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MotherLode Gardens 2017


yah i got it tested a few months ago, posted the results in this thread. didnt look that bad.

I went all native this season but amended, I've been quite pleased thus far, been testing every month and getting good data tracking. You should check out my thread, about too post an update.


Active member
Place is looking good over there, really blowin up. A tall enough wire cage would keep the rabbits or whatever out, you can also use the plastic mesh that goes on top of gutters to keep leaves out.
We use it to wrap young tree trunks to keep the deer from chewing off bark. Maybe a psycho rabbit would get through the plastic, but the deer leave it alone. It's easy to kind of corkscrew up the trunk as needed


Masochist Educator
i assume they will be back so will look into traps.

Havent tried myself but ive read people recommend spreading predatory animal urine around. Like coyote and bear to scare away rats, rabbits, and deer.

Ive also read of people suggesting planting a patch of leafy greens somewhere near the grow because the bugs/animals prefer it instead.

I dont have time to post up with a rifle and wait for them. i would use a 12 gauge though anyway

The thought of someone running through a weed garden firing wildly at rabbits made me lol, crude but effective.

Gardens looking healthy, mound plants are monsters!


ICMag Donor
Love that blue clear sky. Plants are really vigorous and have got BIG. I feel for you having to pound all those 10 ft steel t posts. That looks like a lot of work! I guess you get a little faster every year. I bet your little dog, well trained with beef, could take care of the rabbits. :smoke:

I have been applying nature guard a mix of organic repellents 2-3 times a week and it seems to be working. Should have caged them all, thats murphy's law.... Thanks for sharing. Incredible growth this year nice work! :smoke:


Plant Damage looks identical to mouse and rat hit plants I have seen. They will not stop until you kill them. Steel wool wrapped trunk will deter them. They must be trapped and killed or you will lose more plants and plants never recover from the damage.Rabbits can do similar damage but you will usually see them or their poop. Rodents leave no signs behind other than a wilting plant. They can kill a big plant in one night


Plant Damage looks identical to mouse and rat hit plants I have seen. They will not stop until you kill them. Steel wool wrapped trunk will deter them. They must be trapped and killed or you will lose more plants and plants never recover from the damage.Rabbits can do similar damage but you will usually see them or their poop. Rodents leave no signs behind other than a wilting plant. They can kill a big plant in one night
could be rabbits or rodents, we have both here. i'll try the steel wool wrap. we put hardware cloth around the inner cages yesterday to help protect the stalks. honestly im not too bummed about losing a couple plants but i really dont want to lose any more.

imagine a rabbit taking down a 10 pound plant
i dont have to imagine.

what about rubbing some peroxide on the damaged parts on your stalk? to try and keep it clean?
i did that. dont think it will help because the damage is so bad. BYF recommended a product that i could apply "seal and heal", might look into that.


Active member
Haha i just found a bunch of plants in my garden with gnawed trunks. Ive seen the voles living in and sround the pots. My gf had voles gnawing her sunflower stalks. Cut solo cups and wrapped the stems and they stopped. Even used 4" pots which arent very tall. So its solo cups for me before they girdle them.


Active member
Without a fence shcrews it could very well be rabbits... but in my own backyard it has been packrats... heres a shot of damage in my garden, it looks similar... though yours is a main stalk and mine is a branch, i have had stalks in the past too...


Well-known member
Hey guys, long time lurker but your problem's bought me out Schrews, what a bummer!!!
We have a product here called Vics Vaporub, it's a camphor, eucalypt, methol and turpen oil based gel that you rub on your chest when you've got a cold, it opens your sinus' and airways up. This product also has the added benefit of being a great pest deterrent when rubbed on the stems of fruit trees and of course our plants.
Here it's a preventative against one of the worst pests we get, possums and l believe it would help your rabbit problem.
Love the show, keep up the good work and hope this helps. :)


New member
A nontoxic solution (dog safe) for Norway Woodrats and other vermin, is cork meal seasoned with peanut butter. I grind up the corks (sourced 1000 on Ebay) in an McCulloch electric leaf mulcher making the chunks 1/4" to 1/2", enough to half fill a 5gal bucket, then mix in a few ounces of peanut butter.

Leave a cup or so on paper plates around the garden covered with branches to keep the dogs away. I'll also put these plates of yummy goodness under the hood of each car to keep them away from the wiring harness.

Rodents cant digest the cork (dogs can). It binds them up and they drop dead.


A nontoxic solution (dog safe) for Norway Woodrats and other vermin, is cork meal seasoned with peanut butter. I grind up the corks (sourced 1000 on Ebay) in an McCulloch electric leaf mulcher making the chunks 1/4" to 1/2", enough to half fill a 5gal bucket, then mix in a few ounces of peanut butter.

Leave a cup or so on paper plates around the garden covered with branches to keep the dogs away. I'll also put these plates of yummy goodness under the hood of each car to keep them away from the wiring harness.

Rodents cant digest the cork (dogs can). It binds them up and they drop dead.

i was told the same thing about bubblegum, it blocks up there insides... might be worth a try... I got a casualty also, a GDP clone lost a lot of interior leaves and looking closer i found a branch nibbled on thats not going to survive... also found some fresh dirt dug up going under the fabric pot, im sure its a nice cool home for the little bastards...

i made sure to flood the holes under the pot with the firehose... hope i killed the bastards..

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