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MotherLode Gardens 2015


I am not too far from you...we have two ft plants in unheated greenhouse that shriveled too.

On your coots soil mix did they tell you what the ph level is?

are your plants doing better today? weather is warming up quick

which batch of coots mix are you asking about, our old stuff from last year, or the new batch? either way i haven't gotten them tested yet.

I really like the coots mix. The lava rock makes it hard so you can walk on it without leaving tracks. well at least i can, maybe not somebody who is over 200lb or so. anyway that makes it easier to work on plants in 8ft diameter pots cuz i can just stand in the pot


Honestly a carport and a hoop are the same thing. Its a skeleton. Just run 2x2 wiggle racks down the side and
throw up some 6 ml poly... i may or may not be heavily intoxicated in Las Vegas so take this shit with a pallet of salt.. or bath salts... really any sa'Lt


are your plants doing better today? weather is warming up quick

which batch of coots mix are you asking about, our old stuff from last year, or the new batch? either way i haven't gotten them tested yet.

I really like the coots mix. The lava rock makes it hard so you can walk on it without leaving tracks.

They look happier today. Hopefully it's the cold and not other issues. The new batch of coots...those soil are pretty expensive.


They look happier today. Hopefully it's the cold and not other issues. The new batch of coots...those soil are pretty expensive.

My order was $130 per yard which is not expensive . Buying vermifire by the pallet comes out to about 200/yard and the Norcal Blend that people were using for a while was 200/yard , i think Tom Hill's mix comes out to about 200/yard also so coots mix is not bad in comparison.

Rare Earth has their own "coots mix" designed with the help of Michael Astera and BambooGardener who is on here. It costs more than the mix i posted but is supposed to be very high quality.

my babies are looking a little better too, after gettin frozen they just needed some good sunshine, and now they are inside with a space heater chillen at 72 degrees


Active member
might have to check out coots, 130 is pretty good. vermifire in bulk is 139 a yard, really leaning towards that direction DutchTouch and fisher had some great results with it open sun, and my last indoor run with vermifire stacked and swelled super fat!


might have to check out coots, 130 is pretty good. vermifire in bulk is 139 a yard, really leaning towards that direction DutchTouch and fisher had some great results with it open sun, and my last indoor run with vermifire stacked and swelled super fat!

first year at this spot my idiot partner ordered Vermifire by the pallet, came out to 200/yard. should have bought bulk . this is why i do things myself

last year the coots mix outperformed the amended vermifire, i also like the way it holds water better in the hot summer, probably cuz it uses lavarock instead of perlite


Active member
i would feel weird going to church even if its just to meet some chicks. those arent the kind of girls who like weed either
The " church oriented social activities" line was stolen from Frank Zappa's song, Joes Garage. Last line in the song,funny to me I guess.

Got a good friend that is heavier into metal than me, he is an active collector of signed memorabilia. Follows a few groups around the country some years even. Guerrilla grower that does okay for himself.
Anyway, last few years he decided to start to go to church.

But he isn't trying to hook up with any of the girls there which to me would be the main point of going to church. And he bitches about not having anyone to "date". I guess I see church as a possibly under served market that needs to be tapped

Noonin NorCal

Active member
North County Bounty makes a good mix, we have been using if for the past 5 years or so. 420 blend. Im not sure how much it would be by the yard delivered but i think we paid 120 or so. We just had to go there and bag it ourselves


Active member
first year at this spot my idiot partner ordered Vermifire by the pallet, came out to 200/yard. should have bought bulk . this is why i do things myself

last year the coots mix outperformed the amended vermifire, i also like the way it holds water better in the hot summer, probably cuz it uses lavarock instead of perlite

The kelp meal greatly increases water retention as well....my spot in the 530 is low elevation so we get blasted. Lots of kelp in the mix to try and conserve water.


I am fucked up....High as fuck...hanging out with fine as local girls.......we were fortunate to meet the main girls here who broght their friends. I sure we are probably going to get jacked but it's ikay....damn exposing too much.


I am fucked up....High as fuck...hanging out with fine as local girls.......we were fortunate to meet the main girls here who broght their friends. I sure we are probably going to get jacked but it's ikay....damn exposing too much.

i'm jealous. I dont know any girls up here still. but anyway it's hard for me to trust girls at my grow spot cuz i always think they're gonna set me up. But just do what i do and get lots of guns and stay up all night high on drugs, that will keep jack boys away. Have fun though, im sure you will

Rare Earth told my buddy 320 a yard on the coots mix! calidude, do you have a soil test for that sanctuary soil?
considering how some guys claim to grow 8+ lb plants in one yard of soil, 320 for a yard of perfectly balanced dirt wouldnt seem like to steep of an investment. but i am using 4 yards of dirt per plant, and had great results with boobs' version of coots mix last year (the one i posted) which is a lot cheaper.


Did 40 transplants tonight before the sun went down. Will finish the rest tomorrow morning. I decided to skip the hoophouse this year. we did ok w/out it last year and im a lazy fuck with not much help, although i did just hire an out-of-state couple to help move soil and terrace the hill

the seedlings are all looking better, i think they recovered from the cold night a few days ago.

the Ancient OG's and Dream Beavers are looking especially nice.

just popped a bottle of rose and some good santa cruz acid, happy friday yall


I haven't gotten the soul test but would be interested in knowing what to add. The victory seems like any base blend...

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Is that the bamboo gardener blend at 320 a yard?? There's no justification for that price point period.

Screws , not happy with your choice to fuck off building a greenhouse ...you may have done okay by your own standards but you'll never see what's really possible if you keep on ignoring things that will push you ahead like drip line and hoop houses.


Screws , not happy with your choice to fuck off building a greenhouse ...you may have done okay by your own standards but you'll never see what's really possible if you keep on ignoring things that will push you ahead like drip line and hoop houses.
im starting to realize that. It's not a laziness thing though, i just say that sometimes cuz i dont want to admit that i'm a poor fuck. Story of my growing career, everything is ghetto but still gets ok results. but the greenhouse was just stressing me out because i am tight on money and time right now. If those issues get solved soon then we will definitely throw up a carport or two, same with the drip, but we dont need that for another couple months. I just dropped 6k on soil and also rent child support PG&E rental car etc so unfortunately the greenhouses are not top priority

Lots of money i still need to collect from last season . just flipped a round of indoor OG though to get a little extra paper before it gets too hot to grow inside, and im still sittin on a few packs from this last little inside thing so im optimistic.

one thing that pisses me offf, I gave almost 75lbs of last years trim to people to run into bho and hash and i still havent seen a dime from it. worst part is i paid almost 1k in labor for big-leafing so the trim would be worth running. I know you're laughing about that one byf ;)


ICMag Donor
im starting to realize that. It's not a laziness thing though, i just say that sometimes cuz i dont want to admit that i'm a poor fuck. story of my growing career, everything is ghetto but still gets ok results. but the greenhouse was just stressing me out because i am tight on money and time right now. . if those issues get solved soon then we will definitely throw up a carport or two. Same with the drip, but we dont need that for another couple months. I just dropped 6k on soil and also rent child support PG&E rental car etc so unfortunately the greenhouses are not top priority

lots of money i still need to collect from last season . just flipped a round of indoor OG though to get a little extra paper before it gets too hot to grow inside, and im still sittin on a few packs from this last little inside thing so im optimistic

You can build a hoop house for a few hundred bucks in less than an hour. Your plants will def stress from temperature fluctuations throughout the spring without one.