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New Caledonia


Well-known member
In my mind the New Caledonia was a thin leaf stretchy sativa but it looks by the pics she's a balanced looking hybrid. Which is not bad at all, considering all the other plants I have(mostly hybrids now).
I have one seedling, it's the most vigorous of all my seedlings and I really hope it's not a male plant.
Will have to wait a month to verify...
Fingers crossed.


Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Damn I’m High @dubi
I absolutely love this particular New Caledonia I just got into. I ran her 16 weeks and chopped her 2 weeks back. I ended up with just over 10.5 ounces of some really delicate feathery/foxtail buds that I trimmed and stuck in curing bags. She was still throwing tons of fresh pistils and probably could have kept going a few more weeks but I needed to clean the tent out to prep for a vacation. Not the best grow I’ve done, she was in a back corner and I don’t think ever was truly happy with the soil she was in.
Smell while hanging was extremely fresh carrot and maybe turnip root vegetable smell. When trimming some fruitiness comes through along with carrot and a little bit of an herbal smell.

What I got into smoking today was just the bit I didn’t finish trimming up that went completely dry while hanging… holy shit skittles dude!
I have that super tingly feeling you get right as a head rush starts from standing up to fast. Total body tingling, face tingling, eyes tingling, extremely happy, social and energetic. Very clear headed. My ears feel like they are wide open, like the ear canal is multiples larger than normal, freaking weird. 😂
I’m excited to see how the stuff that’s actually curing behaves.

I’m in love with her and will definitely be ordering more when they restock.
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Well-known member
Looks delicious @TexasTea :yummy: and closer to faster flowering NC version II with indica influence, which usually is not so fruity, more lemony musky. Did you keep clones of her ? Looks like a really interesting plant to explore further, a pitty she showed some nanners in late flowering, New Caledonia is not the most sexually stable strain (yet!), but the effects and terpenes are top notch, line is truly worth the trouble of going through a few plants and find those great ones that are sexually firm.

goingrey to me New Caledonia I pure sativa version is like a mix of traits from Mexican and Thai sativas, while the NC version II is those pure sativa traits mixed with some indica influence from modern hybrids.
Hi Dubi,
this strains sounds absolutly freaking amazing like exactly what the world needs :D

I smoked something like this more than 20 years back, remembering exactly the high since today and about to search for it to find it again now for this long time.
The description absolutely nails it and is with my memories consistent. We was high for a hour or two (not a super-long duration) clean, energetic, full of positive energy, jumping around, exploring the nature, chatting, wonderful positive mood, just moved, moved, moved and laughed so much. It was a wave of energy rushing through our bodies we expressed by walking and climbing arround. I don´t remember anything like negative racyness or paranoia.
In the end it left me positive and expansive. No body stone at all, nice and smooth comedown.
All this hits the description 100%. I never had something again, just this really awesome Outdoor Zamaldelica buds (mango carrot pheno) i got from a friend was a close feeling (not the ones i grew, but these have still been awesome).

I´m super curious to grow this wonderful plants with this euphoric high and compare it to what i had back then.

I´m a bit unsure about the thing with different versions, the shop on the website just shows one version.
Are the actual seeds in the shop are version 2 of new Caledonia which are more indica influenced ?
Is the high still as good as in version 1 ?

I really loved the descriptions of NC and also the first smoke reports here, but now i´m confused if i get this awesome clean and energetic high with the actual version in the ace shop or something slightly different ?
But may i just missunderstood something here :)
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ACE Seeds Breeder
correct @orangina thank you very much for your help :yes:

As mentioned earlier in the thread, New Caledonia 2 is the hybrid, fast flowering version with indica content, released as limited edition and currently sold out and discontinued on our website. A good example of the version 2 hybrid type would be the beautiful plant TexasTea harvested in previous page.

New Caledonia (I), the one listed on our website at the moment, is the pure sativa version, permanent catalog strain and still available.

Hope it helps with your doubts @early_bird :) Would love to see some New Caledonia flowers blooming in your garden, beautiful ones like the ones coming from your previous Bangi Haze and Malawi x PCK grow!


ACE Seeds Breeder
@dubi How about this for a future project. Honduras x New Caledonia. Doesnt that sound like the ultimate cross? Would that be possible?
hehehehe sounds indeed great friend :) New Caledonian is the new landrace/heirloom sativa we have preserved in recent years that most motivates me to breed with and to create new sativa strains. I would like to go in depth through the second generation of the pure sativa version, keep best females and use best males to pollinate our elite mothers from other sativa strains, Honduras included, but this is more a mid-term project that unfortunately cannot be started until 2025.


ACE Seeds Breeder


ACE Seeds Breeder
Damn I’m High @dubi
I absolutely love this particular New Caledonia I just got into. I ran her 16 weeks and chopped her 2 weeks back. I ended up with just over 10.5 ounces of some really delicate feathery/foxtail buds that I trimmed and stuck in curing bags. She was still throwing tons of fresh pistils and probably could have kept going a few more weeks but I needed to clean the tent out to prep for a vacation. Not the best grow I’ve done, she was in a back corner and I don’t think ever was truly happy with the soil she was in.
Smell while hanging was extremely fresh carrot and maybe turnip root vegetable smell. When trimming some fruitiness comes through along with carrot and a little bit of an herbal smell.

What I got into smoking today was just the bit I didn’t finish trimming up that went completely dry while hanging… holy shit skittles dude!
I have that super tingly feeling you get right as a head rush starts from standing up to fast. Total body tingling, face tingling, eyes tingling, extremely happy, social and energetic. Very clear headed. My ears feel like they are wide open, like the ear canal is multiples larger than normal, freaking weird. 😂
I’m excited to see how the stuff that’s actually curing behaves.

I’m in love with her and will definitely be ordering more when they restock.
Hi friend :D makes me feel so happy to read your smoke report of NC pure sativa, so on spot! Glad you like it so much, feeling it very close as i do, it's really Irie weed, bright, happy, creative, energetic, emphatic with nature and arts, excellent sativa for summer holidays. I feel jelous since i ran out of NC flowers months ago hehehehe enjoy! ;)


ACE Seeds Breeder
I don't have the New Caledonian but I kind of wish I ordered it now.

Dubi speculated on it's origins on the first page, as cannabis is not a native on New Caledonia. I just wanted to put in my 2c. I am Australian and in the late 70s we used to get cannabis from all over the world, the cream was Thai Stick, but we also got what was called Colombian compressed. In those days before indoor took off we relied on seasonal outdoor crops and there were weed shortages when this ran out, so lots of imports.

I read an article a few years ago about cocaine smuggling that occurs today and the fact that pacific islands are a stop off point between South America and here. As a consequence in some pacific nations cocaine is a big problem. There was also an Aussie seedbank that was selling cannabis from Vanuatu they labelled as "Mangobiche", supposedly a direct descendent of this smuggled cannabis from the 70s. So I think that New Caledonian is likely mostly, if not entirely, descended from Colombian. I suspect the same routes used now for cocaine were obviously the same in the past for cannabis.

Anyway, just a theory but here's the article that originally caught my eye.

Hi @Chi13 New Caledonia has a long tradition of local ganja production since at least 60/70s. It's a french colony, and french people loves cannabis and in big amounts, every overseas french territory are more or less cannabis producers (Reunion for example).

To be honest, i don't find NC pure sativa version related to Colombians i've tried. Colombians (except for old Colombian Gold or Green/yellow Oldtimer's Haze phenos) tend to be more narcotic and introspective. NC pure sativa version is the opposite to that.

For me ( so others can understand what i try to mean) NC pure sativa version has a very Mexican bearing structure and also giggly effects of best happy Mexicans, mixed with super up, energetic, cerebral, slightly trippy Thai like effects. Even after a long long curing, the NC pure sativa flowers get that spicy-sour post curing terp profile that is also so classic with good green Thais.
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Well-known member
Hello dubi, is there an analysis of tarpenes from new caledonia?

what is the presence of linalool?

The linalol tarpene has its name from the linaloe tree (bursera linaloe), from the copal family, but with a very characteristic smell different from other copals (which are the trees that from pre-Hispanic times to our days were used as ceremonial incense extractong the resin) and used until the early 20th century by the perfume industry until the scent was synthesized by other means.

My father dedicated his life to preserving that tree, teaching the artisans of Guerrero to extract essential oils from the fruit so that instead of using linaloe wood to make the famous lacquered boxes of Olinala (which was used for the smell it gave off)

I'm a little surprised that my new caledonian plant smells very similar to linaloe essential oil in late blooming
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Hello dubi, is there an analysis of tarpenes from new caledonia?

what is the presence of linalool?

Hi @OntologicalTurn Yes, New Caledonian terpene results are listed on the strain description on our website and first page of this thread. NC content in linalool is low, linalool usually has a calming effect while NC is very energetic so it makes sense.


Curious Cannivore
She could have come down a week ago but I've been busy...threw a few stress nanners, but no biggie...just a lovely plant and has been a fun grow as always. :)



Active member

Me uno a la fiesta de New Caledonia con 5 hembras y lo que parece ser un macho.
apagando gorilla deimos narcótica, y liando un petardo risueño de Auto zamaldelica, que te deja de buen rollo... Gracias a los que compartís, al equipo Ace y a Dubi por la diversion de este año....

hidrate 6 semillas el día 5 de mayo y las pase a macetas de 200ml, para el día 10 de mayo estaban todas fuera, 4 de ellas gordas y grades, y dos de ellas la Nº5 y la Nº6 mas pequeñas, por desgracia solo encuentro fotos a partir del día 25 de mayo, hubo tres de ellas que mostraron un ligero color morado hasta en su primer par de hojas de 3 folíolos, desapareciendo este poco a poco, mostrando estas el sexo de manera mas rápida, siendo la numero 5 la cual mostró pre flores alrededor de la primera semana de junio, creciendo con normalidad, las otras 2 mostraron alrededor de la segunda semana junio, para el día 20 de junio, todas mostraron sexo, pero Nº3 aun me tiene con algo de duda sin mas voy con lo que tengo perdonar la calidad de las fotos.
Las e tenido en tierra reciclada y sin alimento con trasplantes hasta hace unos 7 días que añadí algo de a la tierra y parece estar haciendo efecto estaban algo juntas ,sin mas

I join the party from New Caledonia with 5 females and what appears to be a male.
turning off narcotic gorilla deimos, and rolling a smiling firecracker from Auto zamaldelica, which leaves you in good spirits... Thanks to those who share, the Ace team and Dubi for the fun this year

I hydrated 6 seeds on May 5 and put them in 200ml pots, by May 10 they were all outside, 4 of them fat and large, and two of them Nº5 and Nº6 smaller, unfortunately I only find photos As of May 25, there were three of them that showed a slight purple color even in their first pair of leaves with 3 leaflets, this disappearing little by little, showing the sex more quickly, being number 5 which It showed pre-flowers around the first week of June, growing normally, the other 2 showed around the second week of June, by June 20, they all showed sex, but Nº3 still has me with some doubt, I'll just go with I have to forgive the quality of the photos.
I have had them in recycled soil and without food with transplants until about 7 days ago when I added some to the soil and it seems to be having an effect, they were somewhat together.

25 may

5 mayo.jpg nc 25 mayo (1).jpg nc 25 mayo (8).jpg nc 25 mayo (9).jpg nc 25 mayo (10).jpg nc 25 mayo (11).jpg nc 25 mayo (12).jpg nc 25 mayo (13).jpg nc 25 mayo (14).jpg nc 25 mayo (15).jpg
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