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MotherLode Gardens 2015


put nets on this Ancient OG today:

Heaven Mountain:



Hand trimming this year? Probably going with a machine myself, my girl is having visa issues so no go on Asian trim scene. I had one demo at the farm today and the only difference I could see was the machine left a lot of sticks to be snipped. Other than that it does a great job. This was a dry trimmer and Headband for material, not the easiest to clean. It worked for two hours without any coffee or cigarettes
i'm gonna hand trim this year, although i might just do half the harvest and then bin up the rest for spring. might buy a trimmer after i sell a few units but not sure yet because i havent done the research , and anyway i really like my crew. still need a couple more though.


That one on the left is way further along than any of mine. The trimmer I used was the "trimbros" locally made. so far it is working with no excuses.


None of mine are that far along either. BB Hashplant is looking really promising. All the redeye jedi are barely starting to flower.

mahalo for the info pono.


That one on the left is way further along than any of mine. The trimmer I used was the "trimbros" locally made. so far it is working with no excuses.
LOL ... hella cigarettes, coffee breaks and excuses. sounds like you had a fun trim scene last season. for me it's the most social time of the year haha

None of mine are that far along either. BB Hashplant is looking really promising. All the redeye jedi are barely starting to flower.
Bodhi really killed it with the Blueberry Hashplant, i have a feeling that one will be in a lot of people's outdoor lineups next year. They are starting to stack already, some plants more than others. for me they are the biggest plants besides the Ancient OG's.


Shcrews,What Strain Yields the best in your Experience ?
(I'd Love to See the Critical Kush grown to her FULL Glory!)

(lol N.a.g) [ BIG GUN! ..No one Come Near!! ] :D

U.S.S.R Tank!.. lmao .. Wheres that Smilie Gone? lol
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Shcrews,What Strain Yields the best in your Experience ?
(I'd Love to See the Critical Kush grown to her FULL Glory!)

Ancient OG has been my biggest yielder so far and is really a pleasure for me to grow.

I wish i could grow more plants legally, i would love to try growing Critical Kush. Maybe next season...

What county did this happen in?
I'm a little curious too. regardless, i'm sorry for your loss. Oh the things our government and police do in the name of "justice"...


walking through the garden at night is one of my favorite things to do at this time of the year. The energy of the plants is more perceptible at night and is extremely potent at this time in the season, the peak of their existence. The days are cooling down a bit and summer is slowly slipping away, harvest is on the horizon and then the short cold days of winter. To me the garden is already dead, chopped dried trimmed and sold. Half of me wishes that were really true.

The next few weeks are mostly a waiting game. Will it be a bumper crop, or will caterpillars, mildew and mold take a hefty toll? Will harvest coincide with what scientists are calling a "Godzilla" El Nino storm? Not much left to do but put up more trellis and clean out the drying room. At this point in the game i surrender to the universe, and ask that my fate be merciful.

In the dog days of summer i like to think about plans for next season. Every day in the year has its own purpose, and each new year builds upon the last. It is important to make improvements with each cycle. I have started to establish a workflow in my garden but random variables make it difficult to formulate a perfect strategy.

I've also been researching hash a bit. Not sure if i want to make my own concentrates this year or just contract it out. Due to california legalities i won't run BHO but i know folks who do, and am tempted to just give all my material to them and be done with it. Or.... there are a few methods which seem like they would be fun to try, like dry sift and rosin. Bubble hash seems like more work, but who knows.

Anyway enough rambling. i should be asleep but took a long nap today. My back feels much better now, so i might even try to be social this weekend. Met an icmagger who lives less than a hour away so i can make the drive to check out his grow and shoot the shit. And theres a lady who wants to come visit me i think...


stack stack stack

stack stack stack

Sorcerer's Apprentice:

Afkansastan x Snow Lotus (tangerine pheno):

So i guess now this is the #5 most-viewed thread on the ICMag outdoor section :woohoo:

Well, #6 if you count the "growing large plants outdoors" thread but thats in Tom Hill's section so whatever

Anyway i hope everybody's enjoyin the show

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Plants look very happy Schrews!!

Man I love walking in the gardens at night. The dog and I walk the property at night and so peaceful. Well dog saw a skunk last night, thankfully did not get sprayed!

Do you have any new ideas/ plans / strains for next year?

That tangerine pheno looks like it is going to fill out nice!

Was def good to see Tom posting again!

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