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MSNBC says Obama to legalize


New member
You really think that the guy (0bama) who can't even pass a budget is somehow gonna legalize marijuana? He can't do anything without the help of Congress which he doesn't seem to be able to lead on anything.
DFTR is right with the "do nothing congress" stagnating everything it doesn't seem likely MJ legalization would go anywhere. That said Romney has stated he will fight tooth, and nail against MJ legalization. That means more tax dollars funneled to private prisons, and other LEO interests.


Well-known member
i believe we've seen just how MJ is going(eventually) at the federal side
top leadership floats a very mild proposal, Pelosi did this about a month ago, BO kind of slithered around and certain sources leaked info how BO might do something
at some point, the deal gets made with DEA/pharma/other parasites, rescheduling happens with a whimper rather than a bang
we saw hints of this when that DEA skank bitch was grilled a little on the hill, DEA will cave to congress eventually, they hold the money cards
important thing is no congress people are hurt during the process, that is the priority, that is always the priority

headband 707

Plant whisperer
oh im voting, a write in for a the right candidate. Ron paul

Can anyone and I mean anyone explain to me why Ron Paul is the only one that makes any sense out of all of them and he get zero airtime ? Can they also tell me why suck a MORON is in his place and why the ppl are listening to this moron instead? Hummm really makes one ponder on who is running this dog and pony show..It was bad enough when Bush got in for his second term and fucked the world but this is doing all over again. Which ever candidite wins between these two they are both going to run it to the ground , they don't care what they ppl think, I say it's time to move lol headband 707:)


Active member
You really think that the guy (0bama) who can't even pass a budget is somehow gonna legalize marijuana? He can't do anything without the help of Congress which he doesn't seem to be able to lead on anything.

FWIW - If this was MSNBC, those sycophants would be calling you racist for saying " that guy". Its the new trend and catch phrase.


Active member
They are all lying liars, worse that a used car salesman, and will cowtow to whomever they need to, to get elected.

Lucky 7

Active member
^^ unfortunately that's about the size of it today . . . nice piece on the Romney & his wealth building in current issue of Rolling Stone.

Basically did what Gorden Gecko did in Wall Street.

Jim Rockford

Well-known member
Med users should only vote for Gary Johnson, a vote for Obama is the lesser of two evils, but still evil. He has lied about MJ and made record arrests. I'd like to support the O but he is full of shit on the MJ issue.


Active member
even though we are on a WEED WEBSITE, legalizing is hardly the most important issue, my opinion only.

Medical Marijuana does not effect enough people to be a mainstream political issue at this time. The economy and the way we(USA) treat the less fortunate and lower middle class is the Issue of this Election. Mitt Romney looks at us as the help; mother fucker doesnt realize he needs the people to actually like him.



Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
still waiting on that obama legalize bullshit, i dont think hes gonna do it... and romney def wont, gary johnson, i only half trust that turd... better than the 0% trust the 2 main parties have earned.

redbudduckfoot: its pretty mainstream in denver and the front range... esp. w 64 on the ballot this year


Bubblegum Specialist
I don't know. Obamas policies have harmed us here in the golden state but we won't vote Romney. I don't think Obama will legalize. The states will however and then it's up to the courts again. So lame calling an herb a drug at all. Raw herb is herbal medicine anyone can use safely.


Active member
Hey Bushy, You are a wise man, and most of us are part of the 47%, although I did pay my social security and medicare taxes every damn paycheck. Thus, I want something( my fucking benefits you prick Republicans) back. Sincerely Peace and respect, let's all convert to rastafari.


Active member
So lame calling an herb a drug at all. Raw herb is herbal medicine anyone can use safely.

Lame is right! It's not "a drug" it's a benign herb, complex, and with many medicinal properties, most of which remain undiscovered! And as long as the Puritan ethic endures in the United States, they will fight against anything perceived as "pleasurable", because we all know "pleasurable" is somehow evil or dirty. Hard to believe this medieval thought process persists here in 2012, over a thousand years later! But they are going to keep their heads in the sand no matter what, as long as they adhere to their superstitious belief systems. And since judgement is a big part of their beliefs, they have no problem not only judging us, but putting us in cages for our "misdeeds". Obama and Clinton were both "users", so their hypocrisy is amplified. I just don't see how these guys can look themselves in the mirror. Their inaction is beneath contempt.
Those who seek office are the worst to hold it.
The only way they will legalize is if it's profitable for them.
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