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MotherLode Gardens 2015


ICMag Donor
Think it had to do with GanjaRebelSeeds thread. But I'm not 100% on that.

I assume it was because of something he said in my thread.
He was talking about some personal stuff that probably isn't in his best interest to discuss on line, and aggressively talking shit which he does to me a lot.

I had nothing to do with him being banned. I'm guessing he posted something that mods deleted before I read it that caused it.

Ive told him several times that he's brilliant but his attitude especially towards others will always be his downfall unless he changes it.

He is a wealth of knowledge but I'll admit I feel much more comfortable posting and contributing without him jumping down my throat and talking shit every time I say something here over the last few years.

Sorry to clog up your thread Schrews. Hope those plants are taking off in this heat.
Have you done any foliar sprays yet? I bet it would help kick those girls into gear.


Sorry to clog up your thread Schrews. Hope those plants are taking off in this heat.
Have you done any foliar sprays yet? I bet it would help kick those girls into gear.

no worries ! plants are definitely taking off. It was cloudy yesterday but is supposed to be 100 degrees thru this weekend so i expect lots of new growth

no foliars yet because i just bought a sprayer a few days ago and havent used it yet.. going to get some calcium, iron, boron, to balance my micros. also some of the AEA stuff that that was recommended, since i can afford it this year.

We had some great plants last year with no foliars or teas, just plain water. This year i'll see if the extras make a difference
Yo so what are the must haves on the AEA stuff? I read all the BYF recommendations but got a little confused on which is for foliar and which is for top dressing?


Active member
schrews definately break out those foliars, just because the plants did great without them last year is not good enough of a reason to skip out. foliars are one of the easiest way to supercharge your plant growth, once you spray, the plants will pray!

milky- vermifire is a decent commercial brand and it was the easiest/cheapest method to get soil within a 2 week time frame. many commercial farmers i know use it in their full season and dep with great results. its especially good during veg and early flower plants just shoot for the stars with growth. the soil test shows its not "ideal" but it does the trick….ran vermifire side by side in a few different grows last year and it always performed well, better than the norcal blend lol.. i like to think of it more as an amended coco medium, its basically super airy coco/perlite mixed with green waste compost and packed with nutrients. the low ca/mg is something i feel like we can deal with via foliar, we shall see!

if theres another option for similar price in the sierra foothills I'm all ears. but I'm not paying $300 a yard for rare earth, and we didn't have time or manpower to mix down 50 pots this year. we got 100 yards for 13k delivery, about 120 a yard before delivery costs which isn't too bad. this year has been such a shit show I'm just glad to have the pots filled and plants plugged….there is lots of stuff i wish i could have fixed or changed but i dont have that luxury with this code enforcement madness and constant scrambling to stay alive.


Maybe I woke up in a dick mood today...but if your "girls couldn't be happier" why add anything?

Your question wasnt directed at me, but it is relevant because most of my plants appear to be in perfect health.

for some people the hardest part is leaving the plants alone to do their thing. I just want to step my game up a little this year, hence the soil tests. I want to correct the deficiences shown in my soil analysis by using foliar products like the albion calcium. Dont want any elemental deficiencies holding my plants back from their full potential.

Last year we achieved out best yields with just plain water, but i could still see where improvements could be made in plant health, vigor, support, etc..


if theres another option for similar price in the sierra foothills I'm all ears. but I'm not paying $300 a yard for rare earth, and we didn't have time or manpower to mix down 50 pots this year. we got 100 yards for 13k delivery, about 120 a yard before delivery costs which isn't too bad.

the soil that i had mixed by rare earth was about $130 per yard. It's basically coots mix. I can post the recipe again. i know you already have your dirt but maybe try it next year, i like it better than vermifire
Got mine for 55 each but I run hydro. I think I want to try a side by side next year.

+ Monsanto owns verminfire
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120 a yard on the vf is good my friend was paying I think 600 for a 3 yard bail at 2 chix last year, I told him he was nuts and he was filling 200s he spent a grip lol but at 120 that's a good deal.


Senior Member
So you have 2 vf soil reports in this thread. 1 of them has double the k of the other one. I said not consistant...ima stand by that...sorry. all bagged soil that I have had tested is like that...bg, fox farms. Use it if you want to...tell yourself whatever you want to. You just rolled the dice though...don't lie to yourself about that.

Secondly if I were making a soil and wanted to impress with veg/early flower growth...little bit high on nitrates and high on k. To the untrained eye very fast very green growth. Healthy....mmmm not so much. In cali if you get good sun the whole season yep big plants. Not good shelf life, not optimum yield or quality but you will get paid

Little further north...less sun, more humidity and insect attack followed by mold.

But hey...just my opinion.

I would say tainio pepzyme first...rejuvenate, photomag and sea shield from aea. If oeganic ain't a big thing hypercap.


Active member
Soluble kelp meal foliars at least... The girls cant hardly get enough of that potassium. This year I'm foliar spraying with a tea that has a fulvix, hydrolized fish, and soluble kelp mix. Seems to be working good. But a good organic foliar spray is forming a protective film on your leaves that creates vitamins and antibiotics... Hook em up! Can only help :)


So you have 2 vf soil reports in this thread. 1 of them has double the k of the other one.
to be fair, we mixed a lot of amendments into our vermifire last year. but i see your point.

I would say tainio pepzyme first...rejuvenate, photomag and sea shield from aea. If oeganic ain't a big thing hypercap.
how do you apply the pepzyme? also i looked up tainio and they have 3 kinds of pepzyme: Clear, G, or M. stuff like that confuses me.

Soluble kelp meal foliars at least...
I saw some soluble kelp at the hydro store. do you just dissolve it in water or do you brew a tea with it? i never made/used teas before


Senior Member
Soluble kelp meal foliars at least... The girls cant hardly get enough of that potassium. This year I'm foliar spraying with a tea that has a fulvix, hydrolized fish, and soluble kelp mix. Seems to be working good. But a good organic foliar spray is forming a protective film on your leaves that creates vitamins and antibiotics... Hook em up! Can only help :)

Please cite some science...so much bullshit in one post. Unless you know what is in the soil how do you know if the plant needs more K? How do you make kelp soluble? Does it involve an organic process? Or might it involve KOH...enquiring minds wanna know. And how the fuck does a film turn into vitimins and antibiotics...again, some science please.

This thread has turned into one fucking quack theory after another


Active member
Please cite some science...so much bullshit in one post. Unless you know what is in the soil how do you know if the plant needs more K? How do you make kelp soluble? Does it involve an organic process? Or might it involve KOH...enquiring minds wanna know. And how the fuck does a film turn into vitimins and antibiotics...again, some science please.

This thread has turned into one fucking quack theory after another

Not trying to prove anything... Just food for thought. Take it with a grain of salt. If u don't like it move on.

I saw some soluble kelp at the hydro store. do you just dissolve it in water or do you brew a tea with it? i never made/used teas before


Barely need any. Just a tiny pinch per half liter (current size of my spray bottle) for foliar sprays.

Mixes into teas about 1/4 tsp per gal.


Senior Member
Shrews....5 drops per yard of media 1x per week fertigated. Pepzyme clear is what I use. It seriously jacks up microbe activity.

We use a drop per gallon in kombucha and it cuts brewing time in half...amazing product.