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New Caledonia


Active member
Día 9/6

Day 6/9


nc 1 (2).jpg nc 1 (3).jpg nc 1 (4).jpg


nc2 9 junio  (1).jpg nc2 9 junio  (10).jpg nc2 9 junio  (12).jpg


nc3  (1).jpg nc3  (3).jpg nc3  (17).jpg nc3  (18).jpg


Well-known member
Nice plants libre, thanks for sharing the pictures.
Seems they stretch a little in hunt for light ?

I just love the grow structure of NC, seems to have a overall very columnar growing pattern.

I had other plans, but couldn´t resist and spontaneously popped 2 beans today, try to squeeze in flowering room hopefully soon, i pics if the party get started :)
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Active member
Sin duda ellas buscan luz ,pero supongo que la propia estructura de la planta es así, un poco de las dos cosas, comenzó el calor fuerte y el sol hace 2 semanas, a estado lloviendo y nublado por aquí.
Han estado demasiado juntas hasta hace bien poco, de hecho han reaccionado tal como esperaba, aunque ciertamente son columnares ,ellas están tomando un verde intenso aun que en las fotos no se aprecia,no se por que el móvil tendía a aclarar las fotos en modo normal...

El día 20 tendrán un trasplante, comienzo a doblarlas mañana para ir colocando, pero antes de eso quiero pasar las dos mas ``Indicas´´ a tierra creo que Nº5 podría ser una de ellas tengo alguna mas en mente, cual pondrías para acompañar a la Nº5 @dubi es un lugar mas frió octubre es de chaqueta doble aunque H.breeze aguanto bien hasta la primera semana de noviembre, no estarán en invernadero pero si les pondré plástico por encima en octubre, la zona donde están me lo facilita, si pasan mediados de noviembre no seria buena idea, acompañaran a zenit y GtA5 haze ...
No descarto mover alguna mas sativa de estas junto a tirah
:love: :love: :love:

Undoubtedly they look for light, but I suppose that the structure of the plant itself is like this, a bit of both, the strong heat and the sun began 2 weeks ago, it has been raining and cloudy around here.

They have been too close together until very recently, in fact they have reacted as expected, although certainly some are more columnar, a little space and their lateral branches will grow better, they are taking on an intense green even though it is not appreciated in the photos, I don't know why the mobile tended to lighten the photos in normal model

On the 20th they will have a transplant, I start folding them tomorrow to start placing them, but before that I want to move the two more ``Indicas'' to the ground. I think Nº5 could be one of them. I have some more in mind, which one would you put to accompany No. 5, Dubi, is a colder place, October has a double jacket, although H.breeze can hold up well until the first week of November. They will not be in a greenhouse, but if I put plastic over them in October, the area where they are makes it easier for me. If they pass mid-November it would not be a good idea, they will accompany zenit and GtA5 haze...
I do not rule out moving some more sativa of these together with tirah
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Well-known member
The new stars in my mother cabinet, 2 New Caledonia :)
Vegiday 16 for the one in the middle at the front (small 0.5 L pot), right to a NC Baby on her 4th day (2L pot).
Very indica looking leaves so far.

The plan ist to let them grow a while in the mother cabinet in 2L pots, put them in the flower room into 3.5 L pots and transplant the ladys to 11 Liter after showing sex (together with 2 Mandalas, but they seems to get good friends).

If i have still space left then some Kali China ist waiting to start :yummy:


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ACE Seeds Breeder
You don't know how happy makes me feel to see you growing several New Caledonians this outdoor season @libre ;) Initially they show wider leaves and columnar growth, but they start to show more extreme sativa traits after reaching sexual maturity, branching can be quite strong when grown in bigger, wider pots.
Thanks a lot for the detailed updates on their progress.

Glad you also have started a couple @early_bird :D I love so much this strain that i'm always excited to see good growers giving a try to this genetics.


Active member
Nº1 Resinada en su tallo, dedos algo pegados... Resina de pino, disolvente, un toque a bechamel destacando ligeramente la nuez moscada y mas ligero olor a leche, de fondo algo dulce, ligeramente algo relativamente mentolado, sin olor aparente al acercarse.

Nº2 Resinada en su tallo dedos pegados... Algún tipo de madera suave, galleta integral con avena no dulce,(tipo digestive) algún tipo de cítrico, algo herbal junto a el cítrico, cierto aloe vera, pero no a aloína, frotando un poco mas, desprende un ligero olor a saltamontes pisado y a abamectina contra ácaro rojo, el olor que desprende ella al acercarse es de un muy intenso aroma dulce café, realmente interesante.

Nº3 algo menos resinada Inicialmente sin olor, insistiendo en diferentes partes desprende un ligero olor a flor de cerezas y madera suave de tal vez cerezo,, un agradable y ligero olor a ciruela madura blanca amarilla, sin dulce a pesar de la ciruela madura, olor a menta de manera muy ligera y fugaz muy leve y apenas perceptible, quizás hay mas pero es leve a la vez que agradables y muy interesantes, al rozar desprende olor a gazpacho algo dulce marcado, olor ligero y agradable a tomatera y algo de pepino con fondo picante suave sin provocar estornudo

Nº4 Resinada en su tallo, dedos pegados... Ligera madera, algo intenso y fresca menta, olor intenso a vicks vaporub, cierto olor a mantillo, como a tierra de depuradora de agua,finalmente picante sin olor a resinas aceites o hachís, esporádicas rafagas a coca cola, sin olor aparente al acercarse, tal vez un muy suave olor a marihuana.

Nº5 Muy resinada y grasienta puedes notar una montañita de resina grasienta al frotar el tallo, dedos muy pegajosos con textura espesa, olor a madera ligera pasando a intensa frotando una vez mas, desprendiendo un olor a resina muy intenso algo hostigante y penetrante, al acercarse olor a café dulce realmente definido.

Nº6 Resinada y grasienta en su tallo de manera notable... Muy fresco y algo dulce y fuerte a maracuya muy agradable,algo de aloe vera, se que hay mas olores de hecho esta a mi lado, pero estoy fumando algo muy uva que salio de R1 a.Zamal a.Malawi que me deja entre cansado y atontado jejeje, al acercarse hay olor a saltamontes pisado, olor claro a abamectina, con olor a intenso café dulce de manera intermitente junto a el aloe vera, un picante algo intenso notable, sentí relajación, activación y algo centrado de mente con su olor a dulce maracuya.

Nº1 Resinated on its stem, fingers somewhat glued... Pine resin, solvent, a touch of béchamel slightly highlighting nutmeg and a lighter smell of milk, something sweet in the background, slightly somewhat relatively menthol, no apparent odor when approaching.

No. 2 Resinated on its stem fingers stuck... Some kind of soft wood, whole grain biscuit with non-sweet oats, (digestive type) some kind of citrus, something herbal along with the citrus, some aloe vera, but not aloin, rubbing a A little more, it gives off a slight smell of stepped grasshoppers and abamectin against red mites, the smell that it gives off when approaching is a very intense sweet coffee aroma, really interesting.

Nº3 somewhat less resinated Initially without odor, insisting on different parts gives off a slight odor of cherry blossoms and perhaps soft cherry wood, a pleasant and slight odor of ripe white-yellow plum, without sweetness despite the ripe plum, odor of mint in a very light and fleeting way, very slight and barely perceptible, perhaps there is more but it is mild as well as pleasant and very interesting, when touched it gives off a somewhat markedly sweet smell of gazpacho, a light and pleasant smell of tomato and some cucumber with mild spicy background without causing a sneeze

Nº4 Resinated on its stem, fingers stuck together... Light wood, something intense and fresh mint, intense smell of vicks vaporub, a certain smell of mulch, like earth from a water treatment plant, finally spicy without the smell of resins, oils or hashish, sporadic bursts of coke, no apparent odor when approaching, perhaps a very faint smell of marijuana.

Nº5 Very resined and greasy, you can notice a small amount of greasy resin when rubbing the stem, very sticky fingers with a thick texture, light wood smell becoming intense rubbing once more, giving off a very intense smell of resin, something harassing and penetrating, when approaching really defined sweet coffee smell.

Nº6 Remarkably resinous and greasy on its stem... Very fresh and somewhat sweet and strong passion fruit, very pleasant, some aloe vera, I know there are more smells, in fact it is next to me, but I am smoking something very grape that came out from R1 to.Zamal to.Malawi that leaves me between tired and groggy hehehe, when approaching there is a smell of stepped grasshoppers, a clear smell of abamectin, with an intermittent smell of intense sweet coffee together with aloe vera, a notable somewhat intense spiciness , I felt relaxation, activation and something centered in my mind with its smell of sweet passion fruit.


Active member
Fotos de el día 26 julio, germine 1 mes antes de lo previsto pero aun así han retenido bien en sus macetas de 10 litros, con ph alrededor de 8,7 han resistido sin ningún problema, un puñado muy esporádico de estiércol cada 20 días en tierra reutilizada, con ligero acuse de nitrógeno pero no en gran medida, alrededor de 800ml de agua por día con temperaturas muy agobiantes debajo de el invernadero, una vez necesitan agua agachan la cabeza de manera rapida, aun que hay alguna que resiste un poco mas, por el contrario estos ultimos 10 días recibieron 2 riegos con fish mix ligero dejando el ph a 5.0 ocasionando bloqueo de Potasio en al menos 4 de ellas, por otra parte, ellas empiezan a mostrar un verde claro en sus yemas, alguna comienza a pedir algo de calcio, creo que se estan preparando aun que no espero ver flores hasta primeros de septiembre, no descarto que alguna comience antes, decido trasplantar y organizar la terraza, terminan las pruebas, una tierra rica y bien fertilizada y riegos a ph 6.5, creo que e de tener cuidado con ellas puede que no suba su Ec por encima de 1200 en floración.

Photos from July 26, I germinated 1 month earlier than expected but even so they have retained well in their 10-liter pots, with a ph around 8.7 they have resisted without any problem, a very sporadic handful of manure every 20 days in reused soil, with a slight amount of nitrogen but not to a great extent, around 800ml of water per day with very oppressive temperatures under the greenhouse, once they need water they quickly bow their heads, although there are some that resist a little more On the contrary, these last 10 days they received 2 irrigations with a light fish mix, leaving the ph at 5.0, causing Potassium blockage in at least 4 of them, on the other hand, they begin to show a light green in their buds, some begin to ask some calcium, I think they are getting ready even though I don't expect to see flowers until the beginning of September, I don't rule out that some start earlier, I decide to transplant and organize the terrace, the tests are over, a rich and well fertilized soil and irrigation at ph 6.5, I think that if you are careful with them, their Ec may not rise above 1200 during flowering.

Nº1 26 July

8725y (2).jpg nc1 26 7 (1).jpg nc1 26 7 (5).jpg nc1 26 7 (6).jpg nc1 26 7 (7).jpg nc1 26 7 (8).jpg nc1 26 7.jpg
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Active member

Me pareció ver lo que eran dos flores machos al mostrar sexo, pero no estoy del todo seguro, las siguientes fueron preflores hembras estas si bien definidas e identificable, la pase a 7 litros hace 5 días y se a notado, comienza a estirar sus ramas pasara a 25 litros las demás a 40 litros salvo nº2 que estará en 27 litros aprox.

I thought I saw what two male flowers were when they showed sex, but I'm not entirely sure, the following were female pre-flowers, these were well defined and identifiable, I passed it to 7 liters 5 days ago and it has been noticed, it begins to stretch its branches The others will go to 25 liters to 40 liters except for number 2, which will be approximately 27 liters.

nc3 26 7 (1).jpg nc3 26 7 (2).jpg nc3 26 7 (3).jpg nc3 26 7 (4).jpg