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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Hey Schrews if you ever need help building a greenhouse shoot me a PM. Way easy to do, I can send you parts lists of what you need from HomeDepot


Senior Member
A basic foliar spray would be 22 ml photomag, 11 micropak and 11 sea stim per 1000 sq ft of garden. From there adds and/or amounts would be based on what you see, what you know is lacking in your soil, what strain you are running, how much light energy the plant is receiving (is it cloudy?), the pH of your soil. A lot of variables.

Chances are you do not need the P that aea prescribes for veggies. They tend to run soils that are less than 100 ppm P. Ca is a safe add at least half the time...I just use sea shield for Ca.

A basic fertigation, once a week, is sea shield, rejuvenate, sea crop and small amounts of pepzyme and spectrum. I watch the EC of the soil and adjust up or down to maintain a number...making more or less of the available minerals soluble. You are basically feeding the microbes with this approach, you really aren't trying to feed the plant.

Bo Hasset

Active member
Whats wrong with the soil , plant selection, pots, support , timing , etc??

Soil - it's been a week since you got results, plenty of time to formulate a plan of attack, yet it still sits unamended.

Plant selection - You haven't done any plant selection. You selected a strain (or 25 in this case) based on breeder info and your only plan for selection is to put out the females that appear healthiest to you. That's not really selection, so much as it is lucking out come fall should the plant turn out to be a solid plant.

Pots - to each his own.

Support - you're going to need some.

Timing - see plant selection.


Soil - it's been a week since you got results, plenty of time to formulate a plan of attack, yet it still sits unamended.

Plant selection - You haven't done any plant selection. You selected a strain (or 25 in this case) based on breeder info and your only plan for selection is to put out the females that appear healthiest to you. That's not really selection, so much as it is lucking out come fall should the plant turn out to be a solid plant.

Pots - to each his own.

Support - you're going to need some.

Timing - see plant selection.

It seems schrews approach is pretty much how alot of folks are doing it. How do you plant select?


Active member
Soil - it's been a week since you got results, plenty of time to formulate a plan of attack, yet it still sits unamended.

Plant selection - You haven't done any plant selection. You selected a strain (or 25 in this case) based on breeder info and your only plan for selection is to put out the females that appear healthiest to you. That's not really selection, so much as it is lucking out come fall should the plant turn out to be a solid plant.

Pots - to each his own.

Support - you're going to need some.

Timing - see plant selection.

Why are people ragging on him?
Can't he select his own plants without being criticized?
Maybe he wants to try something different, something new. Should your criteria be his criteria?
I think not.
I'm pretty sure he's capable of selecting his best females. It's not rocket science.


Why are people ragging on him?
Can't he select his own plants without being criticized?
Maybe he wants to try something different, something new. Should your criteria be his criteria?
I think not.
I'm pretty sure he's capable of selecting his best females. It's not rocket science.

very interesting seeing people rage on him but they seem to be friends. i enjoy the thread nonetheless, looking at his plants from last year he seems very capable


"This is my problem __________"

3 veterans all give outstanding solutions.

"nah...im gonna do it this way"

Thats why people are giving him a hard time. Either way, Im sure he'll do fine.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Some of you people are so sensitive I wonder how you get out of bed in the morning. Really? Raging on him? All any of us have done is try to help dude with any question he has for FREE. Never called him names or berated him. Lol rage on him haha


Some of you people are so sensitive I wonder how you get out of bed in the morning. Really? Raging on him? All any of us have done is try to help dude with any question he has for FREE. Never called him names or berated him. Lol rage on him haha

dont take it so heavily i know your obviously helping him man, and good looking IG btw... check mine out puffshouseofgrass peace brothaaa


Active member
Some of you people are so sensitive I wonder how you get out of bed in the morning. Really? Raging on him? All any of us have done is try to help dude with any question he has for FREE. Never called him names or berated him. Lol rage on him haha

Seriously? You don't know the difference between "rage" and "rag"???
Well, I'm giving you English lessons for FREE. They are two different words, one mine, one yours.


Active member
very interesting seeing people rage on him but they seem to be friends. i enjoy the thread nonetheless, looking at his plants from last year he seems very capable

Seriously? You don't know the difference between "rage" and "rag"???
Well, I'm giving you English lessons for FREE. They are two different words, one mine, one yours.

One mofoo's. BYF's English comprehension is just fine.

Nice dogs mofoo. misspuffzz isn't too bad either.


Senior Member
On starter soil...the single most important time to not stress a plant. Get it off to a bad start and fight it all yr. Get it off to a good start and life is easy.

Yet few test, or make, that soil. Imo you absolutely want enough ca at this point. If you start cell walls off without adequate ca they are weak and prone to keep replicating that way the entire yr.

Does bg have enough ca...does vermiculite? If you don't know that is one damn important detail that may come back as mold later on.

Not raging or ragging. Trying to help...but feeling like I am failing

Backyard Farmer

Active member
They don't want it , it's their failure

I saw that afterwards. Just "F"ing with him.

So basically, the one who needs to work on their comprehension is you?

Please at least use the last little bit of mental energy your last two neurons may give you and display a bit of intelligence. Oh wait...People who try to "F" with people on the internet already lost that opportunity.


Active member
Hey milky, say your soil was lacking calcium but you supplmented with foliar/fertigation of AEA sea shield, would this source be enough to bring the plant into balance as far as calcium? I saw that u said u use it for ur source of calcium, just wanted to see if I Understood correctly.


Senior Member
In general yea...short of something in the soil fix it with foliar. And always foliar micros and ultra traces cause it is so easy to get them blocked out.

If you are short on ca use amino chelated ca. It moves easier in the plant. Albion metalosate or jh biotech. Or if you aren't hung up on organic hypercap is genius even though it is humic acid chelated...just be careful with the nitrate

But...don't run short on ca in your soil. It is important.

I like to be short on K in the soil. That allows me to foliar ksil...so I for sure I get silica in the plant

Mad Lab

Hey Shcrews,

Good luck with your OD this year.

Might have locked down something in your area today and was wondering where you got your soil analysis done?


Plant selection - You haven't done any plant selection. You selected a strain (or 25 in this case) based on breeder info and your only plan for selection is to put out the females that appear healthiest to you. That's not really selection, so much as it is lucking out come fall should the plant turn out to be a solid plant.
This is not totally true, I selected the Ancient OG for the bulk of my garden this year, based on good results last year. unfortunately for me, out of 24 seeds only 14 popped and only 2 are female. typical my luck.

Soil - it's been a week since you got results, plenty of time to formulate a plan of attack, yet it still sits unamended.
you're totally right, but i have spent the last couple days filling pots. from the test results and what's been said on here I though i only need to amend the vermifire, not the coots, and only with a bit of Ksilicate?
I like to be short on K in the soil. That allows me to foliar ksil...so I for sure I get silica in the plant
So should i amend the vermifire with Ksil or just foliar with it?


On starter soil...the single most important time to not stress a plant. Get it off to a bad start and fight it all yr. Get it off to a good start and life is easy.

Yet few test, or make, that soil. Imo you absolutely want enough ca at this point. If you start cell walls off without adequate ca they are weak and prone to keep replicating that way the entire yr.

Does bg have enough ca...does vermiculite? If you don't know that is one damn important detail that may come back as mold later on.

Not raging or ragging. Trying to help...but feeling like I am failing
you are definitely helping, and you are probably right that my starter soils were not optimal. At this point it is something i will have to fix next year. still though, better than last season when i started everything in coco!

anything i can do to make up for it now? start with the foliar regimen right?