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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Active member
Anyone who doesn't think you're the greatest thing since sliced bread is a troll.
Troll is one of those words like "racist" or "dead beat dad " once they hit you with that label its over right no one questions it ...kind of a lazy easy way of trying to shut you down. The partner getting robbed thing cracked me up because that is for real the oldest hood trick in the book i'd be offended if somebody I was financially involved with hit me with that one lazy motherfukker went to the well instead of coming up with something orginal... offensive that he thought I would be stupid enough to believe that... does me feeling like schrews got taken for a ride make me a troll?


I might have missed it but how about an update on the twisting tops. Are you still using the PFR-97?
The sick plants are budding normally but definitely had stunted growth. still waiting on lab results. i am sending in more samples tomorrow since i got paid recently :)

I have some Dream Lotus seeds to run next year if i want. you are right , that cross would probably get huge. Redeye Jedi sounds very interesting, i almost grew that this year but didnt because i had no experience with either parent.
So besides the stunting have they come out of it though?
So far the red eye looks good but it really just seems like a slightly less aggressive Sky Lotus. Really bushy and round bust not quite as beastly as the SL. I have a one row with half red eye and half SL and the lotus ones are maybe 20% bigger. Trying to get their 3rd cages on all of them today and yesterday but it's hot as dicks


Troll is one of those words like "racist" or "dead beat dad " once they hit you with that label its over right no one questions it ...kind of a lazy easy way of trying to shut you down. The partner getting robbed thing cracked me up because that is for real the oldest hood trick in the book i'd be offended if somebody I was financially involved with hit me with that one lazy motherfukker went to the well instead of coming up with something orginal... offensive that he thought I would be stupid enough to believe that... does me feeling like schrews got taken for a ride make me a troll?

I read this 5 times and i still dont know what you are tryin to say. Might be the lack of punctuation that throws me off


I might have missed it but how about an update on the twisting tops. Are you still using the PFR-97?

Yah im still spraying every couple days. Also:
Originally Posted by Shcrews
"The sick plants are budding normally but definitely had stunted growth. still waiting on lab results. i am sending in more samples tomorrow since i got paid recently "

I might have missed it but how about an update on the twisting tops. Are you still using the PFR-97?

Yah im still spraying every couple days. Also:
Originally Posted by Shcrews
"The sick plants are budding normally but definitely had stunted growth. still waiting on lab results. i am sending in more samples tomorrow since i got paid recently "

So besides the stunting have they come out of it though?
yah i think so. i'm still spraying for at least another week though just in case.

So far the red eye looks good but it really just seems like a slightly less aggressive Sky Lotus. Really bushy and round bust not quite as beastly as the SL. I have a one row with half red eye and half SL and the lotus ones are maybe 20% bigger. Trying to get their 3rd cages on all of them today and yesterday but it's hot as dicks
Snow Lotus definitely seems to add some bulk/size to whatever it is crossed with. good luck with those cages! im so glad im done with that for now


Senior Member
You notice the better you do the more horseshit gets talked.you went from nothing to this grow. Great job bro. You are just bringing out the insecurities of assholes that will never get there


Snow Leopard:

Ancient OG:




Afkansastan x Snow Lotus. this one is starting to smell like tangerines:

Sorcerer's Apprentice:
Looking great Shcrews. Its all coming together. Been watching for two years. Your an inspiration to many!

Haters gonna hate. Pay no attention to those who contribute nothing.


thanks yall

garden is looking good today. not much work to do, might put up a few nets but thats about it.

i've been so bored i downloaded tinder yesterday.. what a trip.


Nice when you can sit back and watch. I've been down to about half my usual watering with cool weather and over cast skies. So we've been weeding the greenhouses to justify the 20 min drive out there.


Nice when you can sit back and watch. I've been down to about half my usual watering with cool weather and over cast skies. So we've been weeding the greenhouses to justify the 20 min drive out there.
haha yah thats the best, when you start doing bullshit work because it makes you feel better about not having much to do. 20 min drive sounds rough. any worries about security when the grow is so far from the growers?

Its been hot here , 100+ but i dont have to water anymore just switch on the drip and smoke a bowl. :peacock:


Not really, it's about 11 miles one way but country roads and a small town with 5 stop lights. Grow is on one 10 acre piece, part of an old 50 acre farm on a dead end road. Couple houses around and one of them is my girls uncle. Last year no security issues what so ever.

But this year with big eyes and high hopes of xxx # year... I'm moving a camper in and playing bushman for a couple weeks. Best part is its in middle of bow season, so my bored time is at least spent in a tree stand. Trimming and drying are a whole separate situation.

And as I'm sitting at my house typing this, one of 2 ghetto birds flying the UP of Michjgan just left the airport. Least they were heading East not North West!


Last year we trimmed in town so imagine driving those 5 stops with 4 plants chopped down in the back of the tahoe. Stress!


Hand trimming this year? Probably going with a machine myself, my girl is having visa issues so no go on Asian trim scene. I had one demo at the farm today and the only difference I could see was the machine left a lot of sticks to be snipped. Other than that it does a great job. This was a dry trimmer and Headband for material, not the easiest to clean. It worked for two hours without any coffee or cigarettes


what is your techique Schrewz to save the plants? your jujitsu knowledge or you have guns?