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MSNBC says Obama to legalize


Active member
With the state of America, all you guys are nuts determining your vote based on who you think "might" legalize pot. Pull your heads out, this is the worst shape our country has ever been in, and pot should not be the top political determining factor.

Edit: also, anybody that thinks main stream media is "the real news" needs a reality check. May I suggest The Blaze .com


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
we the people can legalize ANYTHING we want once we wake up and realize that we don't need the government to dictate ANYTHING for us no matter how well intention-ed it might seem.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor


With the state of America, all you guys are nuts determining your vote based on who you think "might" legalize pot. Pull your heads out, this is the worst shape our country has ever been in, and pot should not be the top political determining factor.

Edit: also, anybody that thinks main stream media is "the real news" needs a reality check. May I suggest The Blaze .com

If this is the worst it has ever been...then damn. I wont for nothing. The sun is shining over me...I can see for miles and miles...and all around me...my neighbors...are in the same boat...and even bigger boats. I'm a modest man...but I've been around...and I say...America is a fat motherfucker. It does not skip meals much.

Go ahead and vote...vote for the face that is going to "save" America...from these worst of times. I will say...your vote is as meaningless as my No Vote....the difference is...nothing...never mind...forgive me...you are entitled to do what you want...but not...think what you want. The media does a fine job of programing...there is no real news...it's all a slant fest..as ridiculous as voting (for either 1 of the 2 parties)
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Guest 142956

Boy thats a fact. I'm 57 and have never seen race realtions so bad. We are not all Catholics by the way.

Guest 142956

the Blaze is owned by glen beck. Glen Beck is so full of shit that he cant even be on Fox which is equivalent to MSNBC, and ABC news.

That is funny, at least Beck tries to make the truth important. Something the left has no use for.

Guest 142956

I scanned thru the 1961 treaty info. So leaves and seeds are not covered? Anyone ever smoke the leaves?


The Pablos, I am writing to say, "your Right" ! Well leastwise 90% right which is plenty enough and I wonder why You bother ? I am respectfully curious, "Why bother" ? Most of Us humans are stupid, greedy, lazy, hypnotized, low life's and I'm wondering what You are doing here among Us ? Its obvious you enjoy pointing out our glaring faults and we both know Your correct in Your analysis of our present condition but You are here with Us and what we do or don't do will effect you and Your loved ones. So please offer up a solution, we are looking forward to an answer that will improve our lot. Thanks

Exterminate yourselves

Guest 142956

If this is the worst it has ever been...then damn. I wont for nothing. The sun is shining over me...I can see for miles and miles...and all around me...my neighbors...are in the same boat...and even bigger boats. I'm a modest man...but I've been around...and I say...America is a fat motherfucker. It does not skip meals much.

Go ahead and vote...vote for the face that is going to "save" America...from these worst of times. I will say...your vote is as meaningless as my No Vote....the difference is...nothing...never mind...forgive me...you are entitled to do what you want...but not...think what you want. The media does a fine job of programing...there is no real news...it's all a slant fest..as ridiculous as voting (for either 1 of the 2 parties)

Leftist hypocrisy! I have another take on you Pablo, buzz off.


Leftist hypocrisy! I have another take on you Pablo, buzz off.

Not a leftist collectivist dude....and who are you to tell me what to do? If I had an argument....you'd be winning it for me. As it is...I make only observations. If you don't like them...flip me on ignore Billy...that simple.

Guest 142956

You definitly have problems Pablum, I have big problems with people like you. I thought about putting you on ignore but observing bad behavior might be fun.


Rose, Just calm down awreddy. No One Cares.

No my friend. I care. Bill is representing a scary # in the population. It's much better to have him being honest...and in the open. Fully programmed.