so you should be timing your starts around that date right ? why not just start them indoors then move them outside in june ? you have to pick the start date first not set the start date otherwise you create a loop which wastes your energy and leads to you adding us to it to replace your energy . when you set the start date it makes her think the next time is her choice which means that in my house where she knows nothing about growing that it might lead to her feeling left out if she does not get to pick the start date . its what i broke up with my last partner over because he would not look at the weather and i said when the weather changed lol and he pretty much laughed and quit which is funny because he switched the rules to regular job rules when there is only spring time rules...
Yea, I usually keep my opinions to my self, but IMO growing plants indoors, and moving them out in June is just about the worst move you could make.