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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Well-known member
All of them...it ain't that many. And they are seed so who the fuck knows at this point

Exactly what I was thinking, always take clones of everything when you are starting from seeds even if you have more seeds in your packs still ya never know which one could be your holy grail. Ya might find the next chemdawg or gg4.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
HL45; Exactly what I was thinking said:
hey hl45 you ever take cuts and store in the fridge then root the winners later...wonder how that works out?:)
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Active member
My days are packed with work but at least it will be done soon. Still need to set up drip lines and get a reservoir too .. Then the rest of the summer is just trellis, prune , and foliar . Maybe i can even leave the reservation some day :)

Plants are all looking good . Im trying to decide which females to clone.

yea man I'm in the same position….no cup for me even thought Nspecta is dropping some of his personal nugs for a super great price and i really wanted to sample them…and see all the homies too but its just not happening. i dont care for cow palace either its a very subpar venue no where near as big as santa rosa fairgrounds. maybe it will be air conditioned though which would be cool.


Active member
I am waiting for the EC to grab some more
CSI gear. I am very happy with my pack and
Need more.. Thinking Bubba on Dubs and
cornbread bubba, then some Purples and a Frosty


Active member
i man slaughtered myself today . bout the worse thing you can do to yourself in all of life. working on removing those moments from my life and the people around me's lives .

the pepsi coke war is taking its toll on my brain so im going to make an attempt to cash out so i can stop taking and spending soda money and get back to growing .

gasoline money is tough as fuck . im kinda wanting to learn more about the pumps they use for gas because it seems like they are good pumps and most likely the best ones money can buy .
That's easy switch to crack


What's the best stuff to do at the cup? Its coming to Portland for the first time... Only like 50 bucks a day and I think its 4 days long. Could probably make it out one of the days if its worth a damn.

I'm thinking its gonna be different than the one in Amsterdam but hell weed gonna be legal now so....gonna be ill?


afkansastan x snow lotus:

What's the best stuff to do at the cup? Its coming to Portland for the first time... Only like 50 bucks a day and I think its 4 days long. Could probably make it out one of the days if its worth a damn.

I'm thinking its gonna be different than the one in Amsterdam but hell weed gonna be legal now so....gonna be ill?

Last year all they we're really giving away was concentrates. Which is cool if you're into that sort of thing. Me personally, I want flowers and that wasn't available for free or cheap. I can only do so many dabs (outside in 100+ weather with no shade) without passing the fuck out. Not to mention this was supposed to be a "medical" cup. Yet they had vendors legit taking advantage of medical patients with street style "Razzle" games. So on that note, I say fuck the high times cup.


^ this was in nor cal, portland could be better.

Those "Cups" are mostly tradeshows, at this point.
In my experience.

Would be alright if loaded with swag giveaways worth more than entry price :)

Wouldn't mind some tester seeds either.

The amsterdam cup was all about having the judges pass and hitting all the weed shops to judge the entries.... There anything like that going on at the u.s cups?

@schrews how do you roll at the cup? What's ur take?


Well-known member
Its different for each cup. I've seen cups with private judging, no outsiders allowed, to pay to judge cups...

Entering is way more fun then judging, IMO

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