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MotherLode Gardens 2015




Backyard Farmer

Active member
If you had a greenhouse your starts would be 4x The size... Why she on th couch and flesh she know her face is online on a pot site


Well-known member
Yea the plants look like there kinda cold from here,but they are just pics. Have you checked out the health of the roots yet?

I agree with byf.

But I'm not saying that to do anything but motivate simply BC I know the potential you've got and hope to see you hit it,


Active member
trying to figure out what the fuck are you saying is maddening. rambling about cars pots gucci and natty ice, how is gucci and natty ice even a fucking comparison!!? sorry dont even bother to respond, I'm obviously not on the same wavelength.

i agree that those seed starts look a bit stressed. whats your night time temps? make sure they aren't sitting in soggy bags over night in the cold thats gonna stunt them tremendously.


trying to figure out what the fuck are you saying is maddening. rambling about cars pots gucci and natty ice, how is gucci and natty ice even a fucking comparison!!? sorry dont even bother to respond, I'm obviously not on the same wavelength.

i agree that those seed starts look a bit stressed. whats your night time temps? make sure they aren't sitting in soggy bags over night in the cold thats gonna stunt them tremendously.

Cellphone is insanely talented. She/he communicates in her own way. There are serious issues there and hope get help. I used to laugh but like others on here I just ignore. Great thread though.

Lester Moore

Well-known member
lol @ bubble man on an enail.

^ harsh. now here is why you guys say im crazy. he is smoking water which makes him a water person and means he cant die hooked up to an enail without a part of him going into the enail and that when he dies his enail will be unplugged lmao. im allowed to laugh at sick shit. yall cant. because you wont go there with me. you wont look at it . you just sell it and buy for each other which leads back to family island and the water game.

you can have her bring you your last cup of water past when your able to drink water you cant really get to that point without being very careful about the people you are with because at that point all it takes is a +1 to erase her from your life and you die upset at her .

which leads to the glass 1/2 empty or 1/2 full moment and people waking up wondering why they did that.

so its like u can die on your way to the water or the person in charge of your water and you can die at the water but not with the water because it wont run out.

Soooo if schrews dies that means what ever plant surrives the longest would be land race unless its setup with greenhouses and people then means what ever part of the operation makes the most $ is the race . so that is why they dont have britney spears in the phillipenes because it just happens at like age 5 or someshit and we never watch them do it to each other. which makes usa dumb for letting other countrys use them for games that lead to single yes or no answers . never put a female in charge of your only water source. cos they cull the males but never the females in that way only in thought and its the most sad disgusting ritual ive ever seen because they try to die holding it in thinking they will have a chance for there kids to make it into the brittney spears club if they never do acid or to be in the other club if they do . creates a check point. water game is more fun alone.......... adding a camera creates placebo water aka kool aid. so the less of that stuff you have in your system the better your quality of water is . i learned how to use water for kool aid and if they take my water away it means one thing that they are using it for kool aid and putting a $ value on my existence.

proof its not good to eat led filled paint chips as a child :laughing:

grow nerd

Active member
trying to figure out what the fuck are you saying is maddening. rambling about cars pots gucci and natty ice, how is gucci and natty ice even a fucking comparison!!? sorry dont even bother to respond, I'm obviously not on the same wavelength.

i agree that those seed starts look a bit stressed. whats your night time temps? make sure they aren't sitting in soggy bags over night in the cold thats gonna stunt them tremendously.



Backyard Farmer

Active member
trying to figure out what the fuck are you saying is maddening. rambling about cars pots gucci and natty ice, how is gucci and natty ice even a fucking comparison!!? sorry dont even bother to respond, I'm obviously not on the same wavelength.

i agree that those seed starts look a bit stressed. whats your night time temps? make sure they aren't sitting in soggy bags over night in the cold thats gonna stunt them tremendously.

Basically he's saying no one should comment on how screws lives his life or chooses to grow his plants it's his own choice to either build himself like a brand similar to Gucci or roll like Natty Ice...

He's saying no outside influence or factors..Like me telling him to build his greenhouse or whatever..All that shit sums out to nothing and no effect on his life at all because it's all his own decision to either again...Gucci..or Natty...Both may be successful companies but he's talking more about the image...Gucci is refined, upscale etc., Natty ice...well...Ya..It aint Pliny the Elder