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MSNBC says Obama to legalize



You want the real news? Watch John Stewart.

As much as I love Stewart and Colbert you should realize thats no more of a "news" program than faux news. Its all entertainment.
If you want the real news youre gonna have to look a little harder because all you will see on TV is bullshit.
I like the BBC though. They dont seem bias or like theyre are trying to sell me someshit.
Ive watched their programming for years and I dont know a single persons name on the network. Its not like theyre trying to battle anderson cooper for ratings.


Active member
This simplistic "left or right", "A or B", "Blue or Red", "who do YOU choose?" mentality Is is beyond retarded. Makes me physically ill to see people eat it up.
Its insulting bullshit. Those who see past the party illusion and candidates see straight through to the handlers, sick and tired of their fellow man falling for the simplest trick.
A IS B. Left is right, right is left.
Red and Blue are simply illusions of choice, provided by the masters of illusion. They divide and conquer. Vote for bomber and you're voting for rom, vote for rom you're voting for bomber. They share the same handlers, same agenda.
Rom is no real repub anyways. He is a democrat x republican hybrid chicken hawk.
Many think O is some breath of fresh air after the bush. He has simply continued the same work, piggy backing off what W put in place (as instructed).
So many voted for O because he promised to "bring the troops home", "lower taxes", "decrease inflation", "pull us out of debt", "improve health care" - basically "clean up" the mess pinned on W... OH WAIT, he actually did the complete opposite. We also had idiots believing he would "merilize leguana" ...
Only thing O delivered is "change". We got a lot of that.
Despite representing the "opposing party" O is simply finishing the framework placed by W administrations. The structure is basically complete.
We're one swift stroke of a pin away from MAJOR change. Our EO signing homeboy has the nation in check. Checkmate is next.
For a sample of this "structure" and "change" refer to resin ryders post, and that's only a taste.

edit- Checkmate.
Let me clarify I'm not anti O out of bias. I don't align with any party so lets get that straight now. I am just as opposed to O as I am to his globalist handlers.
I bet some people would hop off bombers dick if they could see five feet in front of them...If they could see past the superficial promises and see the exec orders he continually signs to circumvent congressional authority and the expressed will of the people.
Did you O supporters even read the health reform? I bet you didn't. Do you know the definition of socialism? I would hope so, and if you do you must not be familiar enough with Os administration to see the startling similarities .
All that seems to matter is his vague campaign references to "change!".
Like I said O supporters, I don't think you even know the administration you support.
Whatever, you got your "CHANGE", but I don't think you even know what that entails. Enjoy your nap but don't bitch once you finally wake up to a nightmare (if you ever wake up)

^ There is so much truth in this post it would be a pointless waste of time to even try and add anything to it. I could have written the exact same thing myself, that's how much I am nodding my head in agreement right now. Anyone who does not understand the wisdom of the above FACTUAL statements is, sadly, part of the problem.


Registered Non-Conformist
I will add that GWB left the Country in the worst situation it has ever been in. On many levels. Then BO inherits the most Stubborn group of Fuddy-Duddies that opposed his every move, and made illegal use of the Filibuster countless times. Committed to destroy his success.

BO is Charismatic, no doubt, and I am not immune to that - HOWEVER, remove this extreme opposition, and I believe our Country will be better off than it ever has been.....

Considering that the state of the Economy as it is and has been - was designed to be a Debt-Machine. THAT has got to stop. Pyramid Schemes are not permanent, and Rome was brought down. As could happen to US as well.

Fear of Supposed "Socialism" is ridiculous. We have a hard time defining the concept.

Our Shitstem needs to become more about People over Profits anyways.


Did you O supporters even read the health reform? I bet you didn't. Do you know the definition of socialism? I would hope so, and if you do you must not be familiar enough with Os administration to see the startling similarities.

Don't tell me you're trying to compare Obama's health care reform act to socialism?

Neo 420

Active member
Something I am really waiting on is the official white house statement on the legalization efforts of Washington and Colorado.


Well-known member
Something I am really waiting on is the official white house statement on the legalization efforts of Washington and Colorado.

here we go, the game has changed on the legal landscape
reset your legalization threads/arguments, the emerald city could be closer than you think


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Im really afraid of genetic manipulation. I dont want that to happen at any cost..I have do doubt that they will be able to produce THC without growing cannabis. This is what people might see when Monsanto gets there paws on it.. IT would not surprise me one bit if they already have something.. These companies always have secret project they work on. They dont need any gov approval they just do it anyway......


Well-known member
Im really afraid of genetic manipulation. I dont want that to happen at any cost..I have do doubt that they will be able to produce THC without growing cannabis. This is what people might see when Monsanto gets there paws on it.. IT would not surprise me one bit if they already have something.. These companies always have secret project they work on. They dont need any gov approval they just do it anyway......

fuck Monsanto, they can play with MJ just like the rest of us
but that doesn't stop me from growing, and helping to keep the genetics alive and pure
it's out of corporate control, just like it's out of government control
i can't really see many buying the trash that would come from some Frankenstein MJ experiments


Active member
Did you O supporters even read the health reform? I bet you didn't.

Did you? I bet you didn't. It's really really long.

I've read more of it than most people here... and if you've read it, you know why we need to reform our current health care system. Without reform, in the near future, nobody but the poor, old, and wealthy will have health insurance. That makes for a sick and unproductive workforce. Where's the economy gonna be then?

There seems to be a lot of self-proclaimed expert political scientists and public health workers here... lol Stick to what you know. :tiphat: Buncha professional pot growers and sales associates talking like they know about economics and health care...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
the problem is you wont know what Monsanto did to it. I can promise you it wont say Monsanto on the product anywhere. So Like I have always said

Don't support them,dont buy from them,dont sale to them and dont work for them.


Active member
I've read more of it than most people here... and if you've read it, you know why we need to reform our current health care system. Without reform, in the near future, nobody but the poor, old, and wealthy will have health insurance. That makes for a sick and unproductive workforce. Where's the economy gonna be then?

It's not insurance that's the root of our problem. That's just one of many symptoms; the problem is too much government. The fact that we are arguing over who read a 1000+ page bill is proof in and of itself that our healthcare system is totally broken...by design. Anything that enormously complicated and full of exceptions and subclauses and bullshit heaped upon layers of bullshit is bound to be broken, by default. The more bills they pass, the worse it gets. Yes, we got and are getting exactly what we voted for.

There seems to be a lot of self-proclaimed expert political scientists and public health workers here... lol Stick to what you know. :tiphat: Buncha professional pot growers and sales associates talking like they know about economics and health care...

Bro respectfully, I spend two hours a day tops tending my MJ garden. The rest of the time I spend doing nothing but learning about these types of things. I am not an expert political scientist, but then again neither are most of the "experts." I do know a shitload more than most people, and clearly so do many others commenting in this thread, so please don't insult us by saying we're all a bunch of dumb stoners who don't know what we're talking about and we should all just get back to tending our shitty little gardens, or whatever. Some of us really do spend a lot of time studying this stuff. And you know, that's exactly what our Founding Fathers would have wanted. This whole mentality of "leaving it up to the experts" is exactly what has gotten us to where we are today.


Well-known member
the problem is you wont know what Monsanto did to it. I can promise you it wont say Monsanto on the product anywhere. So Like I have always said

Don't support them,dont buy from them,dont sale to them and dont work for them.

that is true, you can't be sure what the history of a seed is, or the weed that grew from it
but that's already true, how do we know that our genetics haven't already been meddled with?
i don't think there's any evidence of that, still an unpleasant thought
if the price of legal MJ is corporate weed, i don't like that part much, but i'll deal with it if i can grow my own without fear


Im really afraid of genetic manipulation. I dont want that to happen at any cost..I have do doubt that they will be able to produce THC without growing cannabis. This is what people might see when Monsanto gets there paws on it.. IT would not surprise me one bit if they already have something.. These companies always have secret project they work on. They dont need any gov approval they just do it anyway......

Here's the fucking patent! http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-...50&s1=6630507.PN.&OS=PN/6630507&RS=PN/6630507


Without a total restructuring of government and economics (and the necessary ancillaries), all is futile. Useless conjecture if you're not willing to face the wind...save your breath for bong hits.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Im pretty sure we are all on the same page. Unfortunately we wont get full disclosure.. For me im staying with my own strains and stuff I can trust from others..If you dont know them I dont want there product I send them packing. Im very happy I have a good diverse supply of seeds that I can make more from..


Active member
It's not insurance that's the root of our problem. That's just one of many symptoms; the problem is too much government. The fact that we are arguing over who read a 1000+ page bill is proof in and of itself that our healthcare system is totally broken...by design. Anything that enormously complicated and full of exceptions and subclauses and bullshit heaped upon layers of bullshit is bound to be broken, by default. The more bills they pass, the worse it gets. Yes, we got and are getting exactly what we voted for.

Bro respectfully, I spend two hours a day tops tending my MJ garden. The rest of the time I spend doing nothing but learning about these types of things. I am not an expert political scientist, but then again neither are most of the "experts." I do know a shitload more than most people, and clearly so do many others commenting in this thread, so please don't insult us by saying we're all a bunch of dumb stoners who don't know what we're talking about and we should all just get back to tending our shitty little gardens, or whatever. Some of us really do spend a lot of time studying this stuff. And you know, that's exactly what our Founding Fathers would have wanted. This whole mentality of "leaving it up to the experts" is exactly what has gotten us to where we are today.

I don't mean to be condescending... My bad. I'm in a shitty mood today.

You're right, the system is flawed by design... but that's why the affordable care act is so important. It's complete health care reform, changing from a system where doctors are rewarded for providing services to a system where doctors are rewarded for providing care... and by that I mean getting everyone in for a regular check up so that they can catch the high blood pressure and high cholesterol etc... while they're cheap to treat... Cause medicine has come a long ways, and a lot of chronic disease can be prevented with a pill... but the way the system is designed... People don't go to the doctor until they have a problem... till that heart attack or stroke comes. At that point medicine is expensive, and the patient is forever in the system being treated for their chronic disease... $$$

I believe that you do your research dude... but when you do research on your own, normally it's about what you're interested in. The people making the decisions have formal training. They had to study the whole picture, not just what they were interested in. Everyone seems to have an opinion about Obamacare. If only you guys knew!!!

Federal tax dollars built our hospitals. Look up the Hill-Burton Act. Federal tax dollars pay for training our doctors. Medicare, the federally funded health care program for the elderly pays doctors a stipend during their residency. The people have a right to health care, they are already paying for it!

It's stupid to oppose the Affordable Care Act. Period. Health Care is 18% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), projected to grow to 40% by 2040. Straight out of the health care report. Why are we providing so much medicine? We're not any healthier than the rest of the world. We spend the most on health care, but we have 3rd world outcomes...


Active member
It's cool dude, and I would say that absurdly large healthcare spending is because a huge portion of healthcare dollars aren't being used to provide the actual care, it's being funneled away into the pockets of countless bureaucrats and corporate types. All those rules and regulations always come at a cost. Nothing is free. Any time you mandate something, there are associated costs, and that money goes into somebody's pocket. The spending always increases and never shrinks. More and more dollars are siphoned away from productive uses to feed middle men and other parasites who have inserted themselves into the system everywhere. As our population grows and learns less and less responsibility and becomes more and more dependent on the government for everything, the system only gets worse. IMO what we really need is to bring health care back to the free market.


Active member
What do you mean? Health insurance companies are traded on the stock market... It doesn't get much more free market than that.

The affordable care act is about reducing health care spending, not increasing it. Yes, initially there will be an increase in spending because of all the changes, but for example digitizing medical records is going to drastically decrease administrative expenses while at the same time improving coordination of care.

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