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MotherLode Gardens 2015


can a certain mod please refrain from shutting down / threatenening to shut down my threads? makes this place feel kinda uninviting, which is weird because i have not done anything but try to spread good ganja vibes on here. There used to be a lot more knowledgeable people on this site but seems like there is some kind of power trip going on.


Motherlode Gardens part 4

Motherlode Gardens part 4

got the honda pump. And a firehose to handwater until the drip emitter tubing gets here, cuz dripworks is backordered for a week..




do you water your plants like that to simulate rain?
more like a hurricane haha.
do they smooth out after a few days or stay that way?
they perk up as soon as they are dry. tom hill used to say its like doing push-ups for the branches
looking good,have a nice vacation?
i guess, been working solo out here. idk why they banned me for a week, i guess its because i said i liked blueberry. so yah from now on i dont like anyone haha. sucks cuz parts 2 and 3 were deleted i think and there was some good info on there


some weird leaf twisting on a few of the plants:

a few people said it might be broad mites, but i checked with a 60x scope and didnt see any bugs anywhere.



byf said it may be a cation/anion imbalance, but i dont really know what that means. he suggested i get tissue analysis at an ag lab, so i may inquire about that tomorrow but that is a new process for me, and i'm not sure what to look out for.

Noonin NorCal

Active member
I missed yah bud, I also have some weird spiral action going on like that on one of my Phantom's, i've noticed etching on the only branch thats doing it like a slug or grasshopper. Thats funny how you water like that im super anal when i water mine i try and soak the soil and not let it touch anything specially branches... I water in the AM though, you do yours before sunset? PS: glad to see you back


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
some weird leaf twisting on a few of the plants:

a few people said it might be broad mites, but i checked with a 60x scope and didnt see any bugs anywhere.

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byf said it may be a cation/anion imbalance, but i dont really know what that means. he suggested i get tissue analysis at an ag lab, so i may inquire about that tomorrow but that is a new process for me, and i'm not sure what to look out for.

i seen a thread on T.h.c farm'er and they had leaves that was sticking up like that and it was root aphids. i will try to find the thread and post it to u so u can compare. hopefully it is nothing but better safe then sorry

follow this link and then click on the thread that says "root aphid annihilation pics" https://www.google.com/webhp?source...spv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=root+aphid+annihilation+pics
Root aphids would suck...
I got this during deps this year for a few days on some of my tops
thought it was cal / mag problem so I gave them more
cleared up in a couple days..hope yours does too

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Glad you are back, I check this thread daily. Lots of good info, pics, and views.

Good luck with your leaf issue. I second the cal/mag

Best vibes
Damn i was windering wtf why would they ban you. Anyways good to see you back. Might be broads my buddy had them and it was doing the same exact thing.

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