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My First run this summer...


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
man i tried to say all this shit and i erased the post clicking the wrong button. shit. try again tomorrow. hope i remember it all. all good over here though good job


SS - Ugh! I hate it when I do stupid stuff like that. It usually happens after i've inserted pics and put "captions" for each one, i'll accidently hit the backspace button on my keyboard and internet explorer goes to the previous page! Hehe...

My BG is starting to show signs of sex, and unfortuanitly its looking to be a male.... Hrrmmm.... So I popped 3 Dutch Passion Twilight x BigGreen seeds, and 3 more BigGreen seeds into some rockwool cubes just in case my plant is a male.
Just purchased a bottle of Liquid KoolBloom, a new no name Truncheon style 100% waterproof PPM meter, and a gallon of FloraKleen. My next grow (if I have to chop my plant) I will be running for veg, Lucas Formula with Florolicious Plus, and for flowering Lucas formula, FloroPlus, and liquid Koolbloom.
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The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
good deal on the meter, sorry about all the males. have you used floralicious before this grow, im wodering what difference it makes.

if the cooler hasnt kicked off and you are scared something may happen, put it on a timer and cycle it. 15 on15 off or something till you get comfortable with the temps, also you may be able to stretch it out more during lights off.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
alright i think i said something like nice big green guy. i thought the ppms may be slightly high for day 8 but that depends on strain and if there is no burn i always say keep feedin... and i think you mentioned trimming. opinions will differ on this subject.. some think if its green leave it, some mildly trim, me i litterally trim all fans that block essential light to my main tops and their larger lowers. i believe(opinion) that there is enough healthy leaf on the bottom 1/3 of the plant to take care of photosynthesis neccessary for plant functions. i also trim all lower popcorn sites as soon as they begin. i want my plant putting energy into the tops closest to the light not on nugs that wont produce. i also supercrop,to induce energy into the top buds(makes them swell and fill in)and i also top plants in veg to gain multiple colas. these things will help the yield for low plant number grows. :rant: sorry for the longwinded blowheart comment just like to give my nosey opinion sometimes. i love to help! hope this gives you something to think about.
SIR :joint:
i think i have a pic of a single plant that i did the above mentioned techniques to increase my low plant yeild.
notice the very few fans near the end this is like in the day40s or something 60 day strain :headbange


The Dopest - Have not used floralicous plus before this grow, we used to use Dark Energy and a product called Quality Cure. The Dark Energy I know made a difference in bud thickness. Also, at first I had my timer for the cooler, 1on 1off, but during lights on is when the water gets to 72 with the cooler 1on 1off. So I adjusted it now to run 3hrs on 1hr off during the lights on period and its keeping the water at 69.9. Alot better than 76 and up eh?

SS - I think i'd like to try the supercropping method, sounds like it would help. Do you crack stems during veg or the first stage of flower? Not a big fan of topping, I like bending the plant over and letting the side growth level out with the main khola. BTW: That plant looks really nice, might you know what the final yeild and hieght of plant was?


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
thank you very much for the compliment. learned all my skills here on ic. that plant culled approx. 3z give or take a few g's. never weighed then individually. it was in a 2 gal grow bag-LSTed topif it were not lsted it would have been 5 foot tall from soil up. that pic top nugs are nipple height and i am 6'. when supercropping i dont crack stems. during flower after say week 3-4 i begin crushing stems insides without cracking outer stem(if cracks a little youll be fine) but try not to crack. i slowly bend branches back and forth little by little until i can feel it like pulpy inside. i support it up if needed til it hardens up again in a day or so. and i repeat every week(approx 3 times) on every branch with a top(just below top) until near flush. i kinda gut feel it ya know. i let her heal, swell, and i bend her up again. the first SC is the most drastic bending the others are lighter but i noticed it stimulated energy to the tops each time.if i can ill find a close up of the nug and a healed sc knott.
"I like bending the plant over and letting the side growth level out with the main khola" perfect that is called LST or low stress training. very effective techniqueif you dont like topping perhaps FIMing would suit you better. it forces side growth by topping 3/4 of the top growth node. you still retain single cola top but again youre inducing branching to speed that side growth leveling out and saving youself veg time. the only drawback is the node you 3/4 top, those leaves grow happy healthy but without pointed tips instead of =====> you get ===] until next set shoots out. make sence, ever heard of this before?


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me

that run this was my lowest yeilding plant(bonsai) this is what topping multiple time give you. lots of bud but they were small and super potent. after i chopped i left all bud that need more days on for a few. end pic is what i left on. here is my biggest yeilder the one you asked about yeilded just less than this girl
(just chopped) sorry i could dig up and knot shots of SUPERCROPPING yet. i find one
end result(jarred bonsai sugar shack)
SIR :joint:


SS - Amazing looking buds, mmmm. Topping multiple times is definetly off my list. Amazing that supercropping is done during flower. FIM'ing sounds almost the same as LST, except one gets cut, the other one gets tied and bent. So much to try, so many tricks and tweaks,, so fun and interesting. Thank you for the tips Sir. Glad your lurking around. :rasta:


Tonight, on the 12th day of flowerring my baby finally decided to show us all, ITS A GIRL!
I'm so happy, take a look peeps and see if you can spot her sweet young hairs.



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
thank you crzy, i can see those hairs. about FIMing. you still lst them afterward. ill explain later
So males show faster?

So males show faster?

I've got 2 clones I took from a seedling, they been in flower for about 7 days and still nuthin, just curious when they will show? and nice setup too crazy~peace :joint:


Mrskunkster - I took clones on Saturday, the 1st, and one of them is already showing roots. Clones can take 7 to 14 days to show roots, also plants just put into flowerring can take up to 2 weeks to show sex. Thanks for the compliment.
Thanks for the advice

Thanks for the advice

usually clones take me 7-9 days to root, I was curious cause its from some blueberry bagseed and its lookin nice. I've noticed 2 little whites hairs coming off the stem. But there really small so hard to tell yet. Lets hope, cause i got another breed that I've been callin skunk and it just does'nt yield as much as I want it too. Thanks for the help. :rasta:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
haha i thought the name was MRS KUNK and i just realized its mr skunk. how stupid of me but funny


Hey crzygirl, nice plant you've got going there. I love watching growers as they're just starting. You'll settle into a regimen you're comfortable with and then you'll wanna screw with everything, lol! :joint:

Speaking of blueberry, here's a blueberry bud for you! :wave:

Nice bud dude,,

Nice bud dude,,

That looks tasty, but it was bagseed it was a blueish, green and red hair. tasty like berries and the buzz actually lasted for a good while, stinky stuff too. I've got good news went to check the clones and sure enough there was 2 white hairs and no balls growing lol, Glad she pulled threw. seen lil hairs yesterday but its better to wait.Thanks again. :joint:


Active member
crzygirl said:
Tonight, on the 12th day of flowerring my baby finally decided to show us all, ITS A GIRL!
I'm so happy, take a look peeps and see if you can spot her sweet young hairs.

sometimes the girls are a little shy at first, but once they start showing off those sweet young hairs, they just won't stop. :canabis: