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MotherLode Gardens 2015


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I third cal mag. There's afew OMRI certified brands on the market. Not sure I've got the resume to diagnose but Id add it. Won't hurt.

My dog don't let her ball go far either around the farm! 2015's looking to be a good year for this forum


Thats ah good doggy, does he or she have his or her booty's on?

no i check his paws every day for foxtails now instead. he wasn't a fan of the boots, they are great for short periods of time but after a few hours i think they start to get uncomfortable, and he spends all day outside with me sometimes


Active member
I've seen similar leaf twists or whirls when plants got too much slow release ferts in out door guerrilla grows. Different insects will do it as well but there will be webbing or insects present.


i think redlaser is on to something with the slow release ferts, ive seen it happen a couple times from time release nutes.
Always taking bad ass pics. Like the dog too. And plants are looking good. My shits weak this year i didnt invest in nothing cause of the ban in yuba. Tilled native soil with one bag holes. Just hoping to pull 3# ers lol. Actually just hoping to pull period lol. Well see how it turns out. Cant wait to get everything straightened out and back on track.


Well-known member
Pretty sure it takes 100 X scope ta see their lil microscopic asses Shcrews......Gladta see yas back BTW....

Attack this problem with EXTREME prejudice and find out what`s causin it with NO guesswork , or risk infestation in every plant till they can`t come back from treatment....

Your budget won`t allow for crop failure with no return this yr bro , so handle it cuz I had an old head bro lose 20 plants in one location last yr to broadmites......

Just like you he couldn`t see evidence of any critters with his 60 X loupe , and not living at the location caused him to drop the ball and not figure shit out till it was too late.....

Mendo lost a plant to termites this yr....I lost a whole patch to the little bastards back in the day.....dry weather and they ate their way up from the roots to the tops in couple days and fell over as mulch on the ground outta nowhere....anyways....

Hope it`s just what crybaby called and your nutrients , minerals , cations and anions are outta whack , but being pro-active instead of RE-active to the problem means everything here in mid-stroke ....

Good luck....DHF....:ying:......


That leaf mutation could be any number of things. Would be difficult to tell from just that one picture, escpecially without knowing your complete program. Would love to give you the magic bullet. Sorry dude.


Pretty sure it takes 100 X scope ta see their lil microscopic asses Shcrews......Gladta see yas back BTW....

Attack this problem with EXTREME prejudice and find out what`s causin it with NO guesswork , or risk infestation in every plant till they can`t come back from treatment....

idk, i checked pretty closely with the 60x, spent over an hour staring at leaves and stems, didn't see anything moving at all. i would rather not drive 3+ hours today just to get a slightly more powerful scope, i'm not convinced 100x will show me bugs that are invisible at 60x. all the threads i've checked say you should be able to see mites with 60x. not tryin to argue just am tired of constantly having to get some new item/product to keep my garden on point. im short on time and over my budget haha

That leaf mutation could be any number of things. Would be difficult to tell from just that one picture, escpecially without knowing your complete program.
my complete program = plant seeds, water, harvest..

im not asking for a diagnosis, just wondering if anybody has seen similar symptoms on their outdoor plants , and how/if they diagnosed and fixed the problem


Well-known member
Diggin in the rootzone`s where they`ll be noticed first bro....Everything I read in the dud thread said it takes 100 X to see their ass , but hey I understand bout getting 9 different answers for 1 question , just air on the side of caution and don`t let it slide....

Plants look healthy Bro , but that funky new growth comes straight from what`s happenin in the rootzone , believe that....Good luck and here`s hopin it`s nothing but "cations and anions"......

Nice to see you back on here man. I have a couple plants that are doing the taco curl but dark green still and growing like crazy. I freaked out that they might be russets or broads but have been going over them religiously with a 100x and they are clean. Spraying nuke'em anyways and have been since the beginning. Think it might just be the strain reacting to some of the 100+ deg days.


so i got a 100x scope today, checked a few different plants and didn't see any bugs. I also bought an atomizer , tomorrow morning i will spray everything with pyrethrum and neem just in case

i will try to get started on the tissue analysis tomorrow, hopefully i can figure out what the issue is.

on the bright side,plants seem to be healthy, they are tracking the sun, most are perfect looking. I am still worried about the branches that have twisty new growth but ive said it from the start of the year, even if i have the most fucked up season ever i'll still probably get more than last year


Diggin in the rootzone`s where they`ll be noticed first bro.

i'm not sure how to interpret that. are you saying i should dig up one of the plants and check its roots? i scoped the surface of the dirt in a couple pots and didn't see anything moving. even dug down an inch or so, where i could just start to see roots, and checked there... still nothing.

im almost ready to rule out bugs, but will check again tomorrow. with my luck i am missing something
Pyrethium and neem dont mess with broad or russets. And ya just scarpe a inch or two off the top of the pot and check. Only thinng ive seen that kills russets is avid and forbid 4f and sulfer sprays drive them away. And theres some other stuff called agri mek that kills russets too.


in other news: my drip irrigation is taking FOREVER to set up. I got all the fitting and hose clamps, but dripworks doesn't have emitter tubing in stock for at least a week, plus i can't find 1.5" poly pipe anywhere within 100 miles, so i have to order that too. dripworks doesn't stock it, so i have to find it somewhere else.

I hate how stuff always takes fucking forever for me. things that should be easy turn into multi-week projects. it's really frustrating. plus now having some issues with the plants which makes the stress 10x worse, plus am running low on funds, washing machine and oven are broken, and have been alone on the farm for a couple months without leaving...

done venting now. time for a dab and a joint and chill on the porch, music, sunset, throw the ball for the dog. gotta chill out

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