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My First run this summer...


hazy - yes, since showing female she's gained in height and width and now shes just showing new hair growth everytime i look at it. My husband is so giddy, he(and I for that matter as well), were so bent that it was looking male so we planted 6 seeds figuring our BG clones were also male. Well, now 3 of 6 seeds are growing, 2 of 6 clones now have roots LOL.

-Short Update-
Today the flowerring girl gets a nice flush and nute change. Going with 75% strength Lucas formula with Floralicious Plus. Water temps are remaining 68~71. Root mass for the girl is rather small, but theres still alot of tweaking to do for next run.





Hello everyone! :wave: Hope you all had a wonderful weekend as my husband and I did. :rasta:

Just received two of the three products I ordered. Now i'm stocked up with GH FloraKleen(1gal), and a quart of GH KoolBloom 0-10-10. :jump:
Now we're just waiting for our TDS Truncheon, and we'll be all set to tackle the next flush!!!! :muahaha:

In 40 minutes I will initiate 2TBSP(6tsp) of my Liquid KoolBloom to my system, as long as the Big Green-Eyed Lady isn't showing signs of burn from our flush and remix. The bottle suggests 1 to 2 tsp per gallon, and my recirculating DWC system has a total of 8 gallons of solution in it. I'm hoping this will be ok at 2tbsp.

Unfortuanitly, our friend's whom we were barrowing the digital camera from needed it back so once again this thread is going to get pretty boring with no way to take pictures. We are going to look for a camera sometime this month, i'm thinking a Canon Powershot S3 IS. Well, until next post. :rant:
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Note on previous post:

Note on previous post:

Instead of adding 2TBSP of KoolBloom to my mix, I added 1TBSP. Ok, now i'm off to record some guitar riffs <--Been putting it off for so long now.


Update w/o Pics

Update w/o Pics


Things are looking good with my Big Green-Eyed lady. Seems like she is taking good to her addition of 1TBSP of KoolBloom. There are however, some signs of what was thought to be a Manganese def. earlier on during her life. Looks like the Manganese def. was just starting to come back on some of her leaves, i'm guessing the flush/remix might have corrected the deficiency before getting to bad.

Am so anxious to receive my TDS Truncheon, I hope it arrives soon!!! Really curious to test my current mix.

This weekend I will be taking two of my well "rooted(roots are pretty long, 3+ inches)" BigGreen clones and transplanting them from the bubble cloner too individual 2 gallon buckets in 4" net pots with hydroton clay balls. The buckets will be filled with a real mild solution until roots appear. Then the fun begins. 1 or 2 weeks of veg if any at all, and then switch the light cycle on the veg/clone box to match that of the flower box. Once the oldest flowerring ladies are done, the ladies in the veg/clone box(which is on 12/12) will be moved into the big flower box.

In the midst of this, I will be making a clone tub from an 18gal tote tub thing we have lying around. Will install one 20watt flourescent light in the tub and two 20watters in the now veg/flower cab. I will have plenty of clones and seedlings to last the upcoming batch that we do, because of the other week when my lady looked like a male and I planted to many seeds. :muahaha:
We are trying to get it so we would chop our two ladies down, every 4 to 6 weeks. We smoke about a quarter a week and we both really enjoy trimming and manicuring. Well, if any of this does or doesn't make any sense feel free to chime in! :jump:


:wave: How is everyone doing? :joint:

Our girl is looking wonderfull, she grows in height and flower size every day! We've been looking at digital camera's and laptops over the weekend. Still quite unsure of which digicam to pick, but i've decided a Dell XPS or an HP Pavilion laptop. Our clones are doing decent, I have two in their own 2gal buckets with regular tap water in 4 inch net pots with hydroton clay balls. Once roots appear from amongst the clay balls I will be mixing a 50% solution of lucas veg formula with a little floralicious plus additive, and letting them veg for 2 to 3 weeks, from their they will be forced to flower under 84watts of warm flouro's.

We have also picked up a new member of the family, an 8 week old Australian Cattle Dog (aka. Blue Heeler).

We have named this rambunctious little puppy Beo, short for Beowulf (BAY-O-Wolf).

Until next time! :jump:

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
gl with the cam and comp descisions. i need a laptop pretty bad myself, cant wait to see your plants peace!

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya crzygirl :wave:
Wow, your garden is really coming along!:canabis: Been a while since I've been able to peek in, must say I'm impressed. Good luck on the tech decision / purchase, that's a tough one. Good detective skills girl - I think you will be very happy when you get your TDS truncheon. Good luck on the clone tub - they're fun to build out.

Be safe, be happy:wave:


Thank you guys for the comments. My TDS truncheon came and is doing great. Running a fresh batch of Lucas Flower Formula at 75% with KoolBloom and Floralicious Plus, 1120 PPM's. Cant wait to get some pics to show, today is 1 month flowerring for this monster.


Wow! Feels good to be back online again! Sorry to all who were following my grow in 2007. My husband and I came across some money troubles, job issues, and a pregnancy. We had to get rid of the internet, our comcast cable, and sold our computers. Just recently we acquired a free laptop and a digital camera, but the camera wont work with Windows 2000 Pro and thats whats on our laptop :(!

When this grow was done, and dried we had 3 ounces, give or take a couple grams. Was so TASTEY! That 3 ounces lasted us 5 months! Currently I have a 4foot monster growing, it is Evolution Lavander (such a smooth and tastey smoke with almost a perfume-ish taste and smell). This monster is two months old (one month veg, one month flower) and is already looking like its going to be a big producer. I have also a White Widow clone that I just transplanted from my cloner to a bucket of fresh water to be used as a mother plant (will be doind the same with the Evolution Lavander as well) So, once we figure out how to get this camera working with our computer, ill get some new up to date pics for ya all!


Active member
Hey crzygirl. Good to see you back. We must persevere through some trials and tribulations. :kos:
Good score on the WW cut.
good luck and good growing.

edit: bigtime congrats on the baby to you and your husband.
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Thank you Hazy! This little baby boy sure is a bundle of gassy joy I tell you!
Almost three days worth of labor, believe me when I say paiiiiiinful!

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