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MotherLode Gardens 2015



I harvest between 350-425 lbs depending on how many plants I do that season. All of it gets hand trimmed. Do you pull in the thousands or something?

thats good effort , mate for sure. a lot too hand trim. even with a decent crew. we hand trimmed to to certain stage aswell. i,m not here to compare who,s got the bigger dick. i also thought my earlier posts were pretty logical.

sounds like you have good set up. i have respect for anyone who does decent numbers.
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Lol hippy welfare I'm over it. Jd if you can see my posts from the last few years that I was just like you, very anti machine. I have nothing to gain by saying this, if you're growing that much look into a machine. It's like when I bought my first tractor, everytime I used it I would shake my head and literally say "man what the fuck was I thinking back then"
my thoughts exactly, think half the guys have never used a machine or had a bad experience with a cheap machine and think there all crap.

or are super fussy or too stubborn and set in there ways.





Nice Shcrews, gonna be some chongers for sure. you gonna not bother with the top trellis?
hell yah, that cola on the plant in the first picture is as big as my leg already!

there's one layer of trellis on top . Im going to add a second layer to a few of the bigger plants.
Using a trim pal as well. IME the final product looks just as nice or nicer than hand trim. Especially with amateur trimmers who get lazy after a few days and start racing through the trim and mowing nugs down during hand trim.

And trim time takes 1/3 or less of the time than hand trimming it. If a trimmer does one pound a day by hand, and you have 10 trimmers 300 pounds will take you 30 days and $45k-$60k. Factor in feeding 10 people per day -- easily another 3k. Factor in beer n smoke -- probably another couple Gs. ...and that's just the beginning.

300 pounds machine trimmed on the other hand, with the same 10 people would take a maximum of 10 days, $30k in labor, $1k in food, maybe $500 in beer and smoke..

That's roughly a savings of at least $20k and 20 days of trim camp..

Now, if you're getting a point taken off of 300 units bc of machine trim, that's a loss of $30k, so it's definitely something to think about. But that's assuming that your ticket drops due to machine trim, and IME that's not the case. Not with the trim pal. I've actually had more issues the other way around. Hand trimmed stuff looking sloppy and getting points taken off for it.

Anyways, even if the monetary savings is a wash, the time and risk savings of not having to deal with a crew for that much longer and being able to get to your vacation sooner is more than worth it in my opinion.


Active member
Schrews have you ever had any problems with caterpillars on your spot?

Has anyone ever tried releasing Trichogramma Pretiosum and T. Minutum (parasitic wasps) for caterpillar / budworm prevention? I know corn growers use them for preventative purposes. They arrive in egg form and you can hang a couple tags per plant... They hatch and go after any moth eggs before they even hatch into cats / budworms. Ive got a bunch arriving next week and plan on getting them ordered once a week for the month of September to go along with the BT / spinosad sprays. Cats got my OG's good last year, not letting it happen again!


Well-known member
My friend has a dry trimmer and swears by it. He does an ounce at a time for 15 to 20 seconds each. But it beat the shit out of his nugs, his indoor looked like machine trimmed greenhouse to me. He says that he has learned how to use it better now and is gonna show me his nugs again next harvest. It's very competitive here, except in this drought, and I only hand trim, but trimmers can be a pain. I have been entertaining the idea of using a trimmer this season.


shcrews, i act can't wait till you finish to tell us which of the bodhi,s performed the best in the end. yield /smoke / look /smell going to be interesting.


my biggest Ancient OG, 11ft tall x 10ft wide:

i love full moon sunrises:

On a side note, late August full moon tonight. Time to start looking out/spraying for cats..
Schrews have you ever had any problems with caterpillars on your spot?
I have good success with removing them by hand. The trick is to go out early in the morning and look closely at the tops for signs of damage, then kill the culprit. I got a bunch this morning that were barely even hatched, TINY little caterpillars. Experience helps. If you are good you can even spot the eggs before they hatch

I also notice they prefer some strains over others. I didnt find a single caterpillar on my Ancient OG's last year, but the Cherry Pies were covered with them. Not sure what makes them prefer one plant over another, but it might be the ones that start stacking earlier.


Active member
probably terpene profile of plants draws the mother moths in more...i also notice certain strains get them bad like cherry pie.

already seeing baby cats! nooooo...time to bust out the BT bigtime. i usually do spinosad/BT combos and they work pretty good. adding in the PFR too, wonder if that attacks cats/moths as well??


Active member
I'm telling you I was very impressed with the dry trimmer I used to clean my deps. My thoughts were totally against it in the beginning, and I figured I would have to drop the ticket a bill, but the packs looked just as good or BETTER than what my girl hand trimmed the day before. Im the biggest pot snob you could ever meet, and incredibly prideful of my work.

i gotta agree with pono here..i used a t..rimpal last year and the dry trimmer is the way to go..even if you trimmed tops by hand and only used it to trim the littles it would pay for itself tenfold..we use it for tops and bottoms and the quality stays super high as the buds are already dried...16k for a green bud burner(twister) leaves alot to be desired..less smell and a discolered look..but not with a dry trimmer...top quality still.


Active member
I found this to be completely realistic and relevant to our own experience..done like this a one man crew can turn out 8-10 per day alone..and feel free to grab some of the trimmagrants here in trinity county as well!

a few of my friends bought trim pals http://www.trim-pal.com last year but several have gone up for sale. it's a dry trim machine so it doesnt tear up your buds like the twister wet trim machine. one friend does pretty good using it like this:
big leaf and buck off the stick, run through trim pal until close but not fully trimmed, then finish breaking off the antennas and plucking the 3 or 4 partial leaves off with fingers or scissors.
the person bucking down gets 20-25 bucks an hour and the finish trimmer gets 100 instead of 200 a pound and blows out 2-3 times more per day than straight hand trimming.
i guess it depends mostly on how fast the leafer/bucker is.
personally i havent tried it yet but i will be running all my littles through it next month.
i am blessed with a girl who i am able to keep busy all year long for years now- she knows months ahead when i need her and she always shows up and works her ass off - and makes enough to pay rent, car payment, food etc. that's business. i have other friends who recruit girls from washington to come down and trim but they only get 150 instead of 200.
if you need trimmers PLEASE come up to garbs and redway and take a truckload of these shitbag fucks hanging out in their outta state dirty vans holding cardboard signs saying "need work" with scissors drawn
on and i smilie face wink wink. i bet you could get em down to a buck a pound. just blindfold em for the trip in and out. and charge em for toilet paper by the square hahahaha.
plants look killer schrews:biggrin:


lets get back to what this threads about, maybe we can start a thread about trimming machines.

shcrews ancient og looking like she's going to be nice chunky. i was too late on the grab can't get them anymore. sadly i,m subjected too whats on offer at seed banks so won't be able to run his newer type stuff for a while either.

do have a few in my kit though i pollen chucked

dream beaver
prayer tower
snow leopard
mountain temple
lando,s stash
wish mountain .
goji og
( had sunshine daydream but were all males, thats a first for me)

just made f2 of them in sperate pollinations( 3 males in most cases ,lots of variety ). be some nice plants in them i reckon. this season will see whats nice and make some fem seed i,m hoping .
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Noonin NorCal

Active member
hell yah, that cola on the plant in the first picture is as big as my leg already!

there's one layer of trellis on top . Im going to add a second layer to a few of the bigger plants.

Nice bro. Im talking like top layer on each of the T-Posts. Im sure they aren't gonna stretch more, but maybe drape it over? I hope you got that orchard latter also, thats the last thing you need is fall from a 8 foot+ latter an fuck your leg up
You hand pick the cats? Must be a bitch trying to get your eyes on those 11' tops... Bt is too easy not to use for those little boogers man. Minimum 2 applications. One on each full moon of late August and the one in September. Maybe weekly if you see they've gotten out of hand, but if you catch em early on those moons it should be smooth sailing and worry free.