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MotherLode Gardens 2015



they can be a robber band with guns... not a rare thing. who can't grow, steal or rob it.

Wendull C.

Active member
Get your rifle to go with that shotgun. You can even pick up a night vision scope for pretty cheap. Or just a big ass spotlight like they use to hunt predators.


Get your rifle to go with that shotgun. You can even pick up a night vision scope for pretty cheap. Or just a big ass spotlight like they use to hunt predators.

get a flir , problem solved . screw everything else, can't beat heat signature


I understand that there are many people who will use whatever force necessary to protect their gardens. And I understand this because like schrews there are many people who's gardens are their whole livelihood. But what happens when you actually do have to use that force and someone ends up dead on your property? What happens then? Cops come, you go to jail? You live with it for the rest of your life? This is about as serious a topic as it gets. Glad I'm not in this position.


I understand that there are many people who will use whatever force necessary to protect their gardens. And I understand this because like schrews there are many people who's gardens are their whole livelihood. But what happens when you actually do have to use that force and someone ends up dead on your property? What happens then? Cops come, you go to jail? You live with it for the rest of your life? This is about as serious a topic as it gets. Glad I'm not in this position.

it rarely comes this ^^^ thieves run and hide and are vermin. think you will find most guys protecting there livelihood are just going to fire a warning shot .normally that would be enough to deter the scum from returning, but as i have learnt some people just aren't normal and function on a peanut for a brain.


There's a place called cj about an hour from me that is absolutely over run with bands of thieves this year, tweakers, pros, kids, it's a total shit show and it's every night.

Noonin NorCal

Active member
I understand that there are many people who will use whatever force necessary to protect their gardens. And I understand this because like schrews there are many people who's gardens are their whole livelihood. But what happens when you actually do have to use that force and someone ends up dead on your property? What happens then? Cops come, you go to jail? You live with it for the rest of your life? This is about as serious a topic as it gets. Glad I'm not in this position.

Someone ends up dead on your property you just use them in next years mix I'm sure it would make great biochar. If people are that desperate to rip someone they don't belong on this planet and they are a lost cause


noonin in the south east if some one comes on your property to steal or have bad intentions you can do what it takes to protect you and yours. i agree with you on the fact that they have no business walking among the normal population. tweakers have become a major issue in this country and you can never under estimate what is on there mind and i will not be waiting to find out. sorry about there luck

shrews sorry to here about the misfortune after all the hard work and be relentless till it's over



Well-known member
There's a place called cj about an hour from me that is absolutely over run with bands of thieves this year, tweakers, pros, kids, it's a total shit show and it's every night.

Cj is rugged my bros had almost as many guns as plants. If a neighbor bucked a round off the whole street would start bucking rounds...not my cup of tea...Great climate for weather though. .


What ur suppose to do is shoot your guns regularly at ur garden so folks know its normal business. Stay ready from having to get ready. If u never shoot then folks think somethings up when ur blastin. Get urself some border collies and they will gladly chase everything off.

Rubber Chicken

Wouldn't have some guard dogs living in the field for harvest time be enough? idk?

Noonin NorCal

Active member
Schrews i just hope you keep on keeping on, you can never have enough security. i guess you can if you live in the sticks, Ive seen crazy booby trap shit with 12 foot pits dug around the property of some crazy ex Marine like nut case that pretty much wished people would step into his garden


I understand that there are many people who will use whatever force necessary to protect their gardens. And I understand this because like schrews there are many people who's gardens are their whole livelihood. But what happens when you actually do have to use that force and someone ends up dead on your property? What happens then? Cops come, you go to jail? You live with it for the rest of your life? This is about as serious a topic as it gets. Glad I'm not in this position.

well....you dont post it online if you are serious


New member
lookin good man, glad you made it through the season with minimal issues.
dont talk about guns cuz the pigs read this shit bro
you guys seen the motorcycle cops with machine guns. same concept most growers with guns try to use. upsets more people then it protects you from. toohighmf's hydro store gun fight story/thread was pretty epic. scary to think what kind of damage he would have done with a shot gun or machine gun. lol.


Active member
thieves suck. being a norcal grower myself i understand this. luckily i havent been hit in the garden by thieves, but they did hit my off-site storage and took off with about 50lb of purple diesel a few years ago.
growing here in norcal is different than the old days. in the old days (and eastern/southern states) when gardens were hidden in the trees, if they were found then yea you'd abandon that spot.
but not when its a fenced in garden, possibly with a dwelling on it. this is your property, and you dont abandon it because someone came and stole some plants. luckily it sounds like they didnt get too much however. now you realize that your defenses arent as tight as you thought and you adjust accordingly, not tuck tail and give in.
your plants are awesome, and it looks like you are still going to be blessed with a bountiful harvest. like you, im ready for a vacation but works not done yet :D


In 2013 a guy in oregon was patrolling his plot, and at that same time some dude and his girlfriend were trying to pluck some tomatoes off his vine. Guy heard somebody out in his plants and popped off a shot instinctively. He hit dude in the leg and is serving 7 years over it... just saying

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