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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
What about sulfur?

Could you be more thorough on your answer please?

I got the same problem,went to organic section,asked some of the better guys...was told to top dress w/ sulfur to bind up P,spray w/epsom...but look in the organic section ,they're way smarter than I am at this.






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Active member
so how did that PFR treatment work out? got some of that in the mail too….

what happened to the twisty leaf plants any rebound yet? i got a few weirdos in my plot too that I've been keeping an eye on, but doesn't look like any broad/russet damage I've seen so suspecting its something not related to insects. s


Farmers, can't we all get along? We all think we know what is best, trying to give solid advice as best we can. Ca, Mg, Russet, Broad, Nuk Em, GPH, AEA, etc. All it is really is KGB (kind green bud)

Shcrews, if you sprayed the PFR-97 I hope you did it safely, that stuff is no joke. Not like spraying neem as far as I can tell.

Your plants are looking great and all this information in this thread that you created will amalgamate into your being so you don't have to think about 1.5" to 5/8" couplers, drip line parameters, calcium uptake, sodium dispersion and so on...... (Yes, I made the last one up).

Not every year outdoor is a kick ass year, only time will tell in the next two months or so if this season is good or not.. It is like wine, but much better like shrimp tacos vs. carnitas tostada as grow nerd would say.
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so how did that PFR treatment work out? got some of that in the mail too….
I got the PFR 97 in the mail today and couldnt spray everything because my atomizer only holds a couple gallons and i didnt know how much it would take to cover the garden. i will spray everything tomorrow, probably at sundown unless it is a cloudy day because they recommend high humidity in the enviroment to make the pesticide more effective.

sprayed a few plants tho, some of the worst ones. i will monitor them for signs of improvement
what happened to the twisty leaf plants any rebound yet? i got a few weirdos in my plot too that I've been keeping an eye on, but doesn't look like any broad/russet damage I've seen so suspecting its something not related to insects
A couple plants appear to have made a full recovery, others are in a state of limbo, where their growth appears normal except for some random twisty branches. but some are going downhill, getting noticeably yellow and droopy, lateral branches flopping over, etc.

when i get the lab screening back i hope to know more, but in case it's bugs i will use the PFR 97 and also spray with neem. I've also blasted every plant with the firehose several times

take some pictures of what your talkin about if you get a chance. and obv if it gets worse send in for tissue analysis unless you have already done that


Farmers, can't we all get along? We all think we know what is best, trying to give solid advice as best we can.
i think some of us are just stressed these days. lots of things put people on edge, financial, romantic, lack thereof. plus a lot of folks dont sleep enough, drink too much, or theyre just jaded from dealing with bs for too long.
Shcrews, if you sprayed the PFR-97 I hope you did it safely, that stuff is no joke. Not like spraying neem as far as I can tell.
like i said i dont have a respirator so i used a T-shirt. idk if that counts as safe! i wore long pants, long sleev shirt, gloves, hat. did my best really

Your plants are looking great and all this information in this thread that you created will amalgamate into your being so you don't have to think about 1.5" to 5/8" couplers, drip line parameters, calcium uptake, sodium dispersion and so on...... (Yes, I made the last one up).

Not every year outdoor is a kick ass year, only time will tell in the next two months or so if this season is good or not.. It is like wine, but much better like shrimp tacos vs. carnitas tostada as grow nerd would say.
yah i like making threads because its a good way to track progress and store info, among other things. sucks this thread went from 5 stars to 3 stars within a couple days, but i'm sure grow nerd has nothing to do with it ;)

if i survive another season without getting robbed arrested or evicted i call it a success. we're living life here brotha , and its a grind but at least we're free to call it our own. If none of the above things happen, and i make enough this fall to get through until next year then i definitely want to use all the knowledge from this season to crush it

Up at 2:30 in the morning = sleeping in again.
i know i didnt even drink coffee after 2pm today but still.

at least i got all the nets done. just have to hook up the drip system and spray the garden and my work for the weekend is done. well that plus weedwacking and cleaning up my dirty redneck mountain cabin


Didn't you already buy that NorthStar pump and the Turbo Flash Sprayer?

Get a deep cycle sealed battery or transformer and get to work!
i havent used that sprayer yet cuz i got it for foliar nutes but then i never got those cuz i basically went bust haha :woohoo:. I dont like the idea of putting pesticide in the sprayer that i plan to use for nutrients but i guess i can just rinse it afterwards. at least the stuff's organic.

u think that would work as well as the atomizer for soaking the plants? would definitely be easier except i have to go buy a battery or transformer (which i dont know what that is).

Beautiful sunset
dude it was fuckin ridiculous today. plus tonight it looks like ALL of central cali is covered in a huge thunderstorm, i have been getting the most epic show up here outside yosemite. been seeing lightning all night, all the way from fresno to merced. probably goes all the way to the ocean.

what the fuck is up with this weather. definitely gonna be a stormy fall/winter, shit might get intense.


Well-known member
Here is a motherfuckin thought. Maybe...just maybe learn how to grow your plant properly in the first place and you won't need a sars response

Well your plant WILL need an active SAR unless you're growing in a sealed room. Pathogens are everywhere outdoors, and plants have to gave a strong SAR (aka immune system). Bolstering your plants' SAR is growing "properly", if there is such a thing.

This is a basic epistemological argument going on here. One definition of "know" being used is deductive (i.e. if one does not get a definitive answer from a lab test, one does not know) and the other is based off of strong induction (i.e. comparing symptoms with research concerning plant issues and their symptoms.

To suggest that only deductive reasoning is sufficient for knowledge is a road that most people choose not to go down, for very good reason. E.g. how do we know deductively that the sun is going to rise tomorrow? We don't. At all. But we sure act like we do. Why? Because we've seen it rise every day until now. That's inductive reasoning; it's not exact or guaranteed, but that doesn't mean it isn't useful.

Same thing applies here. If we dismiss everyone without a lab diagnosis, we're likely to miss out on some very good information. While a lab diagnosis is great, we shouldn't make having one a requirement in order to speak at the table, necessarily.

Beautiful sunset, Shcrews. You're living the dream. Well, I suppose you're the only one who can say that, but it sure looks like it from here. Keep up the great work.
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yah i like making threads because its a good way to track progress and store info, among other things. sucks this thread went from 5 stars to 3 stars within a couple days, but i'm sure grow nerd has nothing to do with it ;)
I see the stars but can't figure out how to rate a thread...help please.


Just voted 5....For all the good the bad the ugly....love this thread. Growing giants now after emulating mostly everthing on here.


Just voted 5....For all the good the bad the ugly....love this thread. Growing giants now after emulating mostly everthing on here.

CaliDude - I have looked and looked and see no option to rate a thread - please send your knowledge this way.


dude it was fuckin ridiculous today. plus tonight it looks like ALL of central cali is covered in a huge thunderstorm, i have been getting the most epic show up here outside yosemite. been seeing lightning all night, all the way from fresno to merced. probably goes all the way to the ocean.

what the fuck is up with this weather. definitely gonna be a stormy fall/winter, shit might get intense.

LOL i feel ya on the weird
august thunderstorm in cali yesterday, can confirm it went all the way to the ocean like you said, im in the bay.. saw lightning and rain all night...

not too hard and the girls should be drying out today, definitely going to spray some serenade tomorrow though...

i know a guy with seed plants that are already full of buds,he's prob trippin' or should be lol

you still stretching over there or done?


Here's the fucking idea, I said I was given a cut
That had TMV and I F I X E D T H E F U C K I N
P R O B L E M diDnt have to send shit in I did a
Bunch of reading online and in books and problem

You can't know that it was tmv. I'd bet there aren't any icmag users that have the equipment required to confirm it. If I remember right there were reported tmv symptoms with one of the common chem cuts, chem 4 maybe but someone correct me if I'm wrong. When people finally sent samples in it came back negative for tmv. I also remember Sam the skunkman saying it appears canna doesn't get infected.

Saying things like "my plant had this" without a lab diagnoses freaks people out and can potentially lead others to incorrect treatments...

I've used aspirin on my plants before without any problems, but I prefer chitosan oligosaccharide. Chitosan is just harder to acquire. I bought 5 kilo's from china in the spring so I've got enough for the season.

I got my friends soil samples in today. All 3 pots I tested for him came back with high potassium. The base saturation range is supposed to be 2-5% and they are all 17%. I'm wondering if he's having a magnesium lockout from the excess potassium. Does anyone know how to treat plants / soil like this? What is the best mode of action?

I would assume foliar spraying Epsom salts, but is there anything that should be top dressed or watered into the pots?

These guys re- used last years dirt which tested good, and amended about 100 gallons to each pot of fresh Vermifire that was apparently not tested.

I'd be more worried about Calcium uptake man. Foliar Ca like Ca25 or even better albion metalosate if you can get it quick. Its an uphill battle though. I had high potassium last year and was unable to change tissue test results significantly with foliars. Its much better to get the soil right.

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