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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Right on dude , I cnaged my 200s to 400s this year. Pretty stoked for it

I haven't seen any of your pics. It would be interesting to see what you got there.

At 400's or 800 do yall fill the dirt to the rim at two feet? On my 400's I filled dirt up to two feet and tested how long it would take to drench the soil and the amount of water that it needs for maintenance is crazy. It took almost 30 min of watering.


I haven't seen any of your pics. It would be interesting to see what you got there.

At 400's or 800 do yall fill the dirt to the rim at two feet? On my 400's I filled dirt up to two feet and tested how long it would take to drench the soil and the amount of water that it needs for maintenance is crazy. It took almost 30 min of watering.

Yea we fill it a couple inches from the top. How long you have to water depends a lot on the soil composition. It also takes a lot of water initially to drench the soil, and then much less in subsequent maintainence waterings.


The soil level is at 18 inch vs 24. I made the change after noticing the amount of water needed. Hope this will not impact growth.


^^should be ok but the soil gets compacted so that will will be more like 12-14 inches by the end of the season.
Watering should be about 10% of container/soil volume every couple days once the plants get going, or something equivalent
It also takes a lot of water initially to drench the soil, and then much less in subsequent maintainence waterings.


do you topdress the soil once it compacts? with gypsum and compost or something? i notice i cannot get the whole medium to soak without a lot of runoff in my smaller pots.

10-15% container volume per day for my 20 gallon pots (2-3 gal per day). Im sure the big 400s and stuff hold water a little better. But when the soil compacts i easily pour 15% container volume in water a day to keep them healthy as before.


i notice i cannot get the whole medium to soak without a lot of runoff in my smaller pots...

Im sure the big 400s and stuff hold water a little better.

comparing a 20gal smartpot with a 2 - 4 yard container doesn't really work, they are very different


trying to mail in my soil test today, but i dont have a printer to print out the COC form that they ask be included.


Call them, tell them your situation, work out something. They will work with you.

talked to FGL . i have to go mail the samples anyway so i'll just print the form when i'm in town.

what crop should i say i'm growing?

what do you fill out in the box for sample info / analyses requested? or is that for them


Active member
I go with vegetable garden. Most crops soil test needs to be sampled within 8-12 inches of soil depth, so it doesn't matter unless you want recommendations for a certain crop. On the sample info I go with the comprehensive soil suitability. The organic materials is another test, as is the gypsum requirements. You could say tomatoes, they have similar needs. I think it's twenty dollars for recommendations


Active member
I go with vegetable garden. Most crops soil test needs to be sampled within 8-12 inches of soil depth, so it doesn't matter unless you want recommendations for a certain crop. On the sample info I go with the comprehensive soil suitability. The organic materials is another test, as is the gypsum requirements. You could say tomatoes, they have similar needs. I think it's twenty dollars for recommendations

I say bush tomatoes. If you say tomatoes you have to specify bush or vine.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
I haven't seen any of your pics. It would be interesting to see what you got there.

At 400's or 800 do yall fill the dirt to the rim at two feet? On my 400's I filled dirt up to two feet and tested how long it would take to drench the soil and the amount of water that it needs for maintenance is crazy. It took almost 30 min of watering.

I only have 10 smart pots ,mine rest of my stuffs in the ground. I changed 200 to 400 gallon and do fill to the top, regarding watering , two words.. Drip line.


Senior Member
Tomato is a double edged sword. In veg very similar probably. In fruit nothing like mj. The tomato itself is a K sink, the flower on mj is not. So if they simply avg out the K use over the entire cycle my guess is way too much K. Corn would be my choice.

If you just look at the numbers and not the fancy little bar charts...Mg ppm = K ppm is my preference. In fact I have soil right now at slightly less than 3% K and the plants look fantastic, no sign of K def at all. Having said that Ca and Mg numbers are both excellent. Having enough base cations is one thing, having them balanced is another.

On the Oly Mountain compost...we got rained out today so I went to build a soil and got to put my hands in that stuff. Don't know the numbers but it looks fantastic. I wish we had that available without shipping cost added on. My guess is you are gonna be very happy.


New member
why? cubic ft works for both . yard is an outdated way to measure and 2-4 is the same as 1-2 or 4-8. turns into 2vs1 and 1vs 1st +2nds which leads to 0% or 100%. no middle though so when it gets applied to a person or plants they are either viewed as good or bad by all people not just by some. when a person fails to judge another person that puts them into the bad list for one side of the people which creates a meeting up point for like minded people who are all usually too lazy to do math. that group of people only lasts until there is a surplus of money then they run into drought issues and food shortage problems .

What are you rambling about? You lost me after the second sentence...

I could be wrong, but I think he was just saying you shouldn't expect a relatively small 30 gallon container to behave and require the same as a 2-4 yard (much, much bigger) container, when it comes to watering and how much how often etc.


why? cubic ft works for both . yard is an outdated way to measure and 2-4 is the same as 1-2 or 4-8. turns into 2vs1 and 1vs 1st +2nds which leads to 0% or 100%. no middle though so when it gets applied to a person or plants they are either viewed as good or bad by all people not just by some. when a person fails to judge another person that puts them into the bad list for one side of the people which creates a meeting up point for like minded people who are all usually too lazy to do math. that group of people only lasts until there is a surplus of money then they run into drought issues and food shortage problems .

Where's wreakingball? You both make a good match with your 1 + 1 rambling. Or, are wreakingball back with another name? LMAO...:laughing::laughing::laughing::woohoo:


why? cubic ft works for both . yard is an outdated way to measure and 2-4 is the same as 1-2 or 4-8. turns into 2vs1 and 1vs 1st +2nds which leads to 0% or 100%. no middle though so when it gets applied to a person or plants they are either viewed as good or bad by all people not just by some. when a .

LOL...i was wondering about wreakingball....back with another name. The 1 + 1 gave you away. LOL.


Tomato is a double edged sword. In veg very similar probably. In fruit nothing like mj. The tomato itself is a K sink, the flower on mj is not. So if they simply avg out the K use over the entire cycle my guess is way too much K. Corn would be my choice.
even better, i forgot to put what crop i was growing on the form.

On the Oly Mountain compost...we got rained out today so I went to build a soil and got to put my hands in that stuff. Don't know the numbers but it looks fantastic. I wish we had that available without shipping cost added on. My guess is you are gonna be very happy.
thats good to hear! I was disappointed they were out of Diestel compost but now i feel better about going with the Oly Mountain for most of the compost.

soil delivery is next tuesday and i will send in a sample for analysis


Active member
why not HOPS? its marijuanas cousin, thats what I've always used. how much are you guys paying for compost. like i mentioned earlier, nor tech gold organic green waste compost for 20 a yard if your not trying to get bent over for 160 a yard rare earth compost lol.

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