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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Basically he's saying no one should comment on how screws lives his life or chooses to grow his plants it's his own choice to either build himself like a brand similar to Gucci or roll like Natty Ice...

He's saying no outside influence or factors..Like me telling him to build his greenhouse or whatever..All that shit sums out to nothing and no effect on his life at all because it's all his own decision to either again...Gucci..or Natty...Both may be successful companies but he's talking more about the image...Gucci is refined, upscale etc., Natty ice...well...Ya..It aint Pliny the Elder
You're a wise grower as well as a wise interpreter.:laughing:

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Lots more layers to what he was saying but that was basically it..

Family island is how you have to go back to the examples you had to being the reasons why you repeat similar cycles even if they're in different situations.. I think he calls them reruns ...

There's others too.. But basically should just be supporting dude in his thread which is my goal of telling him to use a greenhouse etc ...


Active member
Damn I feel off the wagon here when the huge
Mountain of trash was getting cleaned up..then my
kid took ill. Now I am Totally lost haha.

Hope shits working out Shrew, going to start popping
in more for Da show
Dude what did that chick do to your couch?!! I'd be pissed:biggrin:
When you planning on plugging in? When did you get in last year? finishing up my mounds this week and hopefully getting in by the 20th or so. I popped a ton of those bbhp's think I'm gonna do a lot of them


Dude what did that chick do to your couch?!! I'd be pissed:biggrin:
When you planning on plugging in? When did you get in last year? finishing up my mounds this week and hopefully getting in by the 20th or so. I popped a ton of those bbhp's think I'm gonna do a lot of them

the couch came with the house, it was on the back deck when we moved in

I want to have everything in the ground by june. thats what happened last year. it was 90 degrees here today so i can plant any time now, once i get the pots filled and the plants are sexed.

the BlueberryHashplant are all looking great here. very good growth


If you had a greenhouse your starts would be 4x The size... Why she on th couch and flesh she know her face is online on a pot site
you say pot site like it's a bad thing


Yea the plants look like there kinda cold from here,but they are just pics. Have you checked out the health of the roots yet?

I agree with byf.

But I'm not saying that to do anything but motivate simply BC I know the potential you've got and hope to see you hit it,

ancient og:


i agree that those seed starts look a bit stressed. whats your night time temps? make sure they aren't sitting in soggy bags over night in the cold thats gonna stunt them tremendously.
its all good brother i think the pictures dont do the plants justice, cuz they are pretty lush right now. they were stoked today, tracking the sun from 6am-8pm. at sunset the tops were practically turned sideways, tryin to soak up the rays. really cool to look at

was checking the plants for preflowers and found a female today, first one!!! she's a Snow Leopard. pretty big too, so it might get a spot in the final garden.


Senior Member
But not rootbound...so stick em into good soil and stand back

Overgrown is far worse than small. You mess with cytokinins v auxins and you create a fat kid that craves cake...nitrate and k.

Lets see what happens. And thank you shrews for sharing your journey


Well-known member
Stoked to see what ya do this year! Thanks for posting your soil costs. Hopefully will be making an order through them soon.

Love how your guard dog is watching over your guest!


FGl got my soil samples and should have my results next week. i took milkyjoe's advice and told them i am growing corn. they asked field corn or some other kind, and i said field corn. hope that was ok.

new dirt comes next week also, so i will be working this weekend to finish terracing and make pots. Then it's time to mix dirt and fill pots, which should take another week or so, and by then it will be planting time. Everything is pretty much on schedule but theres lots of stuff to do. plants are looking healthy despite the horrible weather the last couple days. got down to 44 last night and was cloudy today and some rain. I hope that isn't a sign of things to come. I got a farmer's almanac, arent those things good for predicting the season/weather ?i havent read it yet..

so tomorrow i'm going to go see if i can sex some of the babies. at the local preschool. jk jk. the plants.


New member
I want to have everything in the ground by june.

so you should be timing your starts around that date right ? why not just start them indoors then move them outside in june ? you have to pick the start date first not set the start date otherwise you create a loop which wastes your energy and leads to you adding us to it to replace your energy . when you set the start date it makes her think the next time is her choice which means that in my house where she knows nothing about growing that it might lead to her feeling left out if she does not get to pick the start date . its what i broke up with my last partner over because he would not look at the weather and i said when the weather changed lol and he pretty much laughed and quit which is funny because he switched the rules to regular job rules when there is only spring time rules...

I got a farmer's almanac, arent those things good for predicting the season/weather ?i havent read it yet..



Active member
Hey schrews looks like the next 2 weeks in the gold country is the transition into summer. For me that means upper 60s, lower 70s, low to mid 40s at night, cloudy, windy and 10-20% chance of rain every day...around 2 weeks from now is when they show 80s and sunny as far as the eye can see :) so u should be fine for weather, tho it def won't be ideal

silver hawaiian

Active member
I'm looking forward to more wisdom from

Orange, Circle, Square, Yellow, Paperclip, Notepad, Keys, Charger, and my favorite, Pants!

I like peanut butter, do you swim?