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MotherLode Gardens 2015


I'm curious how you made it through indoor growing... My idea of "indoor growing" usually involves everything including framing & drywalling the rooms, not to mention electrical and plumbing at the least. Everything else is "watching a plant grow". IMO
idk why i'm so bad with that stuff. i guess nobody in my family was ever into building things, and none of my friends ever had jobs, so i never learned..

I have always grown in rentals , so everything is already framed, wired, etc.. i just put up lights and some flood trays or vert shelves. Lately i have been using grow tents for indoors.

theres a lot of my old indoor grows on here if you really are curious.

anyway the hard part for me wasn't construction. always politics. Ive been arrested, evicted, backstabbed, robbed, jacked, abandonded, more times than i can count. Now i'm working alone and doing a bigger project than ever, so a lot of stuff that i didnt think i would need to know is coming back to bite me in the ass, like my lack of construction/plumbing skills.

What strain is that in the last pic? Looks delish
Solo's Stash , from bodhi, Pure Kush x Snow Lotus. was our most flavorful strain last year
Very nice. I could have said almost the same thing about the politics too. Persistence and determination have paid off for you there's no reason you won't be able to tackle that drip system!



Are you using well water for foliar? I can't remember if this was covered in the last thread because it was so long but if it is well water you're prob going to have to treat it. Dissolved solids in ground water will interact with the nutrients you are trying to mix in. Can go a few routes: humic substances or acids. Humic or fulvic products are safer and also feed leaf microbes well.


definitely wasn't covered already. yah i'm using well water, what should i add to it? thanks for the info, im new to the foliar thing..


Senior Member
RO water for foliar...I would not consider anything else. More important than a spreader imo

And...in spite of the past. You got it together this yr bro. Give yourself credit, you deserve it


Well-known member
RO for the win with foliars.

After seeing your pics last year I asked snow high to get me some ancient og from bohdi....intended up getting snowhighs newest crosses. You inspired me and I tried, then fell short


Well water will often contain bicarbonate ions. It will tie up Calcium readily, which is something your plant needs bad, especially if you dont want botrytis at the end of the season.

You can decompose it with humic substances, sulfuric or phosphoric acids. This is what growers of other crops will do if they are irrigating with well water. If you can do RO water, or at least try and find low ppm city water. The main reason I brought it up Shcrews is because I don't want you to waste countless hours doing foliars if you are just mixing up brews of deactivated fertilizer.

Whats the pH of the water? If it's high like at my property last year (7.4) then its pretty bad for foliar. They say that if you get it down to 6.5 or so you can decompose half the bicarb. If you must use it, get it down to 6.4ish pH and use the aea stuff thats already mixed with humic/fulvic or add the fulvic yourself then ferts.


Well water can definitely be used for folair. I do all the time and with amazing results. I had mine tested, my level of minerals are acceptable. Nothing to be concerned with. Actually has calcium magnesium and iron in trace amounts. My pH is 6.4. From the well. I also drink right from the spicket . Clear cold water! I have been spraying worm tea with liquid karma . Also protek. Nothing else. Going to try sprouted seed tea this year. Barley, corn etc.


cep i havent tested my water in a while but i think it's about 7.0 and 120ppm

i guess i can get an RO unit, just another thing to add to the list

Well water can definitely be used for folair. I do all the time and with amazing results. I had mine tested, my level of minerals are acceptable. Nothing to be concerned with. Actually has calcium magnesium and iron in trace amounts. My pH is 6.4. From the well. I also drink right from the spicket . Clear cold water! I have been spraying worm tea with liquid karma . Also protek. Nothing else. Going to try sprouted seed tea this year. Barley, corn etc.
read carefully, he said groundwater can tie up calcium, which you dont appear to be spraying. whether you can drink from the spigot is beside the point when discussing things on a molecular level.


This morning:

This morning:

Sky Lotus (Skywalker OG x Snow Lotus)

Love Triangle (Triangle Kush x Snow Lotus)

old garden:

grow nerd

Active member
I didn't trim back the hardware mesh after putting the pots on top, and the ones that have excess curling up have been scraping and cutting me pretty good around my ankles.


Good shit. Love seeing the progress here and on IG.

How tall are those Blueberry Hashplants? Mine are doing pretty good, one is a standout, shooting for the sky the past few days...about three feet tall. The goal is to have them in ground by July 4th (everything is in 2ish gallon homemade cloth pots atm). Would have liked to have been a month ahead of where I am now, but I can't complain seeing as this is my first grow.


I didn't trim back the hardware mesh after putting the pots on top, and the ones that have excess curling up have been scraping and cutting me pretty good around my ankles.

sounds like you have two options
1. watch where you step
2. wear boots
i like to do both.

Good shit. Love seeing the progress here and on IG.

How tall are those Blueberry Hashplants? Mine are doing pretty good, one is a standout, shooting for the sky the past few days...about three feet tall. The goal is to have them in ground by July 4th (everything is in 2ish gallon homemade cloth pots atm). Would have liked to have been a month ahead of where I am now, but I can't complain seeing as this is my first grow.

the ones in that last picture are 3ft tall. still plenty of time for them to get big.

2gal pots are really small homes for plants thru july. They will be rootbound by then. hopefully will do ok for you anyway though, that's some strong genetics


I'm on such a fucked up schedule lately for some reason. i sleep like 4 hours at a time, and eat basically nothing. my to-do list is a mile long and i'm slipping on my health cuz this season is crucial and the plants come first now.

gotta figure this shit out. i think handwatering is whats fuckin me up, it takes way too long. need to get a drip irrigation set up asap. I am behind on pruning and havent taken any clones yet. I have an indoor room sitting empty right now too, and a few lbs of dry og to trim. plus hella shit to do around the property. I was thinking about hiring some help but everybody i know is busy

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