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MotherLode Gardens 2015


quest hooked up to an evap pump is all you need….go to DS in oakland they will save you a couple hundred at least..

god i love that place, go weekly at the very least...

how ALL grow stores should be run, cute girls to price check (and double charge you, watch out!) dont bug the shit out of you, and CRAZY discount prices... good guys there, atleast the ones that i can actually understand lol

and the garden is looking great shrews, you ever been to DandS? saved me thousands just this season...
So i'm looking at dehueys for my drying room. I'm still a little strapped for cash and and i noticed there seems to be some variation in price among the different brands and types

so far ive looked at

Dri Eaz
Santa Fe

climagrow seems to be the cheapest for what it does. A few folks in this thread have already recommended Dri Eaz, but i would like to save money if possible. Any thoughs?
I bought a ideal air 180pint last year and does a great job. Hooked it up to a small sump pump with a float valve in a 5 gal bucket and ran a 25' drain hose out side and never had to worry about it. Kept up in a 25x25' space packed with weed in a rain storm no prob. Think it was 900.00. I've had a Santa Fe whole house dehum and it worked good but took a shit after a year.


Shcrews, I recommended the quests earlier in this thread but I forgot to mention that they don't have an accurate control. It's just a dial on the unit, which I feel is pretty stupid considering the 155's were 1500 a pop. I think the Dri Eaz units are a little more expensive.

The 155's will control a room real quick though. Before I had these I went the multiple, smaller, budget route and that was fine too. You role the dice on craigslist though.


I've done fine with multiple cheap units in the past. One of them, a Haier brand I think, has lasted well over five years of heavy use. The others have been hit or miss as far as durability goes and the accuracy of the humidity controls are all over the place. One or two good external humidity gauges are a worthwhile investment just to make sure nothing is too out of whack.
I'm not sure why but the caterpillars usually arent in the very top buds. I have good success picking them out by hand, just takes practice and waking up early.

I try to spray my plants with as little crap as possible. Any caterpillar damage is filed under "acceptable losses", and is usually very minimal.

I wouldn't call it crap. Bacillus thuringiensis has been revolutionary in combating several pests in a safe and biological way in the ag industry since the 20s.

You know your garden best, but if you're already seeing cats in there I wouldn't take it lightly. Especially if you've cultivated it in the past. After that 2007 incident I'd imagine you're well aware of what can happen if they get out of control. You may be even more hesitant bc of how far into flower you are already, but that's why it's important to get them early.

Those stardawgxgoji og flowers are sure looking pretty and dank. Wouldn't wanna let a little cat bore into and shit all over them. Wishing you nothing but the best tho bro. Just trying to look out.


The cats arent a problem, at least not yet. Now that it's september i give all my plants a thorough inspection for caterpillars each morning. If i had many more plants this might be too time-consuming for one person, but i find it to be very effective. I have gotten very good at spotting tiny bits of caterpillar damage and then finding the worm.

Last year our caterpillar losses were minimal, maybe a few ounces total and most of that was on the Cherry Pies. This year is looking even better so far. I only found 2 tiny caterpillars this morning in the whole garden, and removed them before they could grow and eat more.

Sure it might get worse in a week or two, but i figure even if i lose a couple ounces a day (!!) to caterpillars, that still falls under "acceptable losses". But i dont see that happening

Those stardawgxgoji og flowers are sure looking pretty and dank. Wouldn't wanna let a little cat bore into and shit all over them. Wishing you nothing but the best tho bro. Just trying to look out.
like i said I inspect the flowering plants very closely for caterpillars each day

Correct me if i'm wrong, but the BT doesn't actually prevent caterpillars from boring into the buds, it just kills them when they do. I remember a few years back Yes4Prop215 was complaining that he sprayed with BT and then started finding little dead caterpillar corpses in his buds.


Yes, they have to consume some of the bacterial toxin for it to work. I wouldn't consider it crap as it is not very different then other biological controls. What I've seen is that they will try to get to the center of the larger flowers. If there is a coating of Bt present they usually dont make it that far. They stall somewhere on the outer edge of the buds because the toxin has opened up an ion channel and their hemolymph(blood) is leaking into their gut.

You only need to apply it twice. I do week 2 and week 6. If it saves you two ounces it is worth your time and money...

Edit: I can't prove this but it also seems to work as a deterrent. Or maybe the moth population is locally killed off as a result of the first application. Regardless of whats actauly going on, there was a huge difference between my current grows and the ones in the past when I didn't use it.


What I've seen is that they will try to get to the center of the larger flowers. If there is a coating of Bt present they usually dont make it that far.

i see your point but i will probably not spray this year. maybe if they get really bad, but so far i havent seen many cats. i kinda like the morning inspections anyway, gives me something to do.

If i had worse problems in the past i would preemptively spray BT but last year most of my plants went untouched


8am sunlight, original plot:

Sky Lotus:

Dream Beaver:

Afkansastan x Snow Lotus (tangerine pheno):


Active member
BT is fine to spray man, I've actually been slacking on it, one of those things i need to spray asap. so far we have just placed a bunch of bug zappers in remote areas of the property to try and lure and kill moths.

i did a cat inspection yesterday on my carport dep that is 40days into flower and didn't find any damage…hope it stays that way!


hey cep what if youre doing foliars and or spraying for pm?

BT can be tank-mixed into both foliar feeds and pm controls (depending on what PM control is being used). I prefer Spinosad due to its longer half-life than BT. Spinosad is more effective with the addition of a 1% horticultural oil to the tank - which would have the added benefit of PM control.

Like CEP said, early applications stop infestation - meaning less spray application are needed. 2-3 max applications per season if timed right and you shouldn't see much of any damage.


Max, not sure what you mean. You can mix the Bt products into normal foliar recipes. As far as pm goes, I don't get considerable amounts of it anymore if my sap pH stays above 6.4. When it does show up, its in late Oct. and only in small amounts.

Noonin NorCal

Active member
BT is fine to spray man, I've actually been slacking on it, one of those things i need to spray asap. so far we have just placed a bunch of bug zappers in remote areas of the property to try and lure and kill moths.

i did a cat inspection yesterday on my carport dep that is 40days into flower and didn't find any damage…hope it stays that way!

Are you still covering light dep? If so isn't it pointless?, everything outside is in full bloom. We have our 3rd run going its in a greenhouse and we don't even bother covering on third and final run. days are getting shorter and shorter. Looking large an in charge Shcrews keep up the good work bud


Active member
Are you still covering light dep? If so isn't it pointless?, everything outside is in full bloom. We have our 3rd run going its in a greenhouse and we don't even bother covering on third and final run. days are getting shorter and shorter. Looking large an in charge Shcrews keep up the good work bud

we started pulling tarp around july 21st and stopped pulling tarp in early august when the days started going closer to 12/12 and the full seasons started flowering.