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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Active member
you stupid fuck you got caught buying people :)

wtf are you talking about? please dont imply im taking advantage of my crew and workers. i have 3 people living rent free at my properties, plus a couple with 2 kids who are getting below market rate. im a god damn charity case over here keeping a whole bunch of folks eatin. two homies who came here broke last year left because they got back on their feet from their wages. i give away thousands in free herb to the crew, i donated thousands more to friends like joesy and others legal cases when they were in trouble. so fuck off with your attitude. im not on here bragging about firing workers and charging trimmers for herb. fuck outta here with your negativity..

on the growing subject found some kind of fruit fly infestation in some of the compost or soil, real annoying. they kind of act like fungus gnats but are 3x the size. trying to ID them..


Blueberry Hashplant

Blueberry Hashplant

Blue Dream x 88G13HP




Man...was gonna post a picture of my garden...but then I thought how growing herb would be completely off topic and I should post a picture of Jerry Springer instead..I opted for nothing.

Your gonna have the most viewed thread on ICMAG when this is over homie lol. Shout out to a greenhouse company for advertising and maybe they'll give you a free one...maybe they'll even build it for you!


Active member
yea your taking advantage of them and im not implying that.

thanks for the support! like grow nerd said they are spoiled! traphouse gourmet, free IPA and hooker vacations to costa rica, but that wont be happening this year. have a nice day asshole im done responding to you.

schrews gardens lookin tits, hope those seeds blow up. man wish i could do 24 you could still have a monster season with that just stay on top of things and take this seriously as many others wish they had your oppurtunity!


nother 1/2 reply not suprised. kids cant decide if they like ipa or hookers and since your the last person they get money from it makes you in charge of there lives not there parents and makes you worthless to girls looking to have family.

:laughing:Lol lol:laughing:
From time to time we get a post like this and it just cracks me up. I have no clue what is being said but I am cracking it up. The comedic moment in a growers long day. :laughing: BFY, I need a translator here.
nother 1/2 reply not suprised. kids cant decide if they like ipa or hookers and since your the last person they get money from it makes you in charge of there lives not there parents and makes you worthless to girls looking to have family.

Seriously GT your starting to act like a troll, did you just come to this thread just to give yes prop shit??? What do you do for the community that makes you so entitled to give him shit??

Sorry shcrews for posting this here I woulda pm'd him but he doesn't have enough posts. By the way man everything is looking killer!!


Active member
his comment made me laugh to….so ultimately I'm responsible for them blowing their harvest earnings on costa rican hookers lol. hey my grow manager had a blast, said he was doing lines off one hooker while the other hooker was eating pussy and playing with his balls. i dont get to do any shit like that i was stuck on the mountain all winter working to get ready for this nonexistent grow season. so jokes on me!

i dont think any of the trimmer girls came up here looking to start a family, they just want money and cock and for most of them that happened, even the ugly ones.

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