nothing like a good trimjob. i pay 150 per lb. plus one meal per day. Also unlimited gourmet coffee, and all the weed , dry sift, hash and bho they can smokethats silly 4+pounds a day they must be carving the shit out of your buds? what do you pay your trimmers per pound?
when i read this i went through some trim and you're right, there were some decent sized buds in there. so i told the trimmers to get everything bigger than a nickel and its been looking good since then. one fellow did 5.4 pounds yesterday, littles and allI would be looking hard through that guys trim bins, I couldn't believe some the buds I found in mine last winter.
yah only the cops are allowed to do that. the state has a monopoly on violence (German: Gewaltmonopol des Staates), it's an old and slightly interesting sociological phenomenonYow! Dudes don't play! Unfortunately for them, you cannot legally execute unarmed trespassers.