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MSNBC says Obama to legalize

Bless obama and romney both, they are running some really good entertainment (ads,gaffs, etc.) imagine if they spent the amount of money they spend on brainwashing us on something real worthwhile?

Guest 142956

Romney is a reactionary Tool, who would immerse the Country in even worse Wars. He can be counted on to ruin ALL relationships with other Countries, a la Bush.

Your "Koolaid" has just gotten 90 proof...

I am amazed at the level of Ignorance coming from Pot Smokers.. I thought that THC instilled Empathy in its' users. Apparently not.. This is a Ridiculous thread...

FOX NEWS HEADS vs Those who have Read books in their lifetime..

I opine that this thread should be closed. It serves NO purpose.

Some war emersion is inevitable. Presently we should get out of Afghanistan. We will not avoid conflict with Iran. If you want to read a book go for "Dreams of my Father" by BHO. A real eye opener even if his own ghost written autobiography is filled with fiction. As far as Romney ruining relationships with other countries your Messiah hasn't faired so well other than being on a whispering relationship with Putin.


The war in Iraq was for oil...the war in Afghanistan is a Narco war....cut and dry. How many Heroin addicts are there in the former Soviet Union? Where are the poppy fields in relation to Russia?

America gets its dope from Mex/central/south America....where does Russia get theirs? Questions that must be asked...when the American military has been involving itself in a conflict for more than a decade. A conflict...where there is no oil to be gained. If there is no money to be made...wars quickly wrap up.

Good read by a Alfred McCoy....The Politics of Heroin (CIA complicity in the global drug trade)....narco wars have been fought for 1000s of yrs. Same product...different adversaries...different locations. The US has fought its share...covert and otherwise.
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headband 707

Plant whisperer
You know what truly gets under my skin the most about all these issues not just cannabis but all of it../bank/soical programs/gov. direction of the world in general is that we keep bitching and complaining and yelling" THIS IS NOT RIGHT" and yet this shit is getting worse everyday like it's getting further and further from the ppl and rights. ,Into state run GOV. BULLSHIT ideas.. This shit is actually getting scary if they don't get STOPPED and soon.. headband 707


It has always been like this. Nothing happening today is original or new. Every time you hear...in America...people drawing lines in the sand over leftist collectivism and militant right wing philosophy...you can observe how out of touch the citizens really are. How caught up they are in processed consumerism.

People love the idea of politics because it makes them feel like they have a say...are free..and participating. When in reality...they are not and do not...have any of those things. They can speak of whatever they want...but it means zero. They are fed rhetoric and regurgitate rhetoric. Not many are in a position to actually think it out...and digest the old saying of "follow the money" or to understand that the truth will not set them free...or that they actually would want to be free.

People...absolutely...need to be told what to do....what to think...and how to think it. This entire thread is regurgitation....and people struggling with their insecure fears. Their need to be right.

I've thought often...when people say "just look back at history" how few of them really do. History itself...is unoriginal and constantly repeating....yet the masses are unable to learn from it.


Active member
"Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. In the first stage of life the mind is frivolous and easily distracted, it misses progress by failing in consecutiveness and persistence. This is the condition of children and barbarians, in which instinct has learned nothing from experience."

George Santayana, The Life of Reason, Volume 1, 1905

this dude saw it all.



I see no persistence....no nothing....I see a world unenlightened. Doesn't bother me much..as I have no expectations for the human condition. I do see the genius in those who have learned to rise above and flourish in such a world...the corrupt concepts have become overwhelmingly necessary to keep the herd farmed. That's not to say...that I think highly of this sort of activity...just that I can understand from where it's born. It's a dog eat dog...indifferent existence.

The older I get...the less deliberation I have in participating.
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Lucky 7

Active member
Unfortunately, The Pablos is correct in assuming the people NEED to be told what to do . . . that we only BELIEVE we have a say . . . just look at Health Care; our country had a real chance to change the for profit system [/B]that binds 99% of us in chains . . .

The Corporate Heads convinced the middle class the for profit system actually worked........... after voting for the very same 1% who keep the poor strapped and downtrodden; now gov employees and others are paying more than ever! Too late they see their mistake!

I mean wtf? I pay $9,000/yr and still have to pay $6,000 deductible . . . not to get off subject or anything :)

That's NOT Healthcare!! That's freakin robbery!


Well-known member
i'm starting to think that this country would be better off if it was more like Lebanon or Afghanistan in many ways. the police & the military are afraid to go to many areas of those nations for fear of getting killed by the "citizens" there that don't think very highly of their "elected representatives" in the capitol. i damn sure don't think very highly of mine either! both parties do nothing but carry out scorched earth policies against each other, with no regard for the innocent caught between them. the GOP is so far right now that Reagen could not get elected as a Republican, and most Dem. pols have slid so far left that JFK would not recognize the party that sent him to DC. neither party is open to compromise for the nations well-being anymore, nor have they any reason to do so. they are all rich, the majority are millionaires with offshore accounts & free health care. why on earth would they compromise? its gonna take some gunfire & bloodshed to straighten this mess out now. "America-too far gone to save with a ballot, not far gone enough to use a bullet".:tiphat: i'm sitting this election out since there is no one running for office that i can stand to vote for, & you are not allowed to vote against anyone. we need a "none of the above" option.


Well-known member
It's really simple - there is no choice.

President Obama: increasing social safetynets, incremental drug legalisation, economic growth, increasing peace.

Mitt Romney: WWIII, attack on Iran, eternal police state, end of democracy, end of civilisation and life as we know it through a nuclear confrontation with Russia and China after they invade Iran, which puts them on the border of both. Social legislation that upholds the fake moralism of local politicians from Mississippi and Alabama. No birth control rights for your girlfriend - start saving up for those 10 kids you never wanted. Forced morning prayer for the kids you do have, so they will become 'moral'. You'll realise how big and intrusive state government can really be (remember forced segregation, the state telling you who you can marry, what bench you can sit on, which waterfountain you can drink from - and then they complain about Big Government, and demand 'liberty' with which they mean the liberties they can take with your rights).

Oh no, they're 'both just as bad', 'there is no choice'.


Well-known member
The only test of democracy is - do you have a government that policy wise is where the people are?

Again - no choice.

The Democrats are too corporate, but their core is still with the people. Most of their corporate leanings come from the fact that elections are not publicly funded. He who pays the piper calls the tune, and if one allowes corporations to fund politicians, the outcome is not difficult to anticipate. If you want a government that is responsive to the wishes of the people, the people must pay their bills, not GE, GM, MS, etc. You get what you pay for. At the core, the Democrats still have the women's vote, they are for civil rights, human rights, a middle class based economy.

Romney is Wall Street through and through. He is of the same type and age of the corporate raiders of the 1980s, of which he is one - Michael Milken, Ivan Boessky, KKR. That is his crowd. The same for his little Bud Fox buddy, Paul Ryan. Have we seen that movie before? Yes we have, and it was called Wall Street. Greed is good, greed works - it was their motto 30 years ago, and it is still today. If you want to be robbed blind, the billionairs and trillionairs are the ticket.

Guest 142956

It's really simple - there is no choice.

President Obama: increasing social safetynets, incremental drug legalisation, economic growth, increasing peace.

Mitt Romney: WWIII, attack on Iran, eternal police state, end of democracy, end of civilisation and life as we know it through a nuclear confrontation with Russia and China after they invade Iran, which puts them on the border of both. Social legislation that upholds the fake moralism of local politicians from Mississippi and Alabama. No birth control rights for your girlfriend - start saving up for those 10 kids you never wanted. Forced morning prayer for the kids you do have, so they will become 'moral'. You'll realise how big and intrusive state government can really be (remember forced segregation, the state telling you who you can marry, what bench you can sit on, which waterfountain you can drink from - and then they complain about Big Government, and demand 'liberty' with which they mean the liberties they can take with your rights).

Oh no, they're 'both just as bad', 'there is no choice'.

Kind of an odd analogy. It is the Dems that want the police state, and us to have less choice, note how so much of the Stimulus money went to the DPS and how little of it went to build infrastructure instead of high teck cars and new officers. You may be too young to remember but the KKK were democrats as was Wallace. The Liberals are all about the "liberties they can take with your rights"and money. Republicans/conservatives are named after what our country is a republic with a gauranteed set of civil rights. Unfortunately many republicans are RINO's (republicans in name only) and mimic the left while playing conservative. In my view the fools that think the Republicans are some kind of right wing order are not seeing that both parties are moving away from what is constitutional, pick your direction but left is it. Fascism was not "right wing".

Guest 142956

The only test of democracy is - do you have a government that policy wise is where the people are?

Again - no choice.

The Democrats are too corporate, but their core is still with the people. Most of their corporate leanings come from the fact that elections are not publicly funded. He who pays the piper calls the tune, and if one allowes corporations to fund politicians, the outcome is not difficult to anticipate. If you want a government that is responsive to the wishes of the people, the people must pay their bills, not GE, GM, MS, etc. You get what you pay for. At the core, the Democrats still have the women's vote, they are for civil rights, human rights, a middle class based economy.

This is the great lie the light thinkers believe and that the left wants you to believe.

Romney is Wall Street through and through. He is of the same type and age of the corporate raiders of the 1980s, of which he is one - Michael Milken, Ivan Boessky, KKR. That is his crowd. The same for his little Bud Fox buddy, Paul Ryan. Have we seen that movie before? Yes we have, and it was called Wall Street. Greed is good, greed works - it was their motto 30 years ago, and it is still today. If you want to be robbed blind, the billionairs and trillionairs are the ticket.

Funny post! Obama has robbed more during his tenure in office than any other president in history with the exception of Lincoln. One thing you can count on is that a rich mans checks are good and never take a check from anybody born in New Jersey.
oldhippie....this very same discussion takes place between groups of my friends in several states. As I wrote John Boehner, recently,"We each have a point where we will each draw the line....don't where that point is, for myself, but I do know we're close, and steadily getting closer. I don't know or can't say what will happen when that point is reached and truly pray it doesn't get that far. It is YOUR job to lead America, with the Constitution as your guide, back to a Democratic Republic. If you can't...you will inevitably hear from us."
We have the most ill informed electorate on the planet.
most people vote by who's name sounds good to them.
we celebrate stupidity and condem Intellectuals.
we are fucked.


We have the most ill informed electorate on the planet.
most people vote by who's name sounds good to them.
we celebrate stupidity and condem Intellectuals.
we are fucked.

sad but true ......

the electorate has been turned into a bunch of cheerleaders ....... brainwashed finger pointing twits who's respective teams can do no wrong

NOTHING in life is perfect .... and that goes double when politics or politicians are involved.

i just can't get my mind around how anyone is missing how full of shit both sides are anymore.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
We have the most ill informed electorate on the planet.
most people vote by who's name sounds good to them.
we celebrate stupidity and condem Intellectuals.
we are fucked.

Yeah but what happens when you get twiddle dee or twiddel dee Dumber and then they talk like fools again and again turning this world into what they have turned it into today!..If ppl can't stop these guys I would personal move the hell away from them as far as I could get headband 707:)


Active member
The politicians hire some of the best "mob psychologists" available to plan their campaigns. They produce meaningless drivel that sounds good, plot the best times and places to detonate their word bombs, sit back and watch the results and adjust their strategies and tactics for the biggest bang.

Individuals are capricious and unpredictable, therefore relatively meaningless to politicians or corporate weenies. They're almost impossible to control one by one. Large masses of people, however, react to stimuli in quite predictable ways. Wind up a few susceptible people and turn them loose and watch the fun.

A book I read when in my teens (back when they were chipped from stone tablets) "Rumor, Fear and the Madness of Crowds" was interesting. I don't remember a lot about it except that it dealt with some of the big panics. McCarthy's red scare, Wells's "War of the Worlds" broadcast, several more obscure panics. How a few panicked people can end up dragging a bunch more with them by sheer force of will and sloganeering. Rational thought is dragged down and stomped on. That's what I'm seeing more and more in political campaigns. That book, I believe, layed the groundwork for today's political fearmongering. Also for things like the cellphone, smart meter and other less-than-rational crowd panics.

I just googled for the book and it seems it's been out of print for a long time. Too bad, it was a good read.

Lucky 7

Active member
I heard an interesting debate on TV; are we a nation of individuals, as stated/planned by our founding fathers, or have we become a collective, a sweltering mass alluded to in some of the above posts?

Several contributing factors have come into play over the last hundred yrs, the largest of which are exploding population, the erosion of individual rights, and deterioration of states rights .................... we have become a brainless, polarized mob slowly clawing at the T V, crawling toward oblivion . . . or is that the smoke talking?