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MotherLode Gardens 2017


Active member
Check out sod/landscape staples if you haven't already for keeping the irrigation lines in place. Six inches long, I like the ones with flat tops the best. 25$ for 500, cheaper for more.

Once you get it laid out with staples and the poly has been in the sun, you can go back and remove about half the staples if you need them elsewhere.


I got all my plants in the ground by may 23rd I didn't start pruning till June 6th, I feel like I pruned some too early but I guess I learn something new every year. at least I'd like to think do.

Hey shcrews I do admire your dedication to your grow threads in the way you try to respond to most all inquiries, I do appreciate it and thank you!


New member
I got all my plants in the ground by may 23rd I didn't start pruning till June 6th, I feel like I pruned some too early but I guess I learn something new every year. at least I'd like to think do.

Hey shcrews I do admire your dedication to your grow threads in the way you try to respond to most all inquiries, I do appreciate it and thank you!

When u say "started prunning" . This meaning topping or cleaning the insides? I just got mine cleaned up a week or two ago. But be topping every 2 weeks or so since the end of april


Hey shcrews I do admire your dedication to your grow threads in the way you try to respond to most all inquiries, I do appreciate it and thank you!
dont thank me, thank my lack of friends :dance013: ICmag is like 90% of my social interaction up here on the farm. Fortunately i have my queen here with me now but she never grew weed before, plus still learning english so it's not quite the same as talking with you guys


its over 100 degrees outside. been pounding t-posts in the mounds all morning, putting up trellis this weekend. Working on the hill in this weather is tough and frequent breaks are necessary to avoid overheating so everything takes longer. Really makes growing feel like a challenge, I like the raw vibe. If this was easy then everybody would do it.

Ancient OG f2's and crosses are CRUSHING it so far. Can't wait to see how the flowers look. I listened to a recent interview with Bodhi on "the pot cast" and was really pleased when they asked him about the Ancient OG and he said how happy he is that people are F2'ing it and crushing it outdoors. Can't help but think that he might be talking about yours truly... Anyway it's really such a special line, can't wait to do some more work with it.

now gonna drink some cold coconut water and get back out there on the hill.. peace


Masochist Educator
dont thank me, thank my lack of friends :dance013: ICmag is like 90% of my social interaction up here on the farm.

I was talking awhile ago about how the forums are really cool because of the anonymity they provide. Being able to show and talk about what we have going on and exchanging information without bringing people around and inducing the "what if" factor.

Growing is like living a double life essentially, cant be to careful.


ICMag Donor
Gardens look super happy! Glad to see the mounds get straw. Watering is tough this time of year! Watering is really an art. Its hard to teach someone... You have to learn it by being constantly observant. Thanks for the pruning tips. I would let the bottom branches grow too, helps maximize yield. Bushes are filling right out, better get those cages on. Enjoy your vacation! Thanks for sharing, Shrews! :smoke:


When u say "started prunning" . This meaning topping or cleaning the insides? I just got mine cleaned up a week or two ago. But be topping every 2 weeks or so since the end of april

Just cleaning the insides, I prefer low stress growing methods and believe pinching and topping over stress and hinder yields in full season outdoor plants.

Noonin NorCal

Active member
when you guys thin out the insides, what about the fan leafs on the insides? Even if they are shaded, do you still leave them alone?


I leave the fan leaves alone, I try not remove anything that creates energy. I figure when the plant is done with them it will draw the nutrients out and shed it on its own.


So many different ways to prune and train. Imo, they all work. Just different techniques give different results. Most important is the plant is healthy and vigorous.

I have pistol whipped quite a few seasons. Grown all natural. Topped early. Topped late. Multiple toppings. Multi planted. 15' spacing, 12' spacing, 7' spacing, etc..

This season we are removing fan leaves aggressively, and an occasional topping and LST to keep things nice and round. I got tired of doing the hanging and dangling ten feet in the air trying to snip buds. Our goal is shorter, wider, more compact, more tops, better air flow with less cages/trellis and easier harvesting.

I think large fans also consume energy, energy sinks even. Once the canopy is full the light is blocked, so all those fan leaves not in direct light are doing more consuming than creating just to stay green. As well they are blocking air flow.

Screws plants look like they will be really huge. Great techniques for aiming for a 10# plant. Not topping, and leaving the fans on pushes the plant to stretch and expand. Builds a huge frame so that you can hit those giant numbers. Limited plant count, great technique.

Really killing it Screws, been awaiting your next update.

Good season to all,


I was talking awhile ago about how the forums are really cool because of the anonymity they provide. Being able to show and talk about what we have going on and exchanging information without bringing people around and inducing the "what if" factor.

Growing is like living a double life essentially, cant be to careful.

well said


Well-known member
I think large fans also consume energy, energy sinks even. Once the canopy is full the light is blocked, so all those fan leaves not in direct light are doing more consuming than creating just to stay green. As well they are blocking air flow.

If the plant didn't need them the plant probably wouldn't have them imo


No one way to farm. Only techniques that work well or don't work well for different farms/farmers. Many ways to skin a cat.

Personally I don't need larf, so I like to remove it. Regardless if the plant needs it or not :biggrin:

No need to argue over it. So many techniques that work great, we share as a community to help each other. Its really great of Screws to keep a thread going and share his experiences. I always enjoy them because he shares everything, the good and the bad. Compared to the guys that are perfect and never mess up, only tell others what they are doing wrong.

Farming is a bitch, nothing is perfect. You can do everything you can, then mother nature throws you a wild card and all you can do is pick yourself up and try again.



No one way to farm. Only techniques that work well or don't work well for different farms/farmers. Many ways to skin a cat.

Personally I don't need larf, so I like to remove it. Regardless if the plant needs it or not :biggrin:

No need to argue over it. So many techniques that work great, we share as a community to help each other. Its really great of Screws to keep a thread going and share his experiences. I always enjoy them because he shares everything, the good and the bad. Compared to the guys that are perfect and never mess up, only tell others what they are doing wrong.

Farming is a bitch, nothing is perfect. You can do everything you can, then mother nature throws you a wild card and all you can do is pick yourself up and try again.


That was well put, your entire post, and could not agree more.

Its about what works in "your" garden to have healthy yielding plants and there's more then one way to skin a cat.

Thanks for that post medresearcher.


Active member
care to elaborate? ive noticed this on a few of the largest plants

When are you gonna break out the magic wands?

Jidoka are you saying anything besides that fading means translocation means plants havin some kinda problem getting the nutrients it needs


Well-known member
Sometimes I should just let it be

Schrewd- I t think I'm on par until I see your pics and a couple other guys. Warm night temps are just crazy for growth.
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