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MotherLode Gardens 2015


yea they do that for trucking because alot of growers live in remote areas with shitty access roads and half the times the damn trucks can't get in. they tried to delivery the damn 100 yards of compost in a 48ft semi and couldn't navigate a hard turn, so had to turn them back and have them redelivery with the transfer load trucks.
haha damn that sounds lame. situations like that always stress me out even though its not your fault and theres nothing you can do.

i called the trucking co today, they said they have been in contact with rare earth but my dirt isnt ready to go yet, but it's the same company that brought my soil last year so it shouldnt be a hassle. im glad it's pretty much handled at this point.


haha damn that sounds lame. situations like that always stress me out even though its not your fault and theres nothing you can do.

i called the trucking co today, they said they have been in contact with rare earth but my dirt isnt ready to go yet, but it's the same company that brought my soil last year so it shouldnt be a hassle. im glad it's pretty much handled at this point.
I heard rumors rare earth was using saw dust and dyeing it black to give the dirt better eye appeal. Make sure you don't buy some snake oil soil. I will double check either rare earth or four seasons. But almost positive I heard rare earth in grass valley


I heard rumors rare earth was using saw dust and dyeing it black to give the dirt better eye appeal. Make sure you don't buy some snake oil soil. I will double check either rare earth or four seasons. But almost positive I heard rare earth in grass valley
they did fine for me last year


we all started as a heavy stoner kid I'm sure... hate those bitches who grow weed for profit but never smoked any weed and their stuff is usually full of chem ferts and insect killers... very far from organic, all what I feel is a headache from that kinda commerce stuff.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
My point was seriously lost on you guys but that's okay.

Nothing wrong with smoking and enjoying herb but it's that stereotypical lazy stoner attitude that belongs in the garbage


Active member
It's good to have a wide selection, makes sales much easier....but I agree with BYF that the yield will less high and tougher with more genetics but as long as I'm allowed over 40 plants or so I'll keep the variety. When u walk into a dispensary with a pure sativa, pure indica, indica hybrid, sativa hybrid, couple Kush ans OGS and some stinky hybrids in between and everybody is happy, I'm not a door to door salesmen I prefer to stay on the mountain

Backyard Farmer

Active member
If you're not a door to door salesmen then why gro so many variety ?

On the mountain it's all about big consistent lots ...


If you're not a door to door salesmen then why gro so many variety ?

On the mountain it's all about big consistent lots ...
growing only a couple varieties would take all the fun out of it for me.

Budweiser vs. Russian River: both are successful but in different ways

but i agree about attitude, its important to do everything the best you can, without causing yourself too much stress

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Comparing growing a bunch of stuff from seed to being like Russian river who pumps out a few select brews that they have dialed in just proves you need to put your bong down. You're not making yourself or your product in to a brand by having 20 varieties , you're just going to be the guy with a lot of small odd sized lots.

Budweiser vs Russian river is a quality discussion because both are beer...Russian River uses better ingredients and mfg process...Budweiser...Well...haha yea..anyway.. You can grow Russian River quality (which by the way is my favorite brewery and you can find me at the brewery in Rosa pretty fucking often putting back Pliny...Spencer is the best bar tender there , the homie always hooks it up no matter how fat the line is..Literally had him put some one elses beers down to have him fill my pints!)

You can grow high quality with strict manufacturing process and just make case and case of Pliny the Elder and become known for an elite product then branch out in to shit like Consecration , Pliny the Younger etc., then once you're known for that elite quality brand name product then your other brands will be better received.

Lester Moore

Well-known member
that's a great analogy, but I am sure it doesn't fit your grow. because Budweiswer makes some real shitty beer. I would think, Bear Republic vs Russian River vs. Deschutes would better fit because I am sure all of your lines are tasty, just different.


Active member
I only go to a few dispensaries that I have good relationships with so I bring a large balanced load to each every couple weeks to a month. 1 day from home a month is ideal, but I'll do 2.

It's all about big consistent lots if your running a factory. But I mean no disrespect on how your doing it, it's a good strategy but it's not the only one so a little professional respect would be appreciated from a fellow professional.

the random lot guy? I just had a dispensary ask if I can guarantee them with 500 pounds next year, think u got mixed up with who u were talking too

Backyard Farmer

Active member
I only go to a few dispensaries that I have good relationships with so I bring a large balanced load to each every couple weeks to a month. 1 day from home a month is ideal, but I'll do 2.

It's all about big consistent lots if your running a factory. But I mean no disrespect on how your doing it, it's a good strategy but it's not the only one so a little professional respect would be appreciated from a fellow professional.

the random lot guy? I just had a dispensary ask if I can guarantee them with 500 pounds next year, think u got mixed up with who u were talking too

That's cool. I have plenty of professional respect. I haven't seen a grow thread or pic from you to know diddly about your set.

What YOU should work on is reading comprehension. I was talking to Schrews RE not being able to form a solid brand with a bunch of mixed stuff.

With 40 plants you can do 2-4 things and still come out with nice size lots...24 plants...which is what Shcrews is restricted to...And whose thread this is..and whom I am corresponding with...Unless you do 2 things 12 of each, IMHO....Too mixed up...

Kind of strange to go in to another guys thread and then take the posts directed toward him as directed towards you.

Lester Moore

Well-known member
I only go to a few dispensaries that I have good relationships with so I bring a large balanced load to each every couple weeks to a month. 1 day from home a month is ideal, but I'll do 2.

It's all about big consistent lots if your running a factory. But I mean no disrespect on how your doing it, it's a good strategy but it's not the only one so a little professional respect would be appreciated from a fellow professional.

the random lot guy? I just had a dispensary ask if I can guarantee them with 500 pounds next year, think u got mixed up with who u were talking too
I just grow for myself and friends but you have sparked my curiosity. will the entire 500lbs be the same strain? sounds like you have an awesome business. I would think with that much you could have a few varieties, I certainly wouldn't go to pub that only offers an IPA. curing that much must one hell of a project!
-respect- :tiphat:

Lester Moore

Well-known member
one more question, MZC, do you often go into to others thread and wave your dick around? or is this the first time?

Backyard Farmer

Active member
one more question, MZC, do you often go into to others thread and wave your dick around? or is this the first time?

I had to ask him the same thing. I thought it was strange that he came in to Schrews' thread and took posts directed at Schrews towards himself and replied to them....Weird.

The key with a dispensary being like "Can you promise is 500 units" is replying with "Are you going to 1. Prepay them and 2. can you guarantee your door will still be open in the Fall?" Watch how many of them switch up their tune.

You're living in the middle of the sticks and hating it, because it's fun?

Right? You're making a sacrifice to do this grow...Sacrifice a little more...And grow more.


Senior Member
How consistant are seeds? Lets say I run 24 of the same seed...would the buyer recognize a brand? Or maybe the better question at what generation can they be that stable