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MotherLode Gardens 2015


the high times cup is pretty whack. its all about oil now instead of about herb and growing. people there suck too! whole thing seems rigged, as to who wins the 'best concentrate' 'best edible' best hybrid' etc , usually the people who win are the ones who spent the most money on their booth, give away the most free stuff, kiss the most ass, not really about quality anymore. sad


@schrews how do you roll at the cup? What's ur take?
its definitely more of a tradeshow than anything at this point, but its fun if you just want to smoke weed, dab, eat edibles , and mingle with stoned people. There's always a lot of sick glass to look at / smoke out of.
I like the cups because there's always sweet glass, good weed and hash, and cute females. sometimes there's good music too. and good food. what else can you ask for

definitely not worth the $$ in a materialistic sense, but experience can be priceless if you make it
I went for the tradeshow aspect, to see what the companies had to offer.
Overall, not impressed.... Some vendors were great tho.

Like Shcrews said, it's cool if yer into hanging out and smoking with like minded heads.
There's a lot of cool folks and old hats there, Great people to talk to.
I learned more while smoking pot with old hippies, than the seminars had to teach. :D

There's also a great many moochers wandering about, looking for the roach piles.
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Schrews...did you start with 10% water per pot right from the start?

yah pretty much.. i gave them less for the first few waterings, but now it's 60-80gal per pot every 3-4 days. Need to get that drip system set up as soon as i get all the cages installed.


the high times cup is pretty whack. its all about oil now instead of about herb and growing. people there suck too! whole thing seems rigged, as to who wins the 'best concentrate' 'best edible' best hybrid' etc , usually the people who win are the ones who spent the most money on their booth, give away the most free stuff, kiss the most ass, not really about quality anymore. sad

i saw the other side of high times at the 25th anniversary party in new york... they have some cool people working there but the bottom line is they are in business to sell ads, thats it.:jerkit:


Oh yeah I came to post and tell Shcrews that I got the 9" spaced 1/2" DIG brand PC drip emitter coil , and so far ~60 emitters looks good on my 400gal fabric pots of coco. I was able to cut about 9 or 10 off a 500' roll, do in guessing it's about 50' per. Looks like most soil grows I've seen here appear to be using 12" spaced emitter lines and using a less tight coil pattern for less emitters total and less total feet. I'd guess 30'-ish for a 400gal pot.

I haven't plumbed and tested it yet, only looking at it laying on the pot.

Link to coil? I'm gonna setup some auto watering. Came up on a box full of micro irrigation equipment. Is the drip emitter coil a pre fabbed setup? Was just gonna wrap and stake drip tube in coil shape around base of plant.. Punch my own drip holes if need be. This is new for me.


Oh yeah I came to post and tell Shcrews that I got the 9" spaced 1/2" DIG brand PC drip emitter coil , and so far ~60 emitters looks good on my 400gal fabric pots of coco
thanks for the info. i was figuring about 100ft of tubing for every 800gal pot

Link to coil? I'm gonna setup some auto watering. Came up on a box full of micro irrigation equipment. Is the drip emitter coil a pre fabbed setup? Was just gonna wrap and stake drip tube in coil shape around base of plant.. Punch my own drip holes if need be. This is new for me.
it's already been covered in this thread but i know its a long read by now..



Sorcerer's Apprentice:




ICMag Donor
Set up to grow some trees again! Still need to check out the entire thread, but looks like a great start. Water is the big secret. If you get your mix right, and water just how they like it, not too dry, not too wet, you better have a support system on that thing! Curious about the strains you are running. Need to read back. A friend of mine grew for a couple years in Mendo area. Enjoying some Chem Dog from them this morning! Have a good one, man! Nice job!


thanks for the info. i was figuring about 100ft of tubing for every 800gal pot

it's already been covered in this thread but i know its a long read by now..


I appreciate it :)

The drip reference chart states 9" spacing for sandy soils and greater spacing for loamy/clay soils. My baby monsters are in the ground in clay loam soil. Think the greater emitter spacing would really be the best choice?


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