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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Man..this thread is making my head spin and its not even June..tuned in all last season as a lurker and enjoyed the show, hope it gets back on track. May your funds come through and issues sorted out.

Bo Hasset

Active member
I say send him the assembly instruction sheet, rather than pump-fake.

There's no pump-fake or malice.

I think Schrews is probably pretty alright for a white guy, but it baffles me that someone who has documented his progress in outdoor growing AND had some modicum of success in terms of besting his last grow each time really could be this clueless.

I can understand not grasping every intricate concept as it relates to balancing cations, biology, soil-mixing, etc. I don't pretend to understand even half of it myself

It's his inability to make a decision without asking the board, then the refusal to take the solution offered and the complete lack of understanding on some of the most basic of basics that keeps awake at night pondering if Schrews even exists or if he does, why does he take so much pleasure in being the troll's version of the anti-troll.

I honestly think he's pulling our leg most of the time and he just giggles every time BYF lays into him or someone like me ponders the notion he might be a machine set on a stubborn loop.


scrubbed up and ready for another killer season with you ! good luck cant wait for some of you spectacular bud porn and pretty sunsets.


There's no pump-fake or

I honestly think he's pulling our leg most of the time and he just giggles every time BYF lays into him or someone like me ponders the notion he might be a machine set on a stubborn loop.

Lol...give him a break. He is doing good...His first with soil test too.


I realized that if I didn't assemble it first before shipping that you wouldn't know what to do with it and there'd be a week's worth of advice and discussion in this thread on how to do it and by then it'll be too late.
It's his inability to make a decision without asking the board, then the refusal to take the solution offered
haha nah man you got me all wrong! THanks to this thread i'm probably gonna have a better season. I think you are talking about the hoop-house though, and yah i fucked up a little by not setting one up but its too late now, and we have plenty of healthy starts so no worries there

ive been askin a lot of questions, but thats mostly because there's always something going wrong, and i am trying to do everything properly this year. I do try to go on other threads and offer advice where i can. Also it's quiet up here and i get bored sometimes being alone for weeks

this weather has got me kind of bummed. its raining here and cold, so not very much fun working outside, and my friend who was supposed to come and help me with the soil has been lagging for a couple days and he owes me a good amout of cash so it is extra stressful when he flakes out


What do you mean? Like, pull hair, shove, scream and stuff?
Screws likes brazilian jiu jitsu so I think it was code for he wants to roll around on the floor with you all sweaty grow nerd.



i have to make 2 more 800gal baskets and then carve out a couple new spots in the hillside that dont have water seeping up. it will be nice to be done with that part of set up. then fill the pots with dirt. THen the fun part: deciding which plants to put in the big pots. weekend plans.


The water is fine man. My holes are extremely saturated at the beginning of every year. Especially in those pots, you'll be just fine.


Active member
if you think the water drainage is an issue just prop the smarties up on top of some pallets.

but yeah you should be fine. my only issue was when i did mounds, and the water would sit on the clay and there were big drainage issues that led to root rot in a few of the weaker gals but most still pulled through and yielded decent just not ideal in health. I'm going back to smarties on pallets for that reason, i saw much better results in root bound smarties with good drainage than in my 3 yard mounds, but I'm sure others would disagree with me on that. also a bunch of other factors in there like sun, strains etc but I'm starting to like a little root bound in flowering plants seems to really push them hard. just saw a friends GH and he had some 6-7 footers that were beasting in only 20 gal pots!

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Thanks for the support. The Trainwreck used was the E32 clone. The male was Chem 4 BX3. There's pictures of the strain grown out on my IG

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