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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Everythings good, weather is warming up fast. I found a roll of hardware cloth at the local lumberyard so i can start making pots. watered the plants today and labelled them. Just payed for my soil this year, Now im goin to santa cruz to pick up some funds n get an acai bowl, probably hit the dog beach and get in a jiu jitsu class too.


Fuck my life, it took me a week to get money for dirt, And rare earth sold out of the diestel turkey compost. So now im trying to decide what to replace it with in my soil mix. Here is a list of what they got


Th guy on the phone recommended the fish compost. Last year we used mostly chicken compost. I think they have stutzmans which is what Tom Hill recommended. Is that a good replacement for the diestel compost? I mean it's all just bird shit right

Also ive heard good things about horse manure.


I used horse shit outdoor this year and it was great, next time i will add some chicken shit as the horse ran out of nitrogen at the end of the season.


Well-known member
I would think if it worked for tom it will work for you as well buddy. I found this on the internet hope it helps.

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents vary among flocks of birds. The amounts of micronutrients such as copper and zinc also vary. A laboratory test is the most reliable method of determining manure content. In general, turkey manure has a very similar nutrient content to chicken manure. For example, a bulletin published by the Ohio State University lists the total nitrogen content of laying hen manure at 1.0 percent to 1.8 percent and growing broiler chickens at 1.4 percent to 2.2 percent. By comparison, the nitrogen content of growing turkey manure is 1.2 percent to 2.5 percent.


Im not 100 on your situation but im pretty sure the composted chicken manure from Stutzman will work fine.


Senior Member
Whoa...Tom uses 100 lbs of sup r green in 1.5 yards of dirt. You are talking 1/3 of your total right? No not a good idea.

Is that the Oly whatever fish compost? I have not used it but I hear it is excellent. Do you have access to worm castings...some combo of oly and worm castings would be much better.

Or...what about tom's mix? Is there a price diff?

Edit...check your pm.

And again...if they give it to you for the same price the malibu biodynamic compost is also fantastic. Hell my current plan is buy commercial compost and add the biodynamic preps and let it percolate a couple of years.

You will be fine. Those guys have quality stuff


Senior Member
does he add sup r green to sup r green or does he keep that part separated from the soil math ?

To bagged soil...which is probably 25% compost...he adds the chicken shit/sawdust and some minerals. The sup r green supplies the extra nutrients

The coot mix is 1/3 compost. Extra nutrients are supplied by kelp, crustacean meal and neem meal.

Hopefully that answered your question. I did not totally understand what you werre asking


Active member
great wreackingball is a mud sipper….dirty sprite, promethazine fiend, po up! put a 4oz in the ginger ale it taste like bubbly mang…I'm being sarcastic i hate lean fiends..

milkyjoe have you checked out nor tech gold? its green waste compost and the price is very good, no manures just organic compost. seems like a good base to build around I'm having some yards dropped off tmro to mess around with


IVe been in santa cruz since tuesday , met some travelling hippy chicks at the dog beach and ended up stayin wit them for a little while . Im driving back to the farm tonight. No work has been done

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