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MotherLode Gardens 2015



Are you in this as a business or are you a stoner trying to smoke? If it's the latter said:
BYF, It is pretty obvious as he is a young kid growing a dream crop with connections to move said crop...... Hippy chicks and all.

He will learn in time, most of us are all business because we are older and wiser. Hell, If we were 25 again and growing triple digits????

Who wouldn't do back then what he is doing now?

I wish the best to Shcrews, he is living his dream!


BYF, It is pretty obvious as he is a young kid growing a dream crop with connections to move said crop...... Hippy chicks and all.

He will learn in time, most of us are all business because we are older and wiser. Hell, If we were 25 again and growing triple digits????

Who wouldn't do back then what he is doing now?

I wish the best to Shcrews, he is living his dream!

I agree with you both. He is living his dream and learning and gets excellent advice from folks like you and the icmag community, in the process folks like me benefit too.


Super hard to average 7-8 on a bunch of plants. It's more realistic to think you're going to average 5
idk man, last year our smallest bodhi was 6.5 and our average was over 8 per and that was with 400's and 800's. I hope i'm not aiming high but i'm expecting similar results if not better this year with a slightly earlier start, not using coco, and overall bigger pots and more sunlight, not to mention choosing the best 24 females of over 100 plants. But i would be toally happy with 5 per plant, or even less as long as it's high quality. dont have to split as many ways this season

Are you in this as a business or are you a stoner trying to smoke? If it's the latter, just grow in your closet and get a job. If this is your job, treat it like one.
ah man thats harsh, just cuz i want to save some broad leaf ladies?? i'm trying pretty hard this season. kind of. haha

When did you start your stuff? I started mine at the end of March...Basically the first week of April coming up above ground.
i think i popped our seeds march 24 or 25. they are not very big yet but they are looking healthynow! growing an inch or so per day and tracking the sun from sunrise to sunset


just set up a carport yesterday as well…took us only an hour for a 10x20. and it was only $200 bucks….id feel kind of weird having my seedlings out exposed like that in the cold right now, temps kind of dropped back down into the 50s at night up here after that little heat wave. plus you can drop supp lights on them too….i echo BYF that its something that is easy cheap and should be done to maximize your chances for a successful season!
next year brother, next year. i'm pretty happy with my starts right now though - i think things might work out despite not having a GH

i finally just payed for my soil , got oly mountain fish compost as a base with some malibu compost in there too.
The whole mix was like 6200 for 40 yards and 200 miles trucking, but rare earth wants me to call their trucking company and coordinate pickup. that's kind of weird right? they worked all that out for me last year. i just had to open my gate when the truck showed up


Final Final FINAL soil mix

40 yards total:

-12 yards 5/16" lava rock
-12 yards peat moss
-10 yards Oly Mountain fish compost
-2 yards Malibu compost

240 lbs kelp meal
220 lbs crab meal
260 lbs gypsum
240 lbs oyster flour
120 lbs neem meal
100 lbs alfalfa meal
1000 lbs glacial rock dust

not going to have time to test this and adjust it, but this mix seems like it should work


Well-known member
One thing about growing large plants outside..or even farming in general...one slip can really cut into your final numbers long term, two slips will have you stressing
..three slips and you might become a grown man in tears...

True story


Active member
yea they do that for trucking because alot of growers live in remote areas with shitty access roads and half the times the damn trucks can't get in. they tried to delivery the damn 100 yards of compost in a 48ft semi and couldn't navigate a hard turn, so had to turn them back and have them redelivery with the transfer load trucks.

One thing about growing large plants outside..or even farming in general...one slip can really cut into your final numbers long term, two slips will have you stressing
..three slips and you might become a grown man in tears...

True story

yea and when those slips aren't even created by your own mistakes (i.e., the shit county you live in decides to ban all grows and send out teams of cops to every property to bust them)….gonna be more than tears out in these hills.

never could have imagined that i would feel fortunate to be able to put 24 plants outdoors legally. shit last year was able to do 72 big ones legally, took it for granted because now we can barely do 2. shasta, santa cruz, tehama, butte, yuba, eldorado, and a dozen more on the chopping block for cultivation bans. what a great state we live in….


yea they do that for trucking because alot of growers live in remote areas with shitty access roads and half the times the damn trucks can't get in. they tried to delivery the damn 100 yards of compost in a 48ft semi and couldn't navigate a hard turn, so had to turn them back and have them redelivery with the transfer load trucks.

yea and when those slips aren't even created by your own mistakes (i.e., the shit county you live in decides to ban all grows and send out teams of cops to every property to bust them)….gonna be more than tears out in these hills.

never could have imagined that i would feel fortunate to be able to put 24 plants outdoors legally. shit last year was able to do 72 big ones legally, took it for granted because now we can barely do 2. shasta, santa cruz, tehama, butte, yuba, eldorado, and a dozen more on the chopping block for cultivation bans. what a great state we live in….

Its amazing we manage to get through the BS. My neighbors in shasta are getting hit even without anyone living there or any plants being grown. The cops took my friends gate of its hinges, and proceeded to take 40 Lbs, his chain saws, and any other equipment they were interested in. AND somehow there's no record of any items being confiscated? Very few of us were able to transition to another state or county. I feel fortunate to have gotten the fuck outa dodge!

Of course up here in Oregon they can't seem to find a reliable trucker s to save their life, I've been waiting on 400 yards of soil that was supposed to be delivered a week ago. I guess it never ends...

Backyard Farmer

Active member
idk man, last year our smallest bodhi was 6.5 and our average was over 8 per and that was with 400's and 800's. I hope i'm not aiming high but i'm expecting similar results if not better this year with a slightly earlier start, not using coco, and overall bigger pots and more sunlight, not to mention choosing the best 24 females of over 100 plants. But i would be toally happy with 5 per plant, or even less as long as it's high quality. dont have to split as many ways this season

Cool, I just have done it a few times. You got carried by 2 plants that yielded close to double your average.

ah man thats harsh, just cuz i want to save some broad leaf ladies?? i'm trying pretty hard this season. kind of. haha

Nope. Because at every step you're like it could be better and I could try more but this is okay.

i think i popped our seeds march 24 or 25. they are not very big yet but they are looking healthynow! growing an inch or so per day and tracking the sun from sunrise to sunset

I'll post a pic of my seed plants started the same time but green house veg so you can see the difference

You can pull it off if you really try hard. What's the test like on that oly fish compost ...


Partners means you cant fire them. This location is so remote and the plant limit so strict that my partners had to bow out

grow nerd

Active member
Got a 3 cu ft drum style cement mixer for $180. Looks like it has no moving parts to destroy perlite or anything. A yard mixer would be more convenient, but size is certainly an issue not to mention typical $1k+ cost.


Got a 3 cu ft drum style cement mixer for $180. Looks like it has no moving parts to destroy perlite or anything. A yard mixer would be more convenient, but size is certainly an issue not to mention typical $1k+ cost.

you need one of these, bro. i mean what are you , a businessman or a fucking stoner kid? :)


never could have imagined that i would feel fortunate to be able to put 24 plants outdoors legally.
I know how you feel. The year i moved out here i saw my friends garden down the street and they had 200+ plants in 300's, said the cops had seen it and ok'd everything. then the next year they passed 24 plant limit before i could do anything like that.
What's the test like on that oly fish compost ...
havent seen any test on it, i'm going on a few people's good reviews and because rare earth had it available right now

one slip can really cut into your final numbers long term, two slips will have you stressing
..three slips and you might become a grown man in tears...
There were a few times when i was younger when i basically lost everything i had because of hanging out and trusting the wrong people. so i dont get too attached to expectations anymore. It seems like kind of a defeatist attitude but I am tired of working my ass and thinking there will be some great reward, so now i just kind of expect shit to go wrong and it usually does and so i never get too upset anymore

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