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MotherLode Gardens 2017

Stank J.P.

it was hot today! 105+ and supposed to stay hot all week. Its hard to work on this steep hill in heat like that so i woke up early, put in a few hours and went back to sleep for the hottest part of the day.
Then got up again a few hours before dark to do more work. Fortunately with the solstice upon us the days stretch long, and 16+ hours of usable daylight allows me to be flexible with our daily work schedule.

The plants are loving the heat wave. lots of growth daily, although they are still only getting water twice a week at this point. We are installing the irrigation lines this week, one of our final tasks for spring prep. After that everything will be on cruise control ... garden work for the next few months will consist of trellising and pruning, along with weekly foliar and root drench and 3x daily plant inspections.

We have many reasons to be pleased with progress so far. All plots appear in peak health, growth is steady and relatively even throughout the garden considering how many different strains are being grown. Not to mention, my seeds are performing on par with all the other elite genetics. All the Ancient OG f2's and crosses are quite vibrant and some are outpacing everything else in both mine and others gardens

Hi, great garden. You said you water twice a week in 105 degree weather. How many gallons approximately would you say a watering consists of for plants the size they are right now? Thanks and keep doin what you're doin.


Active member
great , thanks for the info. After sitting on the fence for a few weeks i decided that we will skip the ground cover this year and just plant a living mulch again, making sure to keep it cut short so it doesnt draw too much water/nutrients from the soil.

I am wondering what is a good ground cover for preventing weeds in-between the mounds? a layer of woodchips all over the hill would be nice i suppose, although idk how practical. i dont know much about landscaping, any ideas? the foxtails and bermuda grass are a real pain.

Woodchips would work, at least a couple inches, 3-4 would be better.
Before doing that I would use a weed whip with angled string or a set of metal blades and chop everything down to soil level.

You could do just the weedwhip work once every few weeks, and that would be the cheapest and once done initially would be easier to take care of

Solarization might get rid of the Bermuda grass if it isn't too deeply rooted. It's most effective in the top few inches of soil but the heat can reach 90 at nine inches deep.
After severely weed whipping rake the area smooth as possible because you want the plastic to make the best contact possible with the dirt.
Get 2 mil. clear plastic, Uv treated would be ideal but it only needs to last 42 days from June-August in California for the sunny areas. June to
August is the best time to do this.
Before putting plastic down water well for the top twelve inches of soil, and you can anchor the plastic edges by digging a six inch deep trench at the edge of plastic and burying it.
Plants get a lot of benefits from solarized soil, gets rid of pathogens and weeds


Active member
Damn those natives will be a nice bonus if youre thinkin of them as just extras that may or may not make it. I always underpromise myself on yield so I consistently surprise myself :D .. Brain hack


ICMag Donor
Native soil plot, that's cool! No amendments wow! Looking good with just foliar feeding! Its too bad the government makes it hard on the herb growers by limiting plants. As if its not hard enough to be a farmer, the government limits your plant population. Whats the deal with that? Quality medicine would be easier to produce without these limits I'm sure. Its easier to work on and inspect small plants. You guys have an impossible job, what a challenge. Looking forward to watching the progress! :smoke:

Heat messing with the plants at all?

Zoysiagrass is slow growing and chokes out weeds. You will have to hack it back from the mounds though. I would do wood chips or bark mulch about 3 inches thick.

Thanks for sharing, Shrews!


New member
Wow u doing good shit in the local area brother. Great to see people from here who have a true passion for cannabis and not just exploiting the plants. And u know it's cheap to make some baskets for those girls in the native dirt. But I didn't say it would be quick not easy for awhole hillside. Keep it growing on


Curious, since you're foliar feed those plants, giving them the fertilizer via the leaves, will that mean the roots are not spreading out as much, seeking water and fresh nutrients?
i dont think it works like that. from what i've seen , foliar feeding helps make plants healthy and healthy plants have big roots. thanks for stopping by, stick around!
here you are, i somehow stumbled across your insta on my non weed graff account, it is all up and down my feed. subbed up
nice. my non-weed IG acccount is mostly pictures of food and my dog.

Hi, great garden. You said you water twice a week in 105 degree weather. How many gallons approximately would you say a watering consists of for plants the size they are right now? Thanks and keep doin what you're doin.
Watering at this point in the season is always tricky for me , if you water too much you end up drowning the roots before the plants have had a chance to fully grow into all that soil... , but underwatering is obviously a concern as well when temperatures near the triple-digits. Plus the plants are still growing rapidly so their needs change daily. At this point in the season i usually start watering 3x per week although they have been getting water about 1-2x per week up until now. The amount varies depending on factors like the weather, how the soil feels and how the plants look. a normal watering right now may be anywhere from 20-40 gallons per plant.


Native soil plot, that's cool! No amendments wow! Looking good with just foliar feeding!
fuck yah. i've been telling people around here but they still insist on using smartpots
Heat messing with the plants at all?
They love the heat. i've never seen plants grow so fast.
Zoysiagrass is slow growing and chokes out weeds. You will have to hack it back from the mounds though. I would do wood chips or bark mulch about 3 inches thick.
We already have bermuda grass growing on and between half the mounds. It's really a pain to deal with. woodchips are in my future i think.
Woodchips would work, at least a couple inches, 3-4 would be better.
Before doing that I would use a weed whip with angled string or a set of metal blades and chop everything down to soil level.

You could do just the weedwhip work once every few weeks, and that would be the cheapest and once done initially would be easier to take care of
yah i've been keeping the hill pretty clean with the weedwacker so far but i defiinitely see woodchips happening sometime .


Damn those natives will be a nice bonus if youre thinkin of them as just extras that may or may not make it. I always underpromise myself on yield so I consistently surprise myself :D .. Brain hack
i always underpromise myself on yield yet i still consistently disappoint myself. i think your brain hack is working better than mine. But the ones in the native will do OK but i'm really trying not to care too much about them. I want to get the mounds poppin!


Native Soil Plot

Native Soil Plot

The little plants on the right just went in the ground last week.. The rest have been there about 5 weeks now i think.





Blue Dream x (Sour Diesel x Durban Poison) x Chemdog - South Fork Seeds

Blue Dream x (Sour Diesel x Durban Poison) x Chemdog - South Fork Seeds

there's a dog hiding in this plant...




So it's been a long week , a long month, a long season.. My queen and I have been on the hill almost 3 months straight working every single day, often all day, sometimes in extreme heat, but finally the garden prep work is finished. tomorrow I will put the finishing touches on the new drip system for the native soil plot, and then all that's left to do for this month is put up the next layer of trellis. Soon we will take a much needed vacation and then I can finally start my seed project!

The season has thus far been uniquely challenging, not to mention physically taxing and quite stressful. i had to balance the considerable task of selling last year's harvest with the even more pressing matter of managing this year's crop. Making sure planting and early veg stages went smoothly while at the same time dealing with the demands of financing and buying a property. Not to mention this is the first time in half a decade that i've shared my space with a female, who happens to be the only person helping me this year. Fortunately my past experience has helped me to persevere and focus on the job at hand, and now with spring finally behind us, I am looking forward to a relaxing summer before the chaos of what will hopefully be our biggest harvest yet.

Happy 4th of july to my american brethren, and best wishes to everyone. peace!


$$ ALONE $$
Everythings looking super healthy and happy. I believe you just may have the best year, yield wise, yet! Congratz on a great start. All that hard work will sure pay off in the end.
My AOG f2's are still just seedlings. They will get planted in 20gln pots and thrown outside to flower.


Looking amazing Schrews! There are still 3-4 plants in the mounds or are they single plant mounds now?
one plant per mound this year. i dont like dealing with the crowding that inevitably comes with multi-planting, and since we got a good start this year there was no need for it.

way to grow dude, things are beasts already. what kind of straw did you end up getting?
not sure what kind, basically whatever the local farm supply store had in stock.

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