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MotherLode Gardens 2015



hey Schrews

what is your techique to decide which plants male/female before take it to the 800s?

you wait for pre-flowers or you can see which plants are female in early veg?


Senior Member
Is the Albion Ca you recommend the metalosate? It contains 2% N in it, and I was wondering what your thoughts were on that.

Also, I heart sea crop.

The problem with ionic Ca is that it does not get past the negatively charged leaf surface. So cacl or so4 is pretty worthless as a foliar. You have to chelate the Ca with either organic or amino acids or synthetic chelates which I choose not to use (synthetics).

Both albion and sea shield contain N in the form of aminos and probably peptides in sea shield. That does not bother me because those should not oxidize back to nitrate...which is the N I want to avoid.

You may disagree but there is not going to be much Ca in your sap at that point in the grow.

I choose Albion only because I feel it will metabolize a little quicker based on the size of its amino...glycine. don't know it for an absolute fact though


lol damn son where you been? this has been known for ever in my circle in norcal, greencure is JUST sodium bicarbonate, or food grade baking soda, you can buy the food grade stuff on amazon for wayyyyy cheaper....

most nutrient/pest sprays can all be replicated for a fraction of the price if you mix the ingredients yourself

Greencure is potassium bicarbonate, not sodium bicarbonate.

It's also contains surfactants, which is why it's slightly waxy and not just a powder.

If used during flower I'd go 1/4 or 1/2 recommended dose as it can burn hairs.


Milky I spray cal25 pretty deep how do you feel about that? The girls seem to love it. I have fed my girls harder than ever this year, I even tried to get some burn with a couple of teas, nothing.
Milky I spray cal25 pretty deep how do you feel about that? The girls seem to love it. I have fed my girls harder than ever this year, I even tried to get some burn with a couple of teas, nothing.

I've been spraying every other week at 4 grams per gallon... how much and how late is everyone else using cal25?

Noonin NorCal

Active member
How about Actinovate? Im gonna spray as a pre caution, i haven't seen the garden today but as of now there is no powder mildew. What would be nice light solution mix per gallon? Thanks


Senior Member
I've been spraying every other week at 4 grams per gallon... how much and how late is everyone else using cal25?

I am not a ca25 fan.if your google fu is strong you can find actual research on foliar cacl. I see the 25 as a tria supplement

But what do I know...if it works don't let me discourage you. I base that on what I read not what I saw


Dream Beaver (green crack pheno):

Love Triangle:


the frost on the dream beaver is insane...

lookin good brosef, idk why people feel compelled to show girls or themselves in the pics, makes ZERO sense to me.... but whatever i've been growing since it was illegal so i have a little different perspective... stay safe bro... "hey theres that shcrews guys from ic mag, lets follow him to his spot" and all cause you felt compelled to show your face... be careful...


It's not like that out here and fuck that anyways its 2015 dawg! Props Shcrews enjoy your hard work and be proud! Almost looks like beetlejuice girl and the pup got some beef Goin on


Active member
hey you got some girls on your farm now! niiiicccceee (southpark cop voice)

anyways i agree about hiding your face at least...im paranoid even about snoopin fucks recognizing the t shirts im wearing. but usually we put people in the picture to give a proper perspective of size.


Active member

I am not a ca25 fan.if your google fu is strong you can find actual research on foliar cacl. I see the 25 as a tria supplement

But what do I know...if it works don't let me discourage you. I base that on what I read not what I saw

cal25 has tria? damn...i have so many different calcium supplements dont even know what to use sometimes. thanks for the tips on using the chelated. wouldnt combining it with PPD or something else with aminos work? also i have been using CalBoron as welll sometimes.

i should have gotten some of those AEA products this year but nowhere local carries! so gotta make due with whats available and get to as close as possible. always had good results with the ca25/ppd foliars, a little fulvic acid, kelp extract for some nodosum, maybe a splash of hippy tears too.

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