We had 80" of rain this year (between Big Sur + Arroyo Seco), double edged sword!
Upside, the water table is higher than ever, no way the well is going dry. One of the downsides is the rodent population. Theres prob 4x the usual amount of woodrats, gophers, moles. The ground was so soft through May/June that they really rolled into the garden area like an invading army.
I've been zapping the gopher/mole burrows with M-80s (thank you Pahrump) followed by Giant Destroyer smokes. I've been weedwacking / clear cutting near the garden, then covering all holes, watching for new activity.
The fights going well, now starting to see some of the gnaw marks on the lower trunk / branches. The fun never ends.
Upside, the water table is higher than ever, no way the well is going dry. One of the downsides is the rodent population. Theres prob 4x the usual amount of woodrats, gophers, moles. The ground was so soft through May/June that they really rolled into the garden area like an invading army.
I've been zapping the gopher/mole burrows with M-80s (thank you Pahrump) followed by Giant Destroyer smokes. I've been weedwacking / clear cutting near the garden, then covering all holes, watching for new activity.
The fights going well, now starting to see some of the gnaw marks on the lower trunk / branches. The fun never ends.