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MotherLode Gardens 2015


I'm gonna try the screws technique of hoping my grow in to existence instead of taking the steps I know I need to be able to improve my chance at success. Hope it works out. See? I'm already a pro at doing the trip your way. Now try my way

Is this about the hoop house or is there something else i am missing
Shcrews, pretty sure it's still about the greenhouse not being put up.

You know they ride you so hard because they want great things from you right. I know you know this,cause if you didn't an augment would have come of it already.

Even when you have your best year to date, next year I bet you have you some kind of greenhouse up, no matter the numbers you do this year.
And if BYF is right, which I don't doubt for a second, next year with a greenhouse will be an even better year.

My model personally is, why put off til tomorrow, what you can due today.

I have a buddy that I'm helping with his garden, whos model is, there is always tomorrow.


Senior Member
You want honest. It is more than plastic. It is timing, it is better choices for starter mix, for full season soil, for a good foliar program, for microbe management, for plant support, for mounds vs pots, for watering strategy, for plant selection, for branding and marketing, and for whatever else I am forgetting. You are running a business now.

Every single detail needs to be handled professionally. Will every one bite you every yr...nah...but every one will bite you sooner or later

I don't mean to be an asshole. But you aren't paying attention

Backyard Farmer

Active member
You want honest. It is more than plastic. It is timing, it is better choices for starter mix, for full season soil, for a good foliar program, for microbe management, for plant support, for mounds vs pots, for watering strategy, for plant selection, for branding and marketing, and for whatever else I am forgetting. You are running a business now.

Every single detail needs to be handled professionally. Will every one bite you every yr...nah...but every one will bite you sooner or later

I don't mean to be an asshole. But you aren't paying attention

Yeah, that.

It's that there are so many fucking angles that you're just letting shit all over you and the worst part is you don't even know the storm is coming.


Active member


Backyard Farmer

Active member
Actually trying to lift a guy up. Really want to see him have a big year and make the most out of what he's go to work with to eventually be able to get out of the trap of land lords and consignment to 'homies'


You want honest. It is more than plastic. It is timing, it is better choices for starter mix, for full season soil, for a good foliar program, for microbe management, for plant support, for mounds vs pots, for watering strategy, for plant selection, for branding and marketing, and for whatever else I am forgetting. You are running a business now. you aren't paying attention

ok i get what youre sayin about the GH, and i've never really done foliar feeding but
Whats wrong with the soil , plant selection, pots, support , timing , etc??

also can you or anyone suggest a good simple foliar regimen? BYF recommended something last year i think it was Photomax?... Also would like to use foliar to dial in the micros like yall were talking about.

I'm going to get some potassium sulfate for my vermifire tomorrow , trying to get shit dialed.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
If you're going to try just ONE thing. Try PhotoMag. If you want to try a few things , try sea shield , rejuvenate , and photomag. Sea shield and rejuvenate for your soil and photomag on foliar.

Sea shield and rejuvenate on your soil will help your biology along

If you really want a break down of how i would have done your trip let me know


Jeremy Silva from buildasoil validated my foliar regiment. Its a rotation between Neem(pest resistance and health), Silica (plant strength and pest/drought resistance), and Kelp (Plant health, hormones and inhibits pest reproduction). This is his Integrated Pest Management Program. Its a PM/Pest preventative that drastically improves plant health and yield. Basically use kelp as much as possible and silica and neem each once a week


If you're going to try just ONE thing. Try PhotoMag. If you want to try a few things , try sea shield , rejuvenate , and photomag. Sea shield and rejuvenate for your soil and photomag on foliar.

Sea shield and rejuvenate on your soil will help your biology along

If you really want a break down of how i would have done your trip let me know

Can you post your regimen and dosages?

Ive been reading the AEA thread..theres a lot to wade through though.

Where is the best place to purchase their products? Their website doesnt have prices/ quantities listed.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
No because what I do depends on weather and the individual circumstances , you order by how much acres you want to cover , if you actually call them you can get a price sheet emailed to you


I did call. The reason I was asking about dosages is because I'm not sure how much to order for the season. I dont need an exact step by step, Im an intelligent person, just a rough idea. Like when you foliar 100 gallons, how much do you generally use? Or when you drench how many tbls per gal?

Backyard Farmer

Active member
I did call. The reason I was asking about dosages is because I'm not sure how much to order for the season. I dont need an exact step by step, Im an intelligent person, just a rough idea. Like when you foliar 100 gallons, how much do you generally use? Or when you drench how many tbls per gal?

Again...The amounts are based on the individual circumstance. If I can push them harder I will if not I will back up on it. I stick to 1 qt/acre most of the time and slide up or down on certain things when I start blending em.


There is an AEA thread on this site,I believe member Father Earth started it.

I know........Ive been learning from it. Ive lurked on here for YEARS. I finally made an account, hoping I would learn more.

Theres so much banter and arguing on these threads it takes a long fucking time to find the useful shit. Im not a newb, Ive been growing for a long time.
So when Im looking for something its usually from the veterans like myself. For every post that I gain from, I see 25-30 that are worthless and give misinformation.

I dont make threads asking stupid questions so every yahoo comes out of the woodwork giving misinformation.. cluttering the site even more..I try to seek the people who will actually have the correct answers.

Bitching doesn't get you any closer to the answer. Try 1-2 ml per gal and repeat/increase as necessary.

Schrews I'd also recommend Sea shield and pepzyme, All three can be had for roughly $100.


I know........Ive been learning from it. Ive lurked on here for YEARS. I finally made an account, hoping I would learn more.

Theres so much banter and arguing on these threads it takes a long fucking time to find the useful shit. Im not a newb, Ive been growing for a long time.
So when Im looking for something its usually from the veterans like myself. For every post that I gain from, I see 25-30 that are worthless and give misinformation.

I dont make threads asking stupid questions so every yahoo comes out of the woodwork giving misinformation.. cluttering the site even more..I try to seek the people who will actually have the correct answers.


I agree. I sift through a lot of nonsense to get to the right stuff. Most of the right stuff come from veterans willing to share.