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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Pictures from yesterday:






finished filling pots with the skid steer this morning before they came to pick it up

and used it to flatten out my driveway like yes4prop said

watering the 800's.. with new (dry) dirt it took forever to get them saturated. about 45 minutes per pot which is 200+ gallons of water coming out of my slow flow hose:


I was working until sunset watering the pots and getting transplants in. I triple-potted all of them except two pots which i still have to finish tomorrow cuz work stops when the sun goes down and the mosquitos come out.

I'm pretty stoked on my new garden, it was a lot of hard work but almost done and it looks nice, kind of flows down the hill to the other plot. i just hope the plants like it




I was working until sunset watering the pots and getting transplants in. I triple-potted all of them except two pots which i still have to finish tomorrow cuz work stops when the sun goes down and the mosquitos come out.

I'm pretty stoked on my new plot, it was a lot of hard work but almost done and it looks nice, kind of flows with the hill

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Are those mushrooms?

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Are those mushrooms...


Active member
300 for 24-hour skid steer rental
135 for delivery 20 miles
30 for liability insurance

in the future you can usually rent a skid steer for around 1k for a whole week, so you can get more hours per buck for any large projects, looks like you killed it on that thing good job.

byf- yea your right, i overextended, forgot this shit isn't 100% legal yet, guess all that co/wa got to my head. but if you think we are out here crying than you must be reading my posts wrong, we are out here fighting, organizing, working ourselves retarded to stay alive. so many people have been negatively affected by this restrictive measure it encompasses all levels of growers from small ones to large ones. i realize there is little sympathy amongst the serious competitors, so be it. but in this war its nice to have mutual understanding amongst people on the same side.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
in the future you can usually rent a skid steer for around 1k for a whole week, so you can get more hours per buck for any large projects, looks like you killed it on that thing good job.

byf- yea your right, i overextended, forgot this shit isn't 100% legal yet, guess all that co/wa got to my head. but if you think we are out here crying than you must be reading my posts wrong, we are out here fighting, organizing, working ourselves retarded to stay alive. so many people have been negatively affected by this restrictive measure it encompasses all levels of growers from small ones to large ones. i realize there is little sympathy amongst the serious competitors, so be it. but in this war its nice to have mutual understanding amongst people on the same side.

Seriously bro? Come on how are you going to say I have zero understanding for you? No I completely understand. You spent a ton of money thinking you'd be able to do whatever you want and when that didn't happen it stung you...both financially and emotionally.

It would sting any one...but you know damn well that when you're growing 1k lbs it isn't really about the "Patients" any more..You're running a grey market enterprise that trades a grey market commodity. It was/is all about the economics.

You spent money and aren't going to have the opportunity to make the money you were hoping. That sucks..But it just sounds like "real" business to me.

I put real in quotes because while cannabis agribusiness is real business it isn't recognized or governed by the same rules as say, opening a laundromat or bar.

Guaranteed success from 1300 dollar a pound produce isn't guaranteed any more so that no fail business model doesn't exist any more either and it's really now more than ever going to show who will survive and who will be selling insurance...

BTW - Did you pop any of those Dawg Waltz x Chemdog seeds I gave your or are they not hyped enough like the Franchise and Archive gear you like? You may as well feed them to the birds at this point. The funny thing is that what's in those seeds is fuckin' amazing.

Cant you just grow indoors in Butte? Are they just coming to literally EVERY property in the county and checking them for a grow? It's times like these that having all your infrastructure permitted is a huge benefit.

Best of luck to you for the rest of the year.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
i guess it doesn't sound that hard after all. only thing i'm stuck on is how do you keep the storage tank filled? also where does the pump go, and how often do you re-fuel it?

WAY easy my dude!! from your well you can T in to it and run a pipe to the top inlet of the storage tank and use a float valve to constantly keep it full ! That way you never have to worry about topping it off or over flowing it. You basically put the same mechanism that stops your toilet from filling inside the tank. Easy easy easy.

Pump goes after the tank before the garden. You can get some honda 1.5" cam lock fittings that will make connecting/disconnecting SUPER fucking easy.

The drip line I'm telling u to use works the same from 15-50 psi so you don't need to worry about different flows to different pots.

If you keep the pump throttle turned down (which is probably how you'll run it most of the time) the gas tank will last a few waterings. A 5 gallon can will fill a WX15 honda pump for I think 4 or 5 fills.

Depending on how far above you can set your water tank you may not even need the gas pump.


Active member
byf i can't pop any fucking seeds because i can't even have a damn grow at this point! unless i want to re-fire up before i get my permits in order. i have 40 lights turned off right now and i can't fire up a single one until i get a building permit which might take up to two months. i have two other properties sitting completely empty right now, they won't even let me keep a 120sq ft veg room because "no grows inside residences" theres basically a rule for every single property where they can find one minor thing out of violation that can not even give you the 50-150sq ft. its a defacto ban and they know it. and yes at least for our area, they are checking every single property. or maybe I'm just the most unlucky mother fucker out here, but 3/3 within a 10 mile radius plus at least a half dozen of my friends and neighbors all getting checked, their enforcement is pretty thorough in this specific area. if i had moved just 30 minutes to somewhere maybe would have had a better shot.

the ordinance has zero wiggle room for lots of folks. like our buddy who had a yurt so they said he can't even grow one single fucking plant! plus on top of telling him to chop his garden, they said he had to TAKE HIS FUCKING HOUSE DOWN! "sorry you can't grow, and you can't live here either, tear your house down" thats how insane it is out here so pardon if our frustrations annoy you.

learning the hard way about the permit issues have no one but myself to blame for that. also learning the hard way about the politics of this county, bible thumpers really came out in force and made their prohibitionist fear mongering nonsense heard. and yea another hard business lesson, scaled up when i should have scaled back, victim of my own ambition blah blah blah, could have still killed it at 1300lb I'm just getting taken out of the game by a whole other factor through code enforcement.

and now i see UCANNs project in Ukiah about to grow thousands and thousands of plants and over here in butte i can't even have enough sq ft for a proper mom/veg room and flower. its an insult to injury. like i said, fuck the 1k pounds, i just want to have some personal smoke and enough to pay my mortgage at this point. i have zero thoughts about striking it rich or buying a new truck, i just want me and my peoples to have enough to get medicated and get by.

edit- sorry for cluttering up this thread with stuff not related to schrews garden. all my code enforcement rants will stay in the Butte thread from now on. back to the show! and be appreciative for what you got and DONT let your county lose to the prohibitionist fucks!


Fuck it's time to get up and get to work.

Lately sleep has been very, very, VERY sweet...

Your spot sounds like mine. Super steep, no tractors, trucks or wheelbarrows, only 5 gal HD buckets in each hand- 80 buckets for a 400 gal pot. At least my road is at the top of the garden, suppose it could have been at the bottom making me walk up the hill with loads instead of down.


Senior Member
So one location a plague of grasshoppers that is fixing to reach biblical proportions. Anybody got a soln to end these little motherfuckers