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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Thanks guys. Theyre 6x6 and 18 inches deep. Hardware cloth on the bottom. Thats the fuckin jager, Naturally looks like that for the most part but always goes into bloom a little. Ive almost Yanked and replaced them every year lol, but they always pull through for me.

Ive seen some bloom horror shows, like ruined peoples seasons.

Only strain I run anymore that I cant keep from flowering. The risk is worth the reward come fall though.


just tilt the skid steer bucket to push the dirt in to a pile again and then scoop it up. and if you can't do that because you can't operate it delicately enough yet, just shovel it in tot he skid steer bucket and go do what you need to do. You're stoked.

skid steer is a big diesel powered shovel
hell yah thanks for the tip. i put a tarp down under the dirt like an idiot.. that thing is so ripped up now


Active member
get errrr done! you guys have it easy seriously…y'all have no idea the fucking pain in the ass we have gone through this season. these plants were first plugged into the GHs in 200s a month ago. then came measure A check #1. so we pulled them out, moved them to a second site in new 200s. then that spot got 72 hour notice to chop. so we said fuck it again and moved them via uhaul to another county an hour away and managed to save a couple that got replugged into 400s. thats two fucking replugs, two fucking late night trips with plants. 2015 has been a total fucking drag but we are being seasoned and put through the torture test if we can survive this bullshit year we can survive anything.




we are being seasoned and put through the torture test if we can survive this bullshit year we can survive anything

Thats how i felt last year. I hope you have a good season despite all the setbacks. Sucks to be caught in the middle of legal/political BS but thats the risk we take

Those transplants are huge! My starts arent even 2ft tall yet


Shcrews, I'd be really happy with those soil results. So many mixes have potassium in the 10% saturation range and it really prevents them from being super healthy. Get on the aea train, you won't regret it. Good luck this year...

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Seriously prop you do t have it too bad no criminal charges at all if you were I. Mendo you'd have some. You can still grow. You didn't get robbed for 400lbs at gun point. You just sound like your mad you couldn't blow it up how you want..glad you're still going to have a season


Senior Member
Thanks guys. Theyre 6x6 and 18 inches deep. Hardware cloth on the bottom. Thats the fuckin jager, Naturally looks like that for the most part but always goes into bloom a little. Ive almost Yanked and replaced them every year lol, but they always pull through for me.

Ive seen some bloom horror shows, like ruined peoples seasons.

Only strain I run anymore that I cant keep from flowering. The risk is worth the reward come fall though.

You wouldn't happen to know the actual story behind Jager would you? What is the smoke like?


I dont Joe. In 2012 it became the most sought after strain around here and still seems to be. I sell starts and it seems like the only thing I get asked for anymore. Ive heard all kinds of stories about who created it and where it came from, who really knows.

I dont smoke really, only like twice per year if that. Everything gets me lit out of my mind when I try it. My trimmers are seasoned smokers and they all really like it.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Cool man , there were a couple other cats from southern oregon on here that were talking' up the Jager but they were such trolls and kind of were posting bull shit , like 6x6 boxes that were on less than 12' centers in a fenced back yard was throwing 10+ pound plants..so it was super hard to actually talk about growing with them.

Really looking forward to seeing the Jager grown out with some one with some skill , I'm just going to post shit in Schrews thread too ... Fuck it. This thread is the Motherlode of Gardens thread.


Registered Med User
i was trying to say yesterday, things are different here. but none of yas believed me when i said the rental place doesnt take depositsgot 6 pots filled already, only 4 left. i hope i have enough dirt

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^ Thats a beautiful location for growing man, looks like all day cali sun, should be some monsters!


Senior Member
I do smoke...but for growing anything that yields, sells quick and (as a bonus) gets mo dollars is what I will grow.

I got a jager but it went straight up on me. Reliable source for the cut and bushes for him. I screwed the pooch somehow. Guess I will be taking cuts and trying again next yr. Looking forward to watching someone do it right though
Lookin good! Those pots are huge! I only have 2 800's going this year, the rest are in 400's. Heres a couple Rockin out the 4's. Put these out may 15. Already had to wrap cages lol



Active member
Seriously prop you do t have it too bad no criminal charges at all if you were I. Mendo you'd have some. You can still grow. You didn't get robbed for 400lbs at gun point. You just sound like your mad you couldn't blow it up how you want..glad you're still going to have a season

yea yea i know, no criminal charges is the only solace we find right now. was definately a hair away from a sure felony when they showed up for inspection request and we had rubber maids full of herb being trimmed and over 350 plants in the shop. so very very grateful. and when cleaning up the place i found out one of my workers from last year had stashed a rubbermaid filled with butane cans in his bedroom, so that would have been very very messy.

but stings because we put in so much damn work and money and were on pace for a four digit season, now il just be happy to squeak by with enough to keep my bills paid and some of my crew alive with work.

seems grow seasons are on ebb and flow. 2012 was great, 2013 sucked, 2014 was our best year ever, and now 2015 is our worst ever.

schrews those aren't normal or good sizes for starts (my 45 gal 4 footers)..honestly we are gonna flip most of them very soon in a dep. its ideal to have younger fresher starts. we only plugged maybe 5-6 out of the 200s into 400s just to save few strains and to honestly see what happens when a 6 footer gets ripped out of a 200 and bathed in a bag of mykos and tossed into a 400. learning process lol. for the rest of the 400s i have a bunch of 5-7 gallon pots filled with 2-4 footers that are months younger and stretching like crazy.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Well that's just how it is ... I put in all that time and work have pulled off a 4 digit season and lost half of it after I paid my bills. Just be happy dude !! Seriously I feel like all the crying you're doing about not being able to blow it up then drop that you felt like you were going to grow 1000 lbs is exactly what's got California in to the regulatory situation it's in now


i dont think there anything wrong with prop being unhappy that he had to scrap his plans for this season. and this is a good place to vent that type of frustration. Some people just aren't accustomed to being disappointed / fucked over. Not that they should be


This is great reading, seriously. I'm just hoping to pull 20 units from my little urban farm in a place where we get more fog than sun. Soil is amended like the full sun big plants I see here from Shcrews and Mendo and Stank. I got one and a quarter off one plant last year and it should have been double that at least.

Maybe better soil this year, genetic selection, and weather will point the gods my direction this season.

I love reading this sh!t. It has been helpful, entertaining and adding to my knowledge of farming. And I've been growing for 23 years. Thanks everyone!

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