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MSNBC says Obama to legalize



You definitly have problems Pablum, I have big problems with people like you. I thought about putting you on ignore but observing bad behavior might be fun.

Bill....do what you've got to do. By not ignoring me...you will find no vindication. Any problems I may have...I don't blame on others. I take it day by day dude....life is fun.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Real good news at least they are bringing Bush and Blair up on war crimes and maybe Harper I think Harper is trying to duck it but yes he should be in the mix... If the world court and Desmond Tutu get their way these guys will be tried and convicted. Mr. Tutu is right you cannot look at dictators in Africa and point the fingers in third world, without looking at the first world aswell Headband 707


Active member
It's ridiculous that Christians are so selective about the interpretation of their religion, but when critiquing Muslim/Islam they are so quick to condemn the people as a whole. There are bat-shit crazy parts of the Bible and Koran; it just takes a mentally divergent individual or group to soak up all the evil and violent parts of said religion and ignore all the parts which are positive.

Those who believe islam is the most evil of all religions obviously have not done the proper reading. Those evangelical Christians who are convincing themselves that Obama is a Muslim sympathizer need only look in the mirror to see their religions' version of extremity.

Terrorism is terrorism. The criminally insane hide begin religion to appear to have a "cause." Remember, Timothy Mcviegh was raised roman catholic, and only claimed to be agnostic days before his execution, yet still took the sacrament before he was put to death.

If Obama had the kind of cooperation Clinton had in the mid 90's, he would be getting things done properly....... Instead, the republicans in 2009, headed by that douche Mitch Mconnell, state that for the next three years their #1 goal is to make Obama an one term president. They have used the filibuster more often that any other congress in history, and continue to veto job creating legislation that the Dems bring to a vote. At a time the country is supposedly in such peril, all they care about is getting that fucking black man out of the WHITE House. Disgusting, to say the least.these men are hardly patriots; all the care about is giving tax breaks to their super rich friends, while starting wars that they don't have a plan to pay for. When the country is at its lowest, they want to cut education, food stamps, welfare and health care for the sick and elderly.

It's like the New Deal never happened, wasn't successful and didn't have an extremely positive impact on this country as a whole. The big banks fucked the country, and now Paul Ryan and his cronies want the middle class to pays for their horrible actions. Get real. I see a lot of positive coming out of an Obama 2nd term.



Active member
If anyone wants to find out who Mitt Romney really is and what Bain Capital was responsible for in the late 80's and early 90's, pick up a copy of this months Rolling Stone. Matt Taibbi does a great job with the article. Mitt Romney has made 250 million dollars perfecting the leveraged buy out, or LBO.

A LBO tears apart the company that is being bought out, saddles it with unsurmountable debt, and buys off the corporate heads with HUGE bonuses, while destroying the company and killing all the lower level jobs when the company is forced into bankruptcy. The money that Bain uses to finance the LBO comes from a loan, from a Goldman Sachs type bank, with ridiculous interest rates, while Bain only would put up 5-10% of the capital. When asked why they do this kind of work, they reply "because we can."

Mitt Romney could have done anything with his life. He could have done great things, helped a lot of people. Instead, he has been destroying American companies while making a 1/4 billion. While he was "saving" the Salt Lake City Olympics, he sucked up 1.5 billion in federal aid; more than all 7 of the other US olympics COMBINED.

This is the man who is supposed to have all this experience with bringing companies back to life? Lol......by their business model, Mitt will have the USA borrowing unpresidented amounts of money from China, while giving all that borrowed money to the corporate heads that financed his campaign.

Open up your eyes people, this man stands for all that is wrong with the world today. Folks here are ready to throw away their vote because Obama hasn't legalized marijuana during his first term, which by the way, would be political suicide.

KB Toys was destroyed by Bain capital, while Dunkin Donuts is barely afloat after Bain siphoned 500 mil in dividends. They have to sell 2,011,834 small coffees every month just to pay that debt off. Thank you, Mitt Romney..........


headband 707

Plant whisperer
It's ridiculous that Christians are so selective about the interpretation of their religion, but when critiquing Muslim/Islam they are so quick to condemn the people as a whole. There are bat-shit crazy parts of the Bible and Koran; it just takes a mentally divergent individual or group to soak up all the evil and violent parts of said religion and ignore all the parts which are positive.

Those who believe islam is the most evil of all religions obviously have not done the proper reading. Those evangelical Christians who are convincing themselves that Obama is a Muslim sympathizer need only look in the mirror to see their religions' version of extremity.

Terrorism is terrorism. The criminally insane hide begin religion to appear to have a "cause." Remember, Timothy Mcviegh was raised roman catholic, and only claimed to be agnostic days before his execution, yet still took the sacrament before he was put to death.

If Obama had the kind of cooperation Clinton had in the mid 90's, he would be getting things done properly....... Instead, the republicans in 2009, headed by that douche Mitch Mconnell, state that for the next three years their #1 goal is to make Obama an one term president. They have used the filibuster more often that any other congress in history, and continue to veto job creating legislation that the Dems bring to a vote. At a time the country is supposedly in such peril, all they care about is getting that fucking black man out of the WHITE House. Disgusting, to say the least.these men are hardly patriots; all the care about is giving tax breaks to their super rich friends, while starting wars that they don't have a plan to pay for. When the country is at its lowest, they want to cut education, food stamps, welfare and health care for the sick and elderly.

It's like the New Deal never happened, wasn't successful and didn't have an extremely positive impact on this country as a whole. The big banks fucked the country, and now Paul Ryan and his cronies want the middle class to pays for their horrible actions. Get real. I see a lot of positive coming out of an Obama 2nd term.


Yeah killing ppl now that's a" REAL CHRISTIAN THING TO DO" LOL according to the guys in power lol Oh someone please get them out of power before they do more damage then they have already done ffs,,,
I would really like to know how they keep changing the fucking
rules as they go along and how this part is fair.. I don't know a lot about American politics but I do know that Ron Paul had 5 states and they changed this to 8 and this was how this fucking TOOL mormon or should I say moron got in ..I say WTF is going on when shit like this happens.I hear Ron Paul has more support then this asshole and keeps getting pushed to the side WTF is that about?? Fuck,, the elections in the USA are as bad as they are here in Canada .. People don't win only the Gov wins and we are sheep. I see this more and more now.. Welcome to the NEW WORLD ORDER I hope you brought your shit boots cause were going to be walking through lots of shit for many years to come ppl..Headband 707:tumbleweed:

Max Yields

Active member
There's not much of a choice in candidates. But after checking out Romney, it seems Obama might be the better candidate...

Not many choices to begin with. We're screwed... At least one is considering legalizing ???:thinking: & the other is flat out saying hell no.


Active member
Exactly. I'm not a God-fearing man, but I am a student of history. There is no reason not to believe Jesus was a great man 2000 or so years ago, and tried to improve the lives of people living in a scary, violent world. The bible is a fucking storybook, compiled centuries after his death.

If Jesus ever was to walk the world again, as all good christians believe will happen, he wouldn't be surprised, in my opinion. The powers that be have been perverting the "word of god" for their benefit since the beginning of religion, this shit is nothing new.

I think it is funny how all these right wing conservatives are so full of hate, and only follow he word of god when it suits them. They deserve absolutely zero respect......



Active member


Your right about that! Too many leftist sheeple, I'm hoping it is in the water not the herb.

it's in the bullshit that is watched on the TV ........ propaganda and bullshit are something the left and the right both love.

do some fact checking and it becomes pretty clear that both sides lie ALL THE TIME.


Active member
Both sides lie, and have the same agenda, only oneside will bring you to the end point alot faster. with obama a few more people get to make more money while raping the 99% and with mitt romney less people get to be the 1%.

I agree and will add that with Johnson..we would get some liberty back. Amongst other things...


Active member
^ it's that type of thinking that leads to misrepresentation if you and millions of other dissenters don't vote :lightning: