year (Panama A5 Haze and Super Panama Haze), so i think we can take a break in this working field and go back to work with new landraces soon :)

To work on new landraces not explored yet is what brings more joy to me when breeding and working with cannabis plant. And to make arrive new, unique landrace genetics not found anywhere and feel the excitement of the growers for the first time is the best feeling, has no replacement. You don't know how good i felt after experiencing New Caledonia for the first time, and thinking to spread this new sativa genetics to the masses.

Sorry for the rambling, i should go the psychologist cabinet to share all this :ROFLMAO:

You are right @early_bird it takes a few years to growers to realize the potential of a new landrace, and to be honest, without all of you sharing your experiences about them in this forum it would be much more difficult to make it happen. 🥰

Hey dubi,
You'll have to give me some tips on keeping a sober Spanish woman happy ;-)
Thanks for working on the landraces even when it's not so expedient, financially. To tread the path of the artist who produces the fruit of their passion and offers it up in faith, takes courage and commitment.

I've been loving the New Caledonia. Out of five females, I got a couple of plants with a very Thai like Bud structure. The other three were of a medium bud density. I think they would handle both humid and dry conditions quite well. Mine were pretty much 12/12 from seed and still yielded very well. I think that most plants will finish by late April here around 27S. The long flowering outliers might take up to mid May.
Flavours and aromas are not quite what I expected, although my Zamaldelica fems were quite different this year. This indicates to me that the calcium deficiency and heat stress issues I had took their toll on the terpenes, as the Zamaldelica fems are usually very consistent.
Flavours are like a bag of fruity snake lollies but more the sweeter darker ones than the citric ones. I think the lemony terps would be more present if better grown.
The effects are clear, energetic (but not in a hard driving way, peaceful and playful. One of the plants of more squat structure and shorter flowering length has a bit of a drunken feel in the body, while remaining clear headed.
These are pretty strong for a landrace. The last girl to come down is approaching Zamaldelica level potency. She is an unusual one in that she was quite squat and bushy with relatively broad leaves for such a long flowering plant. She had the highest yields. I'll be looking for a keeper like her on a future run.

I haven't had anything like these before, either from Ace or elsewhere.
A great cultivar for anyone looking for something a bit off the beaten track without sacrificing consistency, potency, flavour and yield. I think she could appeal to both sativa and indica lovers.


Well-known member
Put them to into flower in 2 L Pot yesterday, instantly increasing growing speed and size and stretches out, may also due the much more reddish light (before 6500K Led, now Sanlight Evo)

Planted to 8L fabric pot today and trying to tame it. The upper leaves getting noticable thinner more sativa style.

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ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks a lot for your feedback @Ras Kali Rasta 🥰 Really happy to know you are enjoying this new line so much and that your results came out in line with my experience and strain description for flowering times, fruity candy terps and for clear energetic effects. Enjoy!

@early_bird to transplant her to a bigger pot for flowering stage was a good move :yes: that's approx the capacity of the pots i recommend to flower sativas indoors.


Active member
NC, 5th Gen growing in the Sierra.


I like this Strain a lot and it became somewhat of my "standard" bud besides having variety. Such a great daytime smoke. Very tasty and it gives me a mood enhancing, "positive vibrations", effect while keeping me functional. Also great for parties, social gatherings, music, sex... I try to have always minimum 2-3 NC females going on in the gardens to have a steady supply.

This run, after transplanting and sorting out the males, the ladies basically didn't received any more attention and I just left them grow under the carribean sun. Lots of rainfalls so no need of irrigation as well. Just checked them here and then and was always amazed by their development.

Start of flowering


Same Plant exactly 1 Month later

Week 7


Week 8


Week 10

Week 12
View attachment 18873253

Took them down between 12-14 weeks of flowering.
The resistance in this very humid environment impresses me every time. A bit more care and pest management would have been needed to get the perfect result but very happy with what I've got from them with very little effort. A Tropical Champion for me.

Thank you @dubi for releasing this Gem.


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The Zientist

Well-known member
Your wife has good taste for sativas @Mountainkush ;) Mine is completely sober, so i save all the highs for me hehehehe ying/yang. It's very important to keep wife happy first in order to have smooth daily family time.
Thanks for the encouragement, much appreciated. This year and next one there won't be new landrace releases, i keep hearing loud outside voices telling me is not financially interesting, and the work on developing new super sativa strains by joining ACE and Nevil genetics has taken lots of our resources in the last 4-5 years.

To have the chance to work with Nevil Haze elite clones is a dream come true for me and i cannot thank @Yo Sammy enough for that. Eventually, i'm quite pleased with all the new super sativa strains developed including Nevil's genetics, especially with the 2 new ones from this year (Panama A5 Haze and Super Panama Haze), so i think we can take a break in this working field and go back to work with new landraces soon :)

To work on new landraces not explored yet is what brings more joy to me when breeding and working with cannabis plant. And to make arrive new, unique landrace genetics not found anywhere and feel the excitement of the growers for the first time is the best feeling, has no replacement. You don't know how good i felt after experiencing New Caledonia for the first time, and thinking to spread this new sativa genetics to the masses.

Sorry for the rambling, i should go the psychologist cabinet to share all this :ROFLMAO:

You are right @early_bird it takes a few years to growers to realize the potential of a new landrace, and to be honest, without all of you sharing your experiences about them in this forum it would be much more difficult to make it happen. 🥰
Rest assured that the 2 packs I have stored from New Cal will soon see the lights. 😌

Can't wait to see another genetic pocket from your making maestro.

Eventually it will generate ripple marks in given time, some releases can be late bloomers. If you feel so highly about this release in particular I'm sure eventually it won't stay unnoticed for much longer.

Keep projecting your intention and your motivation up!

Take care dubi.


Active member
Somehow it does not show the photo of week 12 and can't edit it since I've reached upload limit.

So here u go
Top Bud week 12

Since I live in, lets say, pretty rustic conditions, drying and storing is a huge issue for me and Im always experimenting around with different techniques like bamboo "Thai style" etc but never tried bricking in banana bark until I saw the post from @funkyhorse.
Big up for sharing the knowledge and showing the technique!
Made my first banana bricks with NC 2.5 months ago. Gonna try them soon.

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Well-known member
Somehow it does not show the photo of week 12 and can't edit it since I've reached upload limit.

So here u go
Top Bud week 12
View attachment 18873440

Since I live in, lets say, pretty rustic conditions, drying and storing is a huge issue for me and Im always experimenting around with different techniques like bamboo "Thai style" etc but never tried bricking in banana bark until I saw the post from @funkyhorse.
Big up for sharing the knowledge and showing the technique!
Made my first banana bricks with NC 2.5 months ago. Gonna try them soon.

View attachment 18873462
Can you pleae share your experience once it cures properly. This banana leaves technique intriguing


Curious Cannivore
I've been missing the tutti fruiti of the #1. I just popped one seed and now I'm waiting on the second to break the soil. If I get males I am not concerned as I may use them to fertilize an Oaxacan. :D I just took more clones of my O79 x Panama and put the mom into flower. Also have a O79 x Malawi Gold from Musta that just popped up. And I have more Red Snakes starting as well as Cryptic Labs Oaxacan and Punta Cometa Oaxacan from Snowhigh.

This was such stellar weed! Thank you for bringing it to us dubi. I totally hear you on the appeal to the masses of these boutique sativa's and it must be very frustrating when they go slowly. All I can say is that I feel sorry for folks who only want 27% THC Cookiewookiecrap because they saw some celebrity smoking it and think it's the best ever because of the high THC.

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