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MotherLode Gardens 2015


think i got some bad going on too...
sorry to thread jack. but very worried and feeling boned.
Thanks guys. You can get at me in my outdoor thread.
that looks more like the classic russet/broad mite damage. spray those fuckers for sure
What's your favorite plant so far this year, Shcrews?.
same as last year. Ancient OG. i have a couple that are getting huge

i collected some pollen so im hoping to make my own F2's for next yr

B gump

That is definitely Hemp Russet Mite damage. I do not know of an organic fix. I recommend "Avid" and "Forbid". Spray one of the products, then the other 3 days later, then back to the other, for prob about 3-4 good sprays. Definitely spray in the evening. Hurry up and spray now before you get a good bud set. Also, you notice how where your new growth should be vibrant green, and its slightly browned and the leaves are "tacoing" you are effecting your final yield significantly. Its not to late, but do not lolly gag as they say for the fix, because your issue will not fix itself, it will get progressively worse until it kills the plant.


Active member
That is definitely Hemp Russet Mite damage. I do not know of an organic fix. I recommend "Avid" and "Forbid". Spray one of the products, then the other 3 days later, then back to the other, for prob about 3-4 good sprays. Definitely spray in the evening. Hurry up and spray now before you get a good bud set. Also, you notice how where your new growth should be vibrant green, and its slightly browned and the leaves are "tacoing" you are effecting your final yield significantly. Its not to late, but do not lolly gag as they say for the fix, because your issue will not fix itself, it will get progressively worse until it kills the plant.

I'm going to kill the plants. No one kills my plants but me. Bye bye harvest and happy full jars.
Thanks guys.

I don't think I can smoke buds that had avid or forbid used on them, nor do I think I can get the stuff quickly in CA. So yeah D-in-da-A. Hatch Out.
I'm going to kill the plants. No one kills my plants but me. Bye bye harvest and happy full jars.
Thanks guys.

I don't think I can smoke buds that had avid or forbid used on them, nor do I think I can get the stuff quickly in CA. So yeah D-in-da-A. Hatch Out.

Don't give up, fight it like the rest of us. It's possible to manage your infestation through flowering. Im not saying you'll rid them completely, but there are organic routes that slow them fuckers down enough to finish. I'm using Met 52 and a local product called GUARD every 3 days. It's a bitch and it takes dedication, but i swear it's working. The GUARD supposedly contains more Isaria fumosorosea than pfr-97. THis is what ive been told, i'm no scientist, but something is working. Good luck, and dont let these fuckers win.


In addition to Bodhi, KC Brains is one of the best outdoor breeders there is. You might be interested in a few of his strains, they're all HUGE yielders of potent bud, and harder than an armor-plated motherfucker. NOTHING affects KC Brains' plants. For you, I'd recommend Spontanica and Leda Uno.
I am sold on KC Brains. I popped KC33, Mango, and Spontanica. At transplant, the 33 and Mango seemed to be in the lead, so none of the Sponts made it into the ground, but I kept a few in pots. I wish I would have put one in the ground to see how they turned out.

The KC33 is impressive though. Extremely vigorous, real open, stretchy, growth pattern. The Mangos aren't quite as wide, but they are coming along nicely. KC himself recommended the Mango.

I am planning on doing some Bodhi/KC crosses this year. I've got Cherry Hashplant and Blueberry Hashplant males that I'll throw at a 33 and a Mango. Bodhi and KC are looking like they will be garden staples for the foreseeable future.


Active member
Well your plant WILL need an active SAR unless you're growing in a sealed room. Pathogens are everywhere outdoors, and plants have to gave a strong SAR (aka immune system). Bolstering your plants' SAR is growing "properly", if there is such a thing.

This is a basic epistemological argument going on here. One definition of "know" being used is deductive (i.e. if one does not get a definitive answer from a lab test, one does not know) and the other is based off of strong induction (i.e. comparing symptoms with research concerning plant issues and their symptoms.

To suggest that only deductive reasoning is sufficient for knowledge is a road that most people choose not to go down, for very good reason. E.g. how do we know deductively that the sun is going to rise tomorrow? We don't. At all. But we sure act like we do. Why? Because we've seen it rise every day until now. That's inductive reasoning; it's not exact or guaranteed, but that doesn't mean it isn't useful.

Same thing applies here. If we dismiss everyone without a lab diagnosis, we're likely to miss out on some very good information. While a lab diagnosis is great, we shouldn't make having one a requirement in order to speak at the table, necessarily.

Beautiful sunset, Shcrews. You're living the dream. Well, I suppose you're the only one who can say that, but it sure looks like it from here. Keep up the great work.

Agreed! There is a reason plants evolved with a SAR response. It's not as if it doesn't happen automatically to protect the plant and surrounding plants. You can't turn it off. But you can boost it/jump start it with any one of half a dozen or more boosters, none of which have a negative side: Salicylic acid, Chitinase, Humic Acid, Fulvic acid, and aloe all work, and have no downside, despite some of the fear mongering. Funny how people make stuff up though....:biggrin:


It changes often, but twice a week I foliar with, silicate, kelp, fish, guano, castings, alphalpha, humic, molasses, and PFR-97. I also do a Ca foliar over 77 degrees. Then there's the BT for cats. It gets hard to maneuver through my garden and tanks tend to get flippy. The back pack is more work, but it's nimble.


I got all the nets up, and the drip system is getting finished this morning!!
I had to bust out the sawzall to cut the 1.5" poly mainline. that stuff is kind of a BITCH to work with but at least looks like it will last a long time.

my Bday is next week so will probably just relax for a few days since all the tough work is basically done . might have to put up another layer of nets in a month or so , but i'm hoping shit stays mellow until harvest which will probably be hectic considering the weather lately

update on the sick plants that i treated with PFR 97: no signs of improvement so far. How long would it take for them to bounce back from mite damage? I still am not sure that there are any mites present. The symptoms look very different from the pictures that HatchBrew posted on the previous page of this thread

Would you mind sharing your recipe? Also epic, any reason you could see to go with the stihl 4 gallon sprayer vs like a 30 gallon atv cargo sprayer? Thanks
yah i want to know the answer too


I got all the nets up, and the drip system is getting finished this morning!!
I had to bust out the sawzall to cut the 1.5" poly mainline. that stuff is kind of a BITCH to work with but at least looks like it will last a long time.

my Bday is next week so will probably just relax for a few days since all the tough work is basically done . might have to put up another layer of nets in a month or so , but i'm hoping shit stays mellow until harvest which will probably be hectic considering the weather lately

update on the sick plants that i treated with PFR 97: no signs of improvement so far. i really dont think the problem is mites.

yah i want to know the answer too

Cut your poly with a skill saw. Easy and straight clean cut.
PFR takes a few days to start t o kill off mites. Also, the effects of their toxins linger for about two to three weeks after they're dead. I haven't tried an asprin foliar, but I hear it works to undue the effects of the toxins like twist and curling.


thanks for the quick answer dude. and no worries , the sawzall works like charm for cutting that pipe. i dont have a skill saw anyway. used to but an old roommate took off with it, now i just have the box


Active member
It changes often, but twice a week I foliar with, silicate, kelp, fish, guano, castings, alphalpha, humic, molasses, and PFR-97. I also do a Ca foliar over 77 degrees. Then there's the BT for cats. It gets hard to maneuver through my garden and tanks tend to get flippy. The back pack is more work, but it's nimble.

Thanks man. Makes perfect sense. I was gonna go with the atv sprayer just to mix a bunch at a time but the nimbleness of gas powered backpack sounds much better. I'd be annoyed as hell getting the quad stuck in between plants lol


Cut your poly with a skill saw. Easy and straight clean cut.
PFR takes a few days to start t o kill off mites. Also, the effects of their toxins linger for about two to three weeks after they're dead. I haven't tried an asprin foliar, but I hear it works to undue the effects of the toxins like twist and curling.

Feed it in, Amazon has uncoated 325mg tablets for cheap by the 1k. I know how much water your going through. A couple feelings and they snap out of it.


just finished the drip system FUCK YAH! testing it now and it works great. the 1.5" pump and mainline provides plenty of flow to pressurize the whole system.

i must say it was a learning experience , especially doing everything myself


just finished the drip system FUCK YAH! testing it now and it works great. the 1.5" pump and mainline provides plenty of flow to pressurize the whole system.

i must say it was a learning experience , especially doing everything myself

Congratulations Shcrews. It must feel real good to get that drip system finished. You have worked really hard for a long time now. It will not be too long before you are able to reap your well deserved rewards.


I can't believe you've been hand watering all this time you've been growing. That's nuts.
well up until this season there were other people to help with watering. it didn't seem too bad until i was doing it all myself haha

Congratulations Shcrews. It must feel real good to get that drip system finished. You have worked really hard for a long time now. It will not be too long before you are able to reap your well deserved rewards.
yah the drip was one of those things that i just couldn't wrap my head around for a long time. It was kind of scary when i was spending all the $$$ on the parts and stuff, i dont have much confidence in my ability do do shit, especially alone. but it worked out. took hella work but it will save a lot of time in the long run.

finished putting up nets and setting up the drip, gonna be slow around here for a while. I still need to clean out my garage and get it ready for drying. and i still need to get a dehuey or maybe two.


drip setup

drip setup




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