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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Well-known member
Prioritize.....Set a daily task schedule and do busy work while it`s hot as fuck outside....get a lil more done each day till you`re caught up and all that`s left is tendin bitches...

Eat 5-6 small meals a day regardless of your sleep schedule and stick with it....even if it`s just snackin on fruits and nuts , try to keep protein levels high.....

You`ve got no help so you have to automate feed asap or plants are gonna suffer due to handwatering taking up so much of your time and getting you further behind in scheduled tasks that need done....

As it stands , you`re behind schedule and it`s overwhelming you , take it from somebody that ran a 1 man show without any help for 20+ yrs....

Treat it like a job...cuz it is....even if you ain`t never had 1....:moon:.....but....you`ve made it this far , just gotta follow through and not let it whup your ass......

Pullin fer yas over here on my bucket bro......



Senior Member
What you want to measure is the alkalinity of your water. If it is above 100 you are kidding yourself with foliar. The bicarbs will chelate cations to the point they are not plant available. You can acidify and tie them up with H but that is not completely effective until a pH of 4.5.

A small ro unit just for foliar is a fantastic investment.

Btw...this is what hydro growers are actually doing when they "pH" their water...simply tieing up bicarbonates.


Senior Member
Tough love time management...but it is love bro. Stop doing dabs, stop doing acid...stop all that. Stop taking pics, get off ic and insta. Aint none of that shit paying you

Forget an indo til you are on top of od. Trim that shit later and rehydrate it...ask byf how.

Fuckin sleep 6 hrs period...getting off shit will help. Make yourself eat once a day...high fat is the best energy. A pound of veggies a day to

Once the fog clears this shit gets easier. You are a business this summer...not a stoner


Active member
Your gonna fuck yourself, I eat 2 meals a day ( lol and
I am a fat fucker ) when I should eat breakfast I have
2 NOS energy drinks to wash down my Percocet, morphine
And muscle relaxers so it's kinda a meal lol then eat
A little lunch around noon and dinner at 8.. I go to
Sleep around 1:30 am and get up no later than 5:30
Am on a really good day I might get a 20min nap In
But rarely The Boss says I am hurting myself but
Fuck if you dont/can't eat. And can't sleep wtf do
Ya do??

Get a bag of Cashews, pistachios, and almonds witch the
Almonds are good for men over 35 because it helps with
their prostate cancer they'll get lol and fruit. That will help
Keep your body going


Tough love time management...but it is love bro. Stop doing dabs, stop doing acid...stop all that. Stop taking pics, get off ic and insta. Aint none of that

Once the fog clears this shit gets easier. You are a business this summer...not a stoner

Right on, tough love. Great advice.

Exercise, do some cardiovascular activity, jog or run maybe. Two to three times a week. Meditate during cool evenings, clear the fog. When you can stick to the schedule it's call focus and discipline. Putting this in my schedule actually cut down drinking, smoking, dabbing and Potatoe couching and more work done.

grow nerd

Active member
Yeah read a bit, so sounds like some guys were busted fucking around just a bit too big and now they're gonna lose it all. Just because you're not involved with the cartel and live in California doesn't give you the green light to do whatever the fuck you please.

What's new?

If you're expected to work some multi-day camping trip away from home, you're not allowed to BBQ and enjoy a meal because... you're a cop? I see. Bring out the NutraLoaf and catfood sandwiches.


I don't think that there is enough details to draw conclusion at this time. They say they are looking for violations etc but who knows what size garden they're targeting.

Noonin NorCal

Active member
They been targeting private property, but it doesn't give them the right to have 1,000+ plants. They deserved it... Talkin bout tryin to get rich quick

grow nerd

Active member
I don't think that there is enough details to draw conclusion at this time. They say they are looking for violations etc but who knows what size garden they're targeting.

Water theft and environmental.

I know quite a few guys in the triangle that have been stealing water for a while. Pipes buried illegally underground leading to rivers and streams. Oftentimes it's an "inside job", where their cousin might be the enforcer or such. For those who don't know, stealing water is a pretty big deal up there. People will tell you that if you're stealing water for a garden, ESPECIALLY an illegal one, the (illegal) garden charges will pale in comparison to the water theft charges, and completely negates any money you could have made from a successful harvest.
Had a question on the well water topic. I give my girls a water blast with well water daily in the evening, not to folair feed, but ass a cool down, keep pest away, and help stem strength. I folair feed Fridays, with RO water and home made brix mix. So should I cut out the well water blast, am I doing more harm then good?


You are a business this summer...not a stoner
true, its hard to enjoy being high when you're busy. I've been putting in full days almost every day for the last couple months. However, when i'm not dabbing/smoking my appetite and sleep suffer. So that's not going to change.

I havent done any other drugs in a while though, besides weed and coffee. I have been avoiding coffee for the last couple weeks though because it caused peaks and valleys in my energy level.

Exercise, do some cardiovascular activity, jog or run maybe. Two to three times a week. Meditate during cool evenings, clear the fog. When you can stick to the schedule it's call focus and discipline. Putting this in my schedule actually cut down drinking, smoking, dabbing and Potatoe couching and more work done.
The real problem is i am working so much that i dont have time/energy to get any real exercise, and then my appetite goes down, and when i dont eat enough its hard for me to sleep, so basically the whole system goes haywire. handwatering is the main thing, that shit takes up all my time

I'm going to town now to find out about buying a water tank . and get some tacos al pastor.