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My First run this summer...


TML16 - The Big Green one looks better, and its under the MH. I've grown that strain 2 other times and it looks about the same. Used to have a 6ft wide box with 2x250HPS and 1x175MH. The other plant is my first time growing, looks to be sativa dominant. Can't wait to see what kind of colors this thing gets come flower time!!!!!!!! The wait!!!!!
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Hey all, got some sad news. My digi-cam doesn't work anymore. :cuss: Just says "Camera Needs Service" when you turn it on. It may be a while, up to 2 weeks before we can get another one.

Anyways a quick update. All seems fine except temps in buckets reaching 80 & 81. PH and PPM's are steady. Am going to get covers for my light domes and use frozen water bottles to cool the plant buckets. That should take care of any heat problems I would have.

Until next time. . . :joint:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Sorry to hear about the camera :cuss: , glad everything else is ok - looking forward to pics when you can... Be safe, be happy...


Plants Update, but no pics :(

Plants Update, but no pics :(

Hey there everyone! Sorry the show is so boring with no pics to look at. Damn digi-cams are expensive. :rant: Enough of that, and on to the updates.

Just finished draining, scrubbing and refilling my 2 buckets hydro system. The Richy Rich plant doesn't have nearly as much root as I personally think it should have, so I will be holding off on starting the flowering cycle until next Friday, August 24th, that would be 25 days total of vegitating time if i'm remembering correctly. The Big Green plant is getting bushier and has a rather impressive root mass coming on. Am still in the process of getting the water temps under control and I don't think frozen water bottles will do, may just tap into my central air conditioner system and leave it at that. If I do that, the box temp would probably drop from 80-85 to 70-75.

Ok, so I mixed a solution of 3-2-1 of GH Flora Series at 35% if i'm thinking correctly. 12 gallons of water, 12tsp Gro, 8tsp H-Micro, 4tsp Bloom, and 2tsp Floralicious Plus. Unfortuanitly my tap water's starting PPM's are 197. :chin:
So heres the stats of my garden now:
Both plants are 490PPM give or take 1 or 2, with a PH of 5.7. My controller is 460PPM with a PH of 5.9, and the res is 260PPM with a PH of 5.9.
Height of RR - 8" w/ 7 nodes, working on its 8th.
Height of BG - 6 1/2" w/ 6 nodes, working on its 7th.

If any of this sounds wrong or off please feel free to chime in. Thats about it for now. Everyone enjoy your weekend!


Active member
crzygirl said:
TML16 - Thanks. All the plants on this site get me wet! Especially those colorful plants with the deep reds throughout the leaves and leading into the buds, mmmm.
oh my god crzygirl. i'm so hot for you. i've got deep red on the leaf stems of my dreamgoddesses. :kissass:

nice hydro setup. i'm still too chicken to leave my soil grows.


MajLeeStoned - Thank you for the links! I think I may possibly know where to get one of those water coolers. Gonna look through the local newspaper bargain counter, gotta be a small fridge in there somewheres!

Hazy - It amazes me that these plants can look so beautiful, yet everyone I know is afraid of the damn thing. "Thats illegal, you shouldn't do that its not good for you weed is a drug." Oh stfu you stupid **** go drink a bucket of alcohol, and run a school bus off the road you drunk ass mofo. Sorry, i'm ranting :rant: Thank you for the compliments.


Came across a stand up stlye 5gal water cooler on www.craigslist.com. The guy had it listed for $20. I couldn't pass that up, I just recently read a post by The Dopest about a DIY Water Chiller using these things. To my surprise when we get there to pick up the cooler, I saw it had 3 faucets (Hot, Room Temp, Cold), a refridgerator on the bottom, two thermostat knobs, and 3 On/Off switches(Hot Water Heater, Cold water&Refrigerator, and just Refrigerator) on the rear side with the thermostat knobs. Just finished up an allnighter tearing the cooler apart and figuring out a way to use it. Then I realized i'd have to convert to a recirculating system. So, now i need to find a slower speed inline water pump preferably with 1/2" inlet and outlet. How big of a water pump is needed? Have roughly 20gallons of water in my system. The only pump i have is an Eheim 1048 thats rated at 158gph, and I need that for my auto water level topper setup, and it moves water way to fast. I have it hooked up for now and it comes on for 1 minute every hour. Now if I could find a 7.1mp Digicam for $20 i'd be reallly happy.


W00T! 4 gallons of 80F degree water down to 77 in 5 hours. I guess thats good?! Better than 80-82. Damn its awesome typing to myself!!! Enjoy this last day of the weekend everybody!
How many PMs waiting?

How many PMs waiting?

I’m sure your reservoir will get cooler now or you can adjust the thermostat.:joint:
Believe me you’re not typing to yourself.:laughing:

TML 16, hazy, and J-Roc are not the only one’s keeping an eye on your thread. How many PMs you have waiting? :wave:




MajLeeStoned - To answer your question, a big fat zero :jump:
MmmMmmMmmm sleeep... officially 28 hours awake. Just can't sleep well unless i'm satisfied with how its running. I just hope my babies will make it through tho, they are looking pretty bad with signs of several deficiencies i'm thinking micronutes. Going to remix the water to plain PH water for a few days....

Yet Another Update:
Getting ready to install a fresh 110gph submersable pump into my controller bucket, and reinstall my Eheim 156gph back into the res bucket. Will be doing this recirculation bit correctly this time! Now if I could figure exactly where to place my T fitting for the water feed line from the 110gph pump to the plant buckets. :confused:
I'm going to say, the T should be at the same height the buckets are considerring this pump has 1' 6" of head max.


You will not be forgotten
Sleep is your Friend :D

growing and not sleeping dont seem to mix well from my experience.

The gals are lookin nice and hope all your new additions to the system work out well.

Best wishes with your grow and Smoke one up :joint:


Dime - Thank you, I wish I could afford a decent digicam cuz my bitches aren't so great looking. Have them sittin in just PH'd plain water with a tsp of H2O2 right now for the next day or so, then the feeding's back on. Thanks for dropping by


Active member
hey crzy
i have this one bookmarked in my favs and will lurk around and stop in. i hope you get your cam issues solved so we can see more pics.
the pump/chiller/pH/ec/ppm stuff is what's keeping me from trying hydroponics. good luck.
read back through your thread again and noticed a reference to your husband. :cuss:
damn, just when i thought i found the perfect woman.
of course i'm married too, so it's just a lot of talk from me. i guess your hubby is the one who reaps the reward from your getting all excited looking at the gorgeous plants around here. :muahaha:


Voluptuous Trichomes
Yea the h202 releases Oxygen which does indeed kill stuff...but it won't help with the low DO (dissolved oxygen)....which affects metabolism. Warm water has a finite capacity for dissolved oxygen...I don't care how many bubbles you pump in...or how much h202 you add....

Plus for some h202 and ice jugs are rough, as some of us have jobs to go to daily.....that was my issue...frozen jugs thawed in a couple hours and the h202 half life requires constant dosing.....

Then there's the issue of the jugs getting entangled in the roots....I ended up rigging a hook at the lid to keep the jug stabile somewhat...they just float all over the place otherwise...

Glad you found that DIY thread by The Dopest

Best of luck with your summertime DWC run


Hazy - He sure does get rewarded! Stop in anytime.

VT - Yeah, to bad the coolor isn't working so great. I had to use the fridge cooling element of it cuz the way the water cooler was designed. But its been on for 10 hours and only took 4 gal of water to 76.5 degrees. But I did have a fan blowing on the cooler's "radiator" looking thing and I dont think that was a good idea. For some reason i'm thinking that radiator thing is supposed to get hot. The water coolor/fridge itself looked rather new like only a couple years. Hrm....


Update w/PICS

Update w/PICS

Hello everyone. I barrowed a friends camera. So here ya's go.

Both babies day 21 of veg

Big Green

Micronute Def.?

Richy Rich

Water Cooler/Fridge Unit

Fridge Element

1/2" Recirculating Feed Line

Flushed system and cleaned and they are sitting in 5.7PH water at 73.9F degrees. The controller now circulates water through this sytem via a small submersible pump with an adjustable GPH feature, its set at 80gph.
I'm having a bad feeling the cooler unit will not keep this system cool enough without having to add some frozen bottles to the controller. :nono:
Maybe I am supposed to run the recirculating pump on a timer?
Plants problems, does anyone have a tip for me on that one. I've looked at MyNamesStich's guide about 4 times and im come to the conclusion that its a micronute def. Or am I way off? Thats all for right now. Enjoy!
radiator thingy is the condenser

radiator thingy is the condenser

That radiator thingy is the condenser and yes blowing air over it removes heat from the system, allowing the cooler to function more effectively.

crzygirl said:
Hazy - He sure does get rewarded! Stop in anytime.

VT - Yeah, to bad the coolor isn't working so great. I had to use the fridge cooling element of it cuz the way the water cooler was designed. But its been on for 10 hours and only took 4 gal of water to 76.5 degrees. But I did have a fan blowing on the cooler's "radiator" looking thing and I dont think that was a good idea. For some reason i'm thinking that radiator thing is supposed to get hot. The water coolor/fridge itself looked rather new like only a couple years. Hrm....
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