Try 67 its the only way I can look the day in the eye.I’m now 50 , no other substance gives me that bright out look on life and a spring in my step.
I certainly can go without whenever needed or wanted. But honestly , it just makes everything so much better .
Like as he say’s in Pineapple Express ‘ it makes food better,sex better. Especially pure sativa.OMG everybody should have a little bit every morning
Retirement is a blast nothing and nobody telling me what to do.
AND I'm getting higher than I ever did when younger.
I gave pot away for 15 years while I worked hard to get money to retire never missed it once.
But now I'm dependent on it big time, no aches, no pains, more energy, better outlook on life and truly happy for the first time in my life.
When I stop my minds ok but my body is shagged out ha ha. The ONLY way I can enjoy anything is high on cob nothing phases me at all.
Straight if there's a way out of doing something I'll take it.
High on Mulanje I just say bring it on bro, the more the merrier ha ha.
Getting my boat loaded and launched is a drag unless I'm high on Mulanje.
Then I can fish all day and love every minute as if its the highlight of the year ha ha. Bliss doesn't even come close.
Every cast I'm expecting a big fish and you know what? More often than not I'm right.