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MotherLode Gardens 2015



so trimming from a twister is no good? you guys hand trim. whats the cost factor in end product or does the machine trimmed stuff not sell at all.

i guess you guys are going for max quality. some people have so much ,hand trimmings not an option i guess. there comes a point where its just not possible to hand trim it all. the cost factor too pay all the trimmers and the trust involved. i can't imagine hand trimming for months. omg stuff that
i would rather have it hand trimmed and not beat up in a machine.. in the end I want my product to stand out compared to all the big grow scenes machine trimmed mid shelf looking nugs. i spend too much money and time to throw my flowers into a machine after all the effort and risk.

quality over quantity always. hand trimming usually eats up to 10% of total net profit but its worth it to have the job done right.

if somebody grows a lot of weed and they dont want to hand trim it then they should just make it into hash or oil.

yeah i agree.. hand trimming is the only way to go. we had a trim pro rotor few years ago and the buds came out looking like crap.


Senior Member
If quality over quantity are you gonna tell me a 12 lb plant has the same quality...through and through...of a 4 lb plant? Not hard at all to grow a 4 lb og. How come that ain't whay "qualiry" guys is doing?


If quality over quantity are you gonna tell me a 12 lb plant has the same quality...through and through...of a 4 lb plant? Not hard at all to grow a 4 lb og. How come that ain't whay "qualiry" guys is doing?
whats wrong man. did you give byf your password or something? if i could i would grow 4lbs plants , more of them and start them later, but i have to go big because of plant limits. i need to make a living.

that 12lb plant i pulled a year ago tested almost 28% thc , with zero mold or PM. The judges at the emerald cup seemed to like it. that's fucking HIGH QUALITY no matter how you want to spin it

If i had to choose between growing 10lbs of commercial trimmed chemmy crap, or 4lbs of loud, i would choose the 4lbs. but it aint like that. Tell you what, i'll send you some of my weed an u can tell me if its worth talking shit over

MJ you are good at evading questions sometimes. like when you tell me not watering everyday is asking for problems, then you say Tom Hill waters every other day with great results but you dont elaborate on the difference or why that rule doesn't apply for him but it might for me. maybe you are tryin to knock me down a peg but its really not a good time of the year for that

let me ask you this MJ, will a 10lb plant grown in a 300gal pot be the same quality as a 10lbs plant grown in a 800gal pot? Should they be judged by the same criteria? Isnt it better to compare quality of things with similar ratios of yield:soil

i.e. 4 pound plant in 300gal pot compared to a 12lb plant in a 800gal pot or something similar. IME big plants fade faster in smaller pots which reduces quality somewhat

cuz you didnt mention any of that


Senior Member
Probably not...definitely not on water only. That is a good point.

But why do we use quality as an excuse for hand vs machine...but not big vs reasonable. Cause of money...how is one vs the other different.

And comparing me to byf does not insult me...I take it as a compliment. He is a friend.

I choose a biological approach over conventii nal wisdom. You know, like the guy that designed your formula...coot. who uses a blu mat to maintain constant water


But why do we use quality as an excuse for hand vs machine...but not big vs reasonable. Cause of money...how is one vs the other different.
If you have too much to manage by hand then turn some into concentrates, dont flood the market with twister garbage. Maybe someday they will make a machine that trims as well as a person but until then that's my opinion

besides selling hash is less of a hassle than shipping hundreds of shitty lbs out of state


Pittymick: If somebody has sooo much herb they need a machine to process it, then how in the hell would they not have $$$ to pay for trimmers to process it correctly.

I live in a county where theres a grow every 30 seconds down the road. There is so much herb to choose from that a rough cut product will fuck up your sales all year long. I paid 63k in just Trimming cost alone last year. Ill do it again this year. Machine trimmed bud does not cut it.


And comparing me to byf does not insult me...I take it as a compliment. He is a friend.

Im not trying to insult, just dont understand why some people seem to lack much buffer zone between their brain and their mouth, or in this case fingers. My main goal in most conversations is to leave the other person with a positive experience, even if that means diluting my thoughts somewhat


Well-known member
Shcrews, how is the culture different in the Sierras if you don't mind me asking? Less neighborly "howdy-do, neighbor, can I borrow some brown sugar?" than the 707?

I find the various subcultures very interesting.
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I'm telling you I was very impressed with the dry trimmer I used to clean my deps. My thoughts were totally against it in the beginning, and I figured I would have to drop the ticket a bill, but the packs looked just as good or BETTER than what my girl hand trimmed the day before. Im the biggest pot snob you could ever meet, and incredibly prideful of my work.


Pittymick: If somebody has sooo much herb they need a machine to process it, then how in the hell would they not have $$$ to pay for trimmers to process it correctly.

I live in a county where theres a grow every 30 seconds down the road. There is so much herb to choose from that a rough cut product will fuck up your sales all year long. I paid 63k in just Trimming cost alone last year. Ill do it again this year. Machine trimmed bud does not cut it.

ok simple ,$16000 dollar twister( one of purchase ) vs( X )amount trimming bill( annual) down time of the amount of man hours to have it done and risk involved in the down time. the trust and the shear numbers of trimmers you need. these guys struggle to get a few trimmers try getting( X ) amount of trimmers . its not a case of money at all.(in some ways)

i see your point though. your in a country where weed is freely available the market it plush. not all countries are anything close too that. your demand for a certain quality(mainly look of product) would be different. but don't get confused with quantity and quality . you can still achieve the very best quality in quantity only difference being its been through a machine. does that affect the potency and taste?? you tell me. i believe curing affects both. so it comes down to look of product in your market. lets say look doesn't play apart that product is vacuumed sealed for easy movement . is hand trim better or a total waste of money,time and exposure . different strokes for different folks. different markets require different things i guess

i didn't mean to unleash a machine vs hand trim debate ,i,ll say that again. i was more curious of if you used a machine(cause these guys mentioned finding trimmers hard being on lock down at there farms , what affect a trimmer machine has on price or sales of there product ) in there market. i,m guessing by your response in plush market sales and price drops and doesn't move.
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To me it's not the cost, it's dealing with the "workers". I would pay more per pound if a reliable workforce were available, that's just not the case anymore.


thats not what i was saying, anyway dont leave now the show's just getting good

no, its a good debate. Remember though that twister requires a crew to run it as well.

very true , it does need a small crew to run, a tight close knit crew. they don't burn out like reg trimmers do. the works easier . it takes how long to trim a pound by hand . say 5 to 7 hours and how long to deleaf a pound for twister what 10 to 20 min . as i said they all have there place and depending on what market your in. so it comes down to potency and taste does the twister reduce potency and taste!! i say now way its in the cure . (if same product "strain" is used) we all agree has some cosmetic side affects. ( small amount i say if done correctly) saves you a bucket of coin and exposure and down time.

the biggest factor is how much you have to do!!!! thats pretty simple . there comes a time where its not practical to hand trim. you can either choose to stay bellow that threshold or hit your wildest dreams.
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Shcrews, how is the culture different in the Sierras if you don't mind me asking? Less neighborly "howdy-do, neighbor, can I borrow some brown sugar?" than the 707?

I find the various subcultures very interesting.
There is no grower culture out here in the sierras. 707 is totally blown up. It's completely different.

and yes, it seems most folks keep to themselves up here, compared to the triangle


thats not what i was saying, anyway dont leave now the show's just getting good

no, its a good debate. Remember though that twister requires a crew to run it as well.

very true , it does need a small crew to run, a tight close knit crew. they don't burn out like reg trimmers do. the works easier . it takes how long to trim a pound by hand . say 5 to 7 hours and how long to deleaf a pound for twister what 10 to 20 min . as i said they all have there place and depending on what market your in. so it comes down to potency and taste does the twister reduce potency and taste!! i say now way its in the cure . (if same product "strain" is used) we all agree has some cosmetic side affects. ( small amount i say if done correctly) saves you a bucket of coin and exposure and down time.

the biggest factor is how much you have to do!!!! thats pretty simple . there comes a time where its not practical to hand trim. you can either choose to stay bellow that threshold or hit your wildest dreams.

I harvest between 350-425 lbs depending on how many plants I do that season. All of it gets hand trimmed. Do you pull in the thousands or something?


yeah man its a bitch to find reliable trust worthy people to trim especially when you live far from shit in the hills with no cell phone reception and no stores nearby :biggrin:
last year me and my biz partner trimmed most of the harvest and it took months to get done. im hoping we find some help this year but im having my doubts..

a few of my friends bought trim pals http://www.trim-pal.com last year but several have gone up for sale. it's a dry trim machine so it doesnt tear up your buds like the twister wet trim machine. one friend does pretty good using it like this:
big leaf and buck off the stick, run through trim pal until close but not fully trimmed, then finish breaking off the antennas and plucking the 3 or 4 partial leaves off with fingers or scissors.
the person bucking down gets 20-25 bucks an hour and the finish trimmer gets 100 instead of 200 a pound and blows out 2-3 times more per day than straight hand trimming.
i guess it depends mostly on how fast the leafer/bucker is.
personally i havent tried it yet but i will be running all my littles through it next month.
i am blessed with a girl who i am able to keep busy all year long for years now- she knows months ahead when i need her and she always shows up and works her ass off - and makes enough to pay rent, car payment, food etc. that's business. i have other friends who recruit girls from washington to come down and trim but they only get 150 instead of 200.
if you need trimmers PLEASE come up to garbs and redway and take a truckload of these shitbag fucks hanging out in their outta state dirty vans holding cardboard signs saying "need work" with scissors drawn
on and i smilie face wink wink. i bet you could get em down to a buck a pound. just blindfold em for the trip in and out. and charge em for toilet paper by the square hahahaha.
plants look killer schrews:biggrin:
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Lol hippy welfare I'm over it. Jd if you can see my posts from the last few years that I was just like you, very anti machine. I have nothing to gain by saying this, if you're growing that much look into a machine. It's like when I bought my first tractor, everytime I used it I would shake my head and literally say "man what the fuck was I thinking back then"


Active member
People should understand that wet trimmer's don't really compare to dry trimmers. Wet trimmers are old technology. The trim-pal dry trimmer does a good job, especially for the price @4400.

Dry trimmers are where its at, not only because the buds come out fairly un-damaged, but because you can harvest your whole crop to dry with freedom, without worrying about selectively running plants that are freshly cut down for wet trimmers.

It takes me 2 days or 14-18 hours to buck up around 35Lbs of indoor bud that is ready to run through the trimpal....The trick with the trimpal is running it about half full which is about 1.5-2lbs- I find it does a great job and it only needs 3-5 mins to do the trick. So you really only need 1 trimpal for a large farm unless you have 1000's of lbs of course. Also, last time it took me about 40 hours to manicure 17 1/2lbs of bud that was previously ran through trim-pal. I ran some chem 4 through it once and it barely needed touching up though. Obviously dense round buds with no foxtailing are ideal for machines.

I have not ran outdoor through it, but know a lot who have- and they say its the only way. This year I'll be rocking her on outdoor for sure. In my opinion its crazy not to- you can not only save 50% or more off your trimmer costs, but your harvest will be over and done with much quicker!

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