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MotherLode Gardens 2015


so you should be timing your starts around that date right ? why not just start them indoors then move them outside in june ? you have to pick the start date first not set the start date otherwise you create a loop which wastes your energy and leads to you adding us to it to replace your energy . when you set the start date it makes her think the next time is her choice which means that in my house where she knows nothing about growing that it might lead to her feeling left out if she does not get to pick the start date . its what i broke up with my last partner over because he would not look at the weather and i said when the weather changed lol and he pretty much laughed and quit which is funny because he switched the rules to regular job rules when there is only spring time rules...


Yea, I usually keep my opinions to my self, but IMO growing plants indoors, and moving them out in June is just about the worst move you could make.

Lester Moore

Well-known member
hey Epi, could you expand on the negative of doing it this way (starting indoor) compared with sowing seeds outdoors?


hey Epi, could you expand on the negative of doing it this way (starting indoor) compared with sowing seeds outdoors?

usually indoor plants stretch for light. They end up being a little spindly, growing like Xmas trees. Plants won't stretch in a hoop house. there isn't a light on the market that can mimic the sun. Under the sun you end up with bushier plants with tight nodes and sturdy branches.

Also starting a young plant in a greenhouse allows it to adjust to cooler Temps without shocking. It also allows for the plants to adjust to the increasing intensity of the sun. The low winter sun gradually moves to a higher position directly over the plants. if you take indoor plants and place them outside in june a majority of your leaves will bleach and die.


New member
hello i have a simple question when you start seed outdoor do i have to shade them or they can go under sun directly? the temps aroud 70


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Orange, Circle, Square, Yellow, Paperclip, Notepad, Keys, Charger, and my favorite, Pants!

I like peanut butter, do you swim?

icemachine>indoor. just think if you bought 2 ice machines :biggrin: and put them side by side.

Yea, I usually keep my opinions to my self, but IMO growing plants indoors, and moving them out in June is just about the worst move you could make.

sfv is still the most best average og over og from seed. at the same time idk. running all seeds makes me depressed compared to running a single clone. because its like a sea of people and an ocean of customers you never see again. with clones there is no sea of people. so basically keeping clones leads to isolating yourself or other people in a small room which is unhealthy to do to yourself on purpose . yea so i guess in the long run not doing indoor is like skipping prison. which leads to the part where everyone boycotts buying clones lol except rational people because it goes back to you having to live without a lightbulb and raising kids without a lightbulb or pack of bic lighters which leads back to me keeping clones instead of murdering genetics endlessly and pointlessly .

usually indoor plants stretch for light. They end up being a little spindly, growing like Xmas trees. Plants won't stretch in a hoop house. there isn't a light on the market that can mimic the sun. Under the sun you end up with bushier plants with tight nodes and sturdy branches.

Also starting a young plant in a greenhouse allows it to adjust to cooler Temps without shocking. It also allows for the plants to adjust to the increasing intensity of the sun. The low winter sun gradually moves to a higher position directly over the plants. if you take indoor plants and place them outside in june a majority of your leaves will bleach and die.

yea its kinda impossible to keep outdoor plants spindly its like giving them steroids when you move them at the right time. if your leaves bleach it means your indoor was flawed . green house and indoor are the same club of idiots :biggrin: all it takes is adding a light to the green house then it messes up your outdoor because you never know when its best for you to turn the light off... goes back to them saying flashlights are cool but that they dont understand how the battery part works which is funny because light bulbs are not organic and they are pretty much the devil over drugs because everyone pretends they are capable of making them but that the battery part is a mystery and something we should all be careful of disposing of or using lol thats my favorite part cos its like the battery runs out but not the light bulb ? how does that work because its seems like they are just going by shipping weight. which means if i buy light bulbs that im smarter then the people who buy batteries for solar panels lmao. those guys annoy me. because there indoor never looks like indoor so its like they are not respecting what they work with because its not balanced which leads to them selling gimmick balancers and its annoying to look at or think about .

sorta like auto light dep. time to go put on my gloves and tyvek suit :)


Active member
I don't know but that gave me a headache re-reading it over and over again trying to make sense of it. strange dude...

Lester Moore

Well-known member
usually indoor plants stretch for light. They end up being a little spindly, growing like Xmas trees. Plants won't stretch in a hoop house. there isn't a light on the market that can mimic the sun. Under the sun you end up with bushier plants with tight nodes and sturdy branches.

Also starting a young plant in a greenhouse allows it to adjust to cooler Temps without shocking. It also allows for the plants to adjust to the increasing intensity of the sun. The low winter sun gradually moves to a higher position directly over the plants. if you take indoor plants and place them outside in june a majority of your leaves will bleach and die.
--Epi, thanks! that makes so much sense. I am new to outdoor, so what you have said will help a lot. I think you have just improved my results and health of the plants 10 fold. it makes total sense! :biggrin:
will placing a clone out (slowly) shortly after rooting respond the same as seed?

Backyard Farmer

Active member
icemachine>indoor. just think if you bought 2 ice machines :biggrin: and put them side by side.

ice machines are green houses that you either manual or auto dep...

sfv is still the most best average og over og from seed. at the same time idk. running all seeds makes me depressed compared to running a single clone. because its like a sea of people and an ocean of customers you never see again. with clones there is no sea of people.

he's saying that all these different plants all are individuals and have their own needs and ways that they need to be dealt with

so basically keeping clones leads to isolating yourself or other people in a small room which is unhealthy to do to yourself on purpose . yea so i guess in the long run not doing indoor is like skipping prison.

you're trapped in a cycle of tending to the same thing over and over again growing indoors or relying on someone else to do it for you and really being dependent on them to keep your shit healthy etc., and they're stuck out of luck

which leads to the part where everyone boycotts buying clones lol except rational people because it goes back to you having to live without a lightbulb and raising kids without a lightbulb or pack of bic lighters which leads back to me keeping clones instead of murdering genetics endlessly and pointlessly .

If you keep randomly making crosses you'll eventually end up with shit if you're not careful

yea its kinda impossible to keep outdoor plants spindly its like giving them steroids when you move them at the right time. if your leaves bleach it means your indoor was flawed .

He's right. There's no difference. 1000w MH or Sun..they both ask the plants to metabolize..If you have enough base cation they'll just grow faster when they go outside

green house and indoor are the same club of idiots :biggrin: all it takes is adding a light to the green house then it messes up your outdoor because you never know when its best for you to turn the light off... goes back to them saying flashlights are cool but that they dont understand how the battery part works which is funny because light bulbs are not organic and they are pretty much the devil over drugs because everyone pretends they are capable of making them but that the battery part is a mystery and something we should all be careful of disposing of or using lol thats my favorite part cos its like the battery runs out but not the light bulb ? how does that work because its seems like they are just going by shipping weight. which means if i buy light bulbs that im smarter then the people who buy batteries for solar panels lmao. those guys annoy me. because there indoor never looks like indoor so its like they are not respecting what they work with because its not balanced which leads to them selling gimmick balancers and its annoying to look at or think about .

he's saying people like to front.

sorta like auto light dep. time to go put on my gloves and tyvek suit :)

Disengage translation...


Lol BYF, you make me laugh. I don't spare even a second on anything overly verbose. But I do appreciate you actually taking the time to translate. Awsome lad.


Active member
my first 2 years outdoor i made the mistake of throwing indoor starts straight into the sun in mid may to june. and both times we were rewarded with stressed out, burnt plants that only grew to half their potential.

get them outside as early as freakin possible into a GH and you will never look back.


New member
0.00$ happens every time:biggrin: we pretty much sell tokens of time. its why we have no chance at life because its a one sided move for other people but a x2 move for us. https://www.shieldx2.com/bammageranew/index/desktop1/

lol the script is like the shield .or the batman suit if you go from the phone and not the plant . anyone going from the plant usually gets denied .everyone in the batman suit wins every time . even when they lose . :cool:

basically its a curse if you steal or buy the batman suit or make one yourself and it leads back to condoms not being worth producing because of not being able to achieve 0.00$ . i guess in people that means no people you dont know from out of town and only out of town products from people you know . not stuff like shieldx3 .
View attachment 317128
she treated me like currency so we broke up. if u apply that to poker its fair but if u switch to black jack u lose everytime most people dont fucking get it ever ...casinoe is black jack not roulette or poker switching to any of those just ruins it and if its a black jack format why play random numbers and confuse other people who have the same end goal as you .
Players win if they do not bust and have a total that is higher than the dealer's.The dealer loses if he or she busts or has a lesser hand than the player who has not busted If the player and dealer have the same total, this is called a "push" and the player typically does not win or lose money on that hand.
0% is the new real talk

lol. golf creates 0% but not 0.00$. same as condoms. which is why they try to make me quit growing cause otherwise i will always be a condom to them because u cant really interact with people past x2 when ur growing an all it takes is one person then ur ruined because they replace u or follow you around trying to use you for the first and last time.

fineeeee 18yo and a 30yo and then older one so its like yea i guess that hurt or fixed my brain depending on who you talk to. they let me go to old sports people so its like what did they expect . when they actually text me back is when i count it as a relationship if its just me leading them to places then its not really worth my time even when i think it is.


New member
that hurt. nothing worse then trying to get girl to talk to you again. so yea that part. 12/12. no lights means land race seeds. lol.

easiest way is two categories. the ones you like and the ones that grow. creates two different tricks that can be applied to people you don't like. one trick wins. because every growers starts at zero. so the grower with the most access to genetics wins . most is another trick that leads to best and then leads to high so it looses to 1st and last because the information from last place effects how the person in first is viewed by all people. the 1st place guy only effects himself and then he has to feel each person finish or shut down . so where did i go . shit. yea lights. so when you add a light . you lose 50% of your zen to the light. then when your girl flips the switch on light two you lose the other 50% and your job when you flip the the 2nd switch you get +50% and a 1 new job.

yea so basically that is where it goes back to . electricity or no electricity . so in shasta county it gets to 115f and plants make people do stupid shit so it leads to people getting hurt which leads to a panic moment and them running indoors at the same time as them laughing at indoor prices and playing the panic moment with the power bill instead of the outdoor temps.

it like the worst feeling the world agreeing with them but at the same time its not 115f at my house but its the same panic moments from heat which deserve respect instead of banning because its like if the power went out and you guys banned outdoor work then life would be boring .

without light bulbs there would be no vegas which makes vegas kinda cool and acceptable because its like they are honest about saying people are dumb .its indoor city.

so after the lights are gone then you need a volcano to get fire from no other way in life to get fire naturaly and its the same as a girl in heat because its like if you dont know what that is and you step in it then you die cause its not bullshit and it has no smell and you cant feel heat when its hot .

lol. so then it turns back into indoor because someone has to keep the fire burning and if you let the same person burn the fire they go crazy and if you let the same person pick the people then the fire changes and times change. which leads to ice people which is why 911 is not hard to think about because its like one execution and ice people are like all each individual executions unlike volcano people who die at the same time hmmmmmmmmmmm shit . so aww fuck that place. aawww yuck. see its like aww gross. dang why there. wtf . awww . hmmm sooo. yea. lol. hmm. yes. so after i watch you die in a place where i succeed and teach other people to get past that makes me better then you . which leads you to a hopeless feeling sorta like if i sold weed to kanye west because its like if he has a million budget that means all i have to is adjust my price per whatever the weight is and charge him by the year which lowers the class of person i am lmao .

lol @ the people selling snoop dog weed yall are the devil .serioulsy . its a joke untill he gets old . just like its a joke for me to grow for other people and to skip myself . man ugh . i told them i hated this girl and now all my posts are like her comment about death .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLncTrF1-qc

women allways try to take sips of water from dead people its why they end up not speaking anymore. god dammit . im just sayin i like the burka . its like she is zelda and i know some of them are hot and its like idunno what hte men do but its like probably water or blood related so if i die not being tortured by people looking for ink then its all good. the ink torture is painful. blocks the women from being confused about who the last person was . which leads to me killing the last person . regardless of the conversation or gimmick that he brought to her table. which ruins my life.

its sad they try to give me 300k and refuse healthcare.

no light bulb no sadness.

light dep human win vagina over 9-5 humans .

sun with sleepy people vs awake people means no chance.

nite with sleeping people vs awake means a chance if you do it everytime consistantly .

which leads back to light dep being middle ground for both night people and day people .not outdoor or fire.

cant dep with human skin so people are safe unlike in the winter time when the food runs out.

so goes back to chico and santa cruz doing the bi polar flip bs shit with me where they say life is perfect or flawed instead of not looking and seeing that not one person get through life without a flaw or that none of them are comparable. when they use drugs that i give away for free to make themselves comparable to each other it ruins my perspective on life .

so its like i guess they are trying to send me somewhere without a light bulb. kinda cool i guess . its better then dying in hospital . anywhere besides a place where im stuck with one other person that i know has to be the person because then it turns my life into a burden .

reminds me i need to turn off my supplemental lights and flower my seeds :)

so each minute outside is like 10 seconds inside which creates two audiences of people.

lol @ stained its like he is not from usa so it ruined its been awhile.

kill me:biggrin:


yah i didn't foliar at all last year and still got good results.. this year i would like to start doing it, i have a few 50gal barrels and a spray nozzle